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Abstract: Silicon carbide (SiC) is emerging rapidly in novel photonic applications thanks to its unique photonic propert...
ABSTRACTThe development of silicon devices, circuits, and systems in most cases relies on the wet-chemical etching of s...
集成硅光子 MEMS
Abstract Silicon photonics has emerged as a mature technology that is expected to play a key role in critical emerging a...
Abstract This thesis presents the research on the high solid silicon microneedles fabrication based on KOH anisotropic ...
Abstract Efficient and inexpensive photovoltaic systems are necessary to meet the increasing global electricity demand....
ABSTRACT Charging rate of present lithium-ion batteries is needed to be fast for energy storage of electric vehicles. L...
1. Si2p and F1s XPS spectra of Si3.4N4 before and after etching in HF and NH4FFigure S1. XPS spectra of the (A) Si2p reg...
AbstractThis paper considers the nature and value of the information contained in the distribution of good circuits acr...
ABSTRACT We review what can be said on wet chemical etching of single crystals from the viewpoint of the science of c...
A comprehensive review of dynamics of etching and its various applications in silicon wafer processing is accomplished, ...