
时间:2023-05-15 09:33:18 浏览量:0

A novel approach is presented for introducing a surface morphology with beneficial light  scattering properties to sputter-deposited ZnO:Al films, which are used as front contact in Si  thin film photovoltaic devices. Electrochemical anodization was used to trigger local  dissolution, leading to interfacial structures complementary to those commonly prepared by  an etching step in diluted HCl. By systematic variation of electrochemical etching conditions  and electrolytes, the essential experimental parameters for designing the ZnO film surface  were evaluated. The prepared films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy,  four-point resistance and Hall measurements. Furthermore, electrochemical and chemical  etching steps were combined to generate a diversity of different surface morphologies. The  application of such films in microcrystalline Si single junction solar cells has shown  promising initial results.  

Silicon thin film solar cells require a highly transparent front contact with low series  resistance. The most commonly applied transparent conductive oxide (TCO) materials for thin  film solar cells are SnO2:In, SnO2:F, ZnO:Al, and ZnO:B,1  and the optimization of these TCO  films has proven to be crucial for high cell efficiency.2  In superstrate configuration, the interface between the TCO and Si must provide a certain roughness for light scattering as to trap  the light in the solar cell by total internal reflection within the absorber layer. For sputterdeposited ZnO:Al, this roughness is usually achieved in a chemical etching step with diluted  HCl, resulting in the 'standard Jülich' material with a favorable surface morphology for light  trapping issues.3  We have recently shown that diluted HF and mixtures of HF and HCl can be  utilized to structure the ZnO film surface more selectively, which leads to a superior solar cell  performance.4-6 For less compact ZnO films deposited at lower substrate temperatures, mild  etching agents such as NH4Cl have to be utilized to achieve sufficient roughnesses.7,8 Even  though the chemical etching of single crystalline ZnO has been thoroughly investigated in the  1960s9,10 on the basis of a dangling bond model,11 a significant complexity arises from the  polycrystalline nature of sputter-deposited ZnO:Al thin films. Since the etch rate is strongly  dependent on the crystalline orientation,10 an inhomogeneous etching occurs on structurally  heterogeneous substrates leading to complex topographies as the material corrosion proceeds.  This fundamental complexity requires a constant optimization of etching conditions according  to the substrate material and therefore accounts for the ongoing efforts invested in this field.

Alternatively, electrochemical processes can be utilized to deposit or modify TCO  materials for solar cell applications. The electrochemical deposition of TCO films has been  applied for instance in the field of organic photovoltaics12 or the generation of template-based  porous structures13-15 – with the mechanistical fundamentals being well understood.16-19 The beneficial effect of cathodically deposited back contact ZnO for the light trapping properties  of Si thin film solar cells has been demonstrated20 as well as the electrochemical deposition of  complete CuInSe2 thin film solar cells.

In this paper, a new approach is presented for introducing a unique surface morphology  to sputter-deposited ZnO:Al films. Electrochemical anodization is used to trigger local  dissolution of the material, leading to interfacial structures complementary to those of the  standard Jülich ZnO prepared by simple chemical etching. The fundamental differences  between chemical and electrochemical etching processes outlined in a recent work22 therefore  allow for the introduction of novel surface structures. Unique morphologies with beneficial  light scattering properties are prepared by combination of electrochemical and chemical  etching steps and investigated in terms of their utilizability for microcrystalline Si (µc-Si:H)  single junction solar cells.  

ZnO:Al thin film deposition. Approximately 800 nm thick, polycrystalline ZnO:Al  films were deposited on a cleaned (1010) cm2  glass substrate (Corning Eagle XG) using  radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering in a vertical in-line system (VISS 300, VON  ARDENNE Anlagentechnik GmbH, Dresden, Germany) from a ceramic target consisting of  ZnO with 1 w/w% Al2O3 (Cerac Inc., Milwaukee, WI, USA). The deposition was carried out  at a substrate temperature of 300°C, a discharge power density of 2 W cm-2, and an Ar  pressure of 0.1 Pa. Details about the process have been published elsewhere.


Independent of the corrosion mechanism, the anodic ZnO dissolution leads to a surface  morphology where the grain boundaries deepen in the course of the experiment (Fig. 2).  Obviously, both possible interfacial reactions (Eqs. 1 and 2) are distinctly limited to the grain  boundaries of the polycrystalline material with a stunning degree of selectivity, and do not  attack the ZnO grains. In case of RF-sputtered ZnO films, the crystallites preferentially grow  toward the [0001] direction, which means that the grains are highly c-axis oriented after the  deposition.35 This has also been observed for the ZnO films used in this study.36 Hence, the  dissolution rate of the c-axis oriented grains under anodic polarization seems to be negligibly  low, especially when compared to the dissolution rate at the grain boundaries. Surface  profilometric measurements support that observation, as no integral thickness changes are  observed after the electrochemical treatment. Thus, the resulting structure differs remarkably  from the crater-like structures of the standard Jülich ZnO, which is etched in diluted HCl  only.3,4 Even though the grain boundaries are also the origin of crater growth when etching  with HCl, in particular the triple points of grain boundaries,37 the c-axis grains are always  etched as well in this case. In contrast to electrochemical etching, the chemical etching is  dominated by the diffusion of protons towards the surface.22 Consequently the resulting  craters can extend even over several grains.

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