
时间:2023-02-11 13:05:52 浏览量:0

The photovoltaic (PV) industry has been in a state of rapid growth for the last several years.leading to a production capacity that now exceeds 450 MW/yr. Even at this production rate, thesize of the PV industry is only starting to have an impact on electric power production. Thenumber of manufacturers continues to be quite small and is not likely to increase in the nearfuture. Concomitantly, the growth is primarily through increased production at the existingfacilities. Indeed, nearly all current manufacturers are expanding their production capacityThus, the current PV industry is facing a challenge of expansion and challenges to cope withgrowing pains.”As the c-Si PV industry expands further, new challenges will emerge.

Increasing the production capacity is accompanied by multiple issues - higher throughput, fasterprocessing, automation, implementation of cost-reduction approaches, and improving the processvields. Above all. these must be accompanied by the most important factor for cost reduction -increased efficiencies.

The c-Si PV industry has already embarked on several programs to reduce the PV energy costs These include:

·Automation/wafer transport

·New equipment development

·Process development

·Process monitoringUse of thinner wafers

·New cell designs

Although much of the work under these tasks is production-oriented engineering, a great deal ofbasic research must accompany them to develop appropriate solutions. For example, to handlewafer transport issues, a great deal of knowledge from the mechanisms of fracture. waferdamage, and wafer breakage mechanics is needed. Likewise, in the area of equipmentdevelopment, the details of the processing must be determined. Indeed, each of the activitiesisted above has a broad spectrum of fundamental research to draw upon. The demand for highefficiency has resulted in acceleration of the time-to-market R&D results. The crystalline siliconR&D community has an immediate-term relevance and accountability as never before.

The theme of this workshop was chosen to highlight some of the challenges the c-Si communitywill most likely face. Accordingly, this workshop includes traditional sessions such as CrystalGrowth, lmpurities, Defects, and Gettering, along with sessions to specifically highlight theseissues. These include:

·High-Efficiency Solar Cell Processing

·Advanced Processing Automation/EquipmentWhat Will the Processing of Si Solar Cells Look Like in the Future?

·Commercial issues.

As usual, the workshop places a great deal of emphasis on the discussion and opinions of expertsin the audience. For the first time, this workshop will include a rump session. This year's rumpsession will discuss R&D challenges in Si-pV. As expected, increase in production andreducing the cost of PY will require a well-concerted effort on commercial as well as laboratoryfronts. Therefore, it is important to address both the near-term and the long-term R&D issuesthat can be supported by academic institutions through the DOE/NREL program.

This workshop is made possible by the devoted efforts and active participation of all attendeesspeakers, discussion leaders, audience, workshop planners, and support from NREL/DOE. Theformat is rather heavy on discussion, allowing time to exchange the kind of information that isdifficult to share in any other format, The poster sessions provide the latest research results.which at times may be only a few hours old. Participation of students is imortant, and the pyindustry helps provide Graduate Student Awards. Together, we can help a smooth sailing as theSi-PV advances.

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