
时间:2023-07-14 15:44:58 浏览量:0

Plating thickness uniformity can become  increasingly difficult to control when migrating from  four inch to six inch wafers, especially when plating  through-wafer vias with non-cyanide gold bath solution.  The standard tooling provided on our four inch plating  equipment did not scale adequately for the larger wafer  size and still maintain good process control. The solution  implemented at Skyworks changes the plating solution  delivery to the wafer surface to provide better process  control and better plating uniformity. This process  qualification was part of a Six Sigma team effort to help  ensure timely project success.

When electroplating through-wafer vias (TWVs) on a  Semitool Equinox® plating tool, the negative terminal of the power supply is connected to the wafer to make it the cathode and the positive terminal is connected to a metal  disk parallel to the wafer to make it the anode. Gold plating  uniformity is determined by the electrical contact made at the wafer perimeter, the electrical field from the anode disk  parallel to the wafer, and the availability of gold ions when  the wafer and anode are submerged in the plating bath  solution. Our four inch wafer plating anode is attached at the  top of an anode post (See Fig 1a).

Before plating starts the wafer is lowered into the plating  solution, parallel to the anode, and it begins to rotate. When the plating current is initiated, gold ions are consumed from  the plating solution, and additional solution from a plating  tank is supplied through holes in the anode post under the  anode. As our 4” plating bath aged, the conducting salt  concentration increased and the center of the four inch wafer  did not plate fully at the bottom of the vias. At higher  conducting salt concentrations, the bath density increases and the larger, heavier gold ions cannot flow as freely into  the vias. Since the wafer rotates during plating, plating  solution is pulled away from the center due to centrifugal  force. By drilling a hole in the center of the anode and the  anode post more fresh plating solution is delivered to the  center of the wafer (see Fig 1b). This solution delayed the  onset of thinner plating in vias at the center of the wafer as  the bath aged and allowed us to extend our plating bath life. Our challenge was to find a way to maintain the plating  thickness uniformity as we increased our wafer size from  four inch wafers to six inch wafers.

In addition to plating chemistry and bath flow rate, the wafer-to-anode separation distance plays a very important  role in maintaining plating uniformity. If the wafer is too far  away from the anode, the electric field between the wafer  and anode is non-uniform and plating is thicker at the edge  of the wafer than the center. The sheet resistance profile  plots the inverse of the thickness as a convex pattern. As the  wafer is moved closer to the anode, this profile flattens. If  the wafer is moved too close to the anode the resistance  profile becomes concave due to thicker plating at the wafer  center and thinner plating at the edge. We use a four point  resistance measurement at 225 sites on a 6 inch test wafer.  The relatively large number of sites allows us to plot a three  dimensional resistance profile with sufficient resolution to  see small differences in anode designs. It is possible to use a  simple algorithm to optimize the backside plating  uniformity: a technician enters the plating head position, the  sheet resistance percent uniformity, and the resistance profile shape (concave or convex) and a spreadsheet  calculation provides the head adjustment required to  optimize the plating uniformity. Since the plating profile is  radial, the number of measurement sites can be reduced by measuring only along the diameter of the wafer.



Above a via opening during plating, gold metal ions are  transported into the via. As the gold ions are removed from  the plating solution they leave behind a thin volume of  plating solution with fewer gold ions next to the via wall.  New gold ions must be transported into this region and  diffuse through the boundary layer to allow plating to  continue. If the layer is thick, it takes time for new ions to  diffuse through this barrier and the plating rate will be  reduced. Since the wafer rotates the boundary layer is likely  to be thinned on the backside by the centrifugal force  causing solution flow. However with the conventional  anode, there is little to no agitation inside the vias to reduce this layer. The showerhead spray reduces the boundary layer  inside the vias by spraying plating solution with a high flow  rate perpendicular to the wafer surface several times a  second.

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