
时间:2024-01-18 10:53:41 浏览量:0

Abstract: Photolithography is the most complicated, accurate, expensive process in the manufacture of integrated  circuits. The lithography machine is one of the most critical equipment in photolithographic process, which is used to  duplicate the circuit construction onto the wafer. DUVL is the dominant photolithography technology at present for  technology node among 714nm, while EUVL has been applied in the manufacture of semiconductor devices for the  technology node beyond 7nm. The main components of EUVL are light source, objective lens system and countertop.  This paper will introduce the function, main components, exposure method, light source and the future development  of lithographic technology.

DUVL and EUVL are two main types of lithography  technology. DUVL includes the immersion type DUVL  and the dry type DUVL. The immersion DUVL uses ArF  as its light source, whose exposure wavelength is 134nm.  And its corresponding NA is 1.35. The most advanced  immersion DUVL can be used in 7nm technology mode  along with the innovation of lithographic methods. The  space between the lens and wafer is immersed in liquid.  The reflection index of liquid is larger than 1, so the actual  wavelength of laser will reduce significantly. Purified  water is most commonly used, with reflection index of  1.44. ASML produced TWINSCANNXT:2000i in 2018,  which is the latest generation of immersion DUVL. The  wavelength of its light source is 193nm, which improve its  resolution ratio to 38nm and reduce the line width to  7~5nm. It can be used to produce 300 mm wafer. Overlay  accuracy is the registration accuracy of patterns between  two lithographic process, which is based on Pauta  Criterion (3 σ criterion) and influences the yield of the  products The Overlay accuracy of TWINSCANNXT:  2000i is 1.9nm. It can produce 275 pieces of wafer per  hour. The dry type DUVL also uses ArF as its lights source,  which wavelength is limited to 193nm. And its NA is 0.93.  TWiNSCANNXT: 1460K is the latest generation of dry  DUVL, which is used in basic end of semiconductor  market in 65nm technology mode to produce 300 mm  wafer, with 205 WPH productivity.

The exposure tools of EUVL now have better  alignment accuracy, better optics, and 40–55 W EUV inband light at the IF position. The EUVL mask  significantly improved the defect level with an advanced  inspection tool. It is generally expected that volume  production will soon come despite several delays in its  adoption. Using EUV cuts down the expenses in scaling  for chipmakers and allows the semiconductor industry to  continue its pursuit of Moore’s Law. As the size of the  features to be printed varies depending on the layer,  different types of lithography technologies and tools will  be used for different layers. Nowadays, many  semiconductor foundries choose to combine EUV systems  and DUV systems in their manufacturing, along with  continuous advancements in both technologies. Generally,  the EUV systems are used to print the most intricate layers  on a chip, while the rest of the layers will be printed using  various DUV systems.

The wavelength of EUVL is only 13.5nm, and its NA  is 0.33. EUVL does not need multiple exposure, and it can  achieve elaborate patterns by only once exposure. EUVL  has obvious advantages in production period, complexity of optical proximity effect correction, process control and  yield. It can reduce lithographic steps in 5nm technology  mode. ASML produced TWINSCANNXT:3400B in 2015,  which combines high efficiency, high resolution ratio and  high overlay accuracy. It supports 7nm and 5nm  technology mode. Its productivity is larger than or equal  to 125 wafers per hour at a dose of 20mJ/cm2. And the  TWINSCAN NXE:3400C produced in 2019 is the  successor of the NXE:3400B, which productivity is larger  than or equal to 170 wafers per hour at a dose of 20mJ/cm2 .


Fig.1 The schematic diagram of ASML Twinscan

3. Exposure Method

In contact printing method, compact contact is achieved  between EUV mask and resist through vacuum control,  which will lead to pollution, abrasion, defect accumulation  and short lifetime of EUV mask. The exposure light source  is i-line or g-line.

In projection printing method, EUV systems use  optical system to guide the EUV light from EUV mask to  the wafer, usually shrinking the reticle pattern by a factor  of four. Projection printing method causes higher  resolution and reduces defect accumulation, but the  dimension of IC layout is subject to the dimension of light  source and optical lens imaging. Scanning projection  printing is proposed in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The  wafer remains static during projection and EUV system  moves the mask to achieve exposure in different area.  Stepping-repeating projection printing is proposed in the  late 1980s and early 1990s. With part of the pattern is  encoded in the incident light through a photomask, the  system’s optics focus the pattern onto a photosensitive  silicon wafer. After the pattern is printed, the system  moves the wafer slightly and makes another copy on the  wafer. This process is repeated until one layer of the wafer  is completed. To make an entire microchip, this process  will be repeated for hundreds of times, printing layers on  top of layers. Scanning-stepping projection printing  method is the current dominant exposure method. The  reticle makes scanning movements through a narrow slit  of light, exposing only a small part of the pattern at a time.  Meanwhile, the wafer makes stepping and scanning  movements in the opposite direction to capture the whole  pattern. The motion of the reticle and wafer must be  perfectly synchronized without causing a single vibration.  The reticle must move much farther and faster because the  reticle pattern is larger than the pattern on the wafer.

EUV systems use diffraction-based optical  measurement or e-beam inspection to examine the quality  of the printed features on a chip. Diffraction-based optical  measurement collects the scattered light with a highresolution digital camera to examine how light reflects  from the wafer, which can quickly determine how well the  prediction matches reality and thus how well the pattern  of lines has been printed. E-beam inspection observes how  electrons scatter when they come into contact with the  wafer, which is often applied to locate and analyze  individual chip defects. The feedback data and a complex  set of software algorithms help chipmakers to optimize  their manufacturing process.

4. The Development of Light Sources  

Original lithography used visible g-line (436nm) and  ultraviolet i-line (365nm) lights produced by mercury arc  lamps. Later, deep ultraviolet 248nm KrF and 193nm ArF  excimer lasers were used for better lithographic resolution.  Compared with 193nm wavelength, shorter wavelength  lithography, known as next-generation lithography (NGL), was proposed in the 1980s using 157nm wavelength. After  mid-1990s, DUVL became the most dominating  lithography technology in semiconductor industry. Since  proposed in 1998, EUVL has been intensively studied.  EUVL is expected to be the most promising lithography in  the 21th century because it can produce 13nm line/space  half-pitch resolution with approximately 3-4nm line width  roughness. The productivity of NXE:3400B is larger than  or equal to 125 wafers per hour at a dose of 20mJ/cm2 . The  output power at intermediate focus must be over 205 W.  Productivity and output power of EUVL both have much  room for improvement, so it is important to improve the  conversion efficiency of the energy of incident laser.  Conversion efficiency can be improved by optimizing  light source and adopting dual pulse scheme. The  wavelength, pulse width and change of beam focus of  laser-produced plasma (LPP) source all have an influence  on EUV-CE. CO2 laser emitting dissipation region is close  to EUV emitting region, which is helpful for laser to  transfer energy to plasma that emits EUV light. Using CO2  laser to fire target material also generates less fragment  and receives purer spectrum. In order to achieve the best  conversion efficiency, spot size of laser on target material  needs adjustment as well. Dual-pulse LPP source is a new  approach to generate EUV light which increases the  utilization ratio of impulse and EUV-CE. Molten tin  droplets of around 25 microns in diameter are ejected from  a generator at 70 meters per second. The fast-moving  droplets are first hit by a low-intensity Nd:YAG laser pulse  that flattens them into a pancake shape. Then a more  powerful CO2 laser pulse vaporizes the flattened droplet to  create a plasma that emits EUV light.[6] This process is  repeated for 50,000 times per second to generate enough  EUV light to manufacture microchips.

Resist advances in parallel with light source to matches  its change in wavelength and categories. It is a critical  challenge for EUVL resist to meet the requirements on  resolution, LWR, and sensitivity. EUVL uses chemically  amplified resist (CAR) due to the advantages of high  sensitivity and resolution.But its LWR is relatively high,  which becomes a significant issue. The power limit of the  EUV source necessitates a low exposure dose. Resist  resolution depends on pattern collapse. When the aspect  ratio is higher than “critical aspect ratio,” patterns will  begin to collapse. EUV absorption also emphasize the use  of thin resist. For these reasons, current EUV resists have  bilayer structure or sensitive layer combined with hard  mask.

5. Conclusion 

In this article, the main photolithographic technologies  and lithographic machines have been reviewed. The  exposure tools, light source, reticle, optics column,  immersion system, wafer stage, mechanical and  mechatronic system consists of a typical lithographic  machine. While the development of resist is highly  dependent on the development of light source. To increase  the source power and lifetime of EUV source and the  sensitivity of resist correspondingly is technologically  imported and critical. As EUV light will be absorbed by  most materials including EUV mask, to fabricate defectfree mask with complicated multilayer, capping layer,  buffer and absorber will be another critical challenge.  China has already produced a ArF lithography with 90nm  technology node, dual-stage machine system and also  announced a national specialized project to develop ‘highNA immersion optical system’. In conclusion, lithography  technologies, especially complex and sophisticated as  EUVL, have contributed and will continue to contributed  to the continuity of Moore’s Law.

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