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The study of an innovative fluoropolymer masking layer for silicon anodization is proposed. Due to its high chemical res...
We report on the development of coatings for a charged-coupled device (CCD) detector optimized for use in a fixed disper...
用于高频微加工超声换能器的硅衬底上 PMN-PT 单晶厚膜
In this work, a novel high-frequency ultrasonic transducer structure is realized by using PMNPT-onsilicon technology and...
Thin 50-µm silicon wafers are used to improve heat dissipation of chips with high power densities. However, mechanical ...
Wet-etching with an organic alkaline solution was monitored in situ in semi-real time by optical reflflection spectrosco...
表面体微加工 (SBM) 工艺:一种在单晶硅中制造释放的MEMS 的新方法
This paper presents the surface/bulk micromachining (SBM) process to allow fabricating released microelectromechanical s...
一种新型的硅通孔 (TSV) 制造方法
The Through Silicon Via (TSV) is expected to be the future of 3-D chip stacking technology for electronic devices. The ...
招标项目名称:中国科学院微电子研究所深硅刻蚀系统采购项目招标产品列表(主要设备):深硅刻蚀系统1套招标文件领购开始时间:2023-10-17招标文件领购结束时间:2023-10-24开标时间:2023-11-08 14:00招标人:中国科学...
This paper presents an experimental study of the aging of contaminated testwafers prepared for particle removal (cleanin...
H2SO4 溶液织构的晶体硅片的红外光吸收增强
In recent years, the formation of microstructures on silicon wafer has gainedpopularity as a concept for increasing phot...