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铟锡氧化物氧化锡掺杂的In2O3 ITO由于其在可见光范围内的低电阻率和高透射率,已经在学术和商业上被普遍用作有机发光二极管和柔性有机发光二极管的阳极材料.为了获得高质量的ITO阳极层,有必要在射频射频溅射过程中将玻璃衬底温度提高到300–...
使用无掩模湿法蚀刻LED的纳米图案双层 ITO 电极
Abstract: We propose a dual-layer transparent Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) top electrode scheme and demonstrate the enhanceme...
We have investigated thin fifilm of Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) deposited on glass substrates by thermal annealing and by H3P...
ITO 基板的热处理和化学处理以提高OLED性能
We have investigated thin film of Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) deposited on glass substrates by thermal annealing and by H3PO4...
ITO 薄膜温度优化对太阳能电池效率的影响
Abstract: This study examined the impact of temperature optimization on indium tin oxide (ITO) films in monolithic HJT/p...
ABSTRACT The effect of natural electrode contamination on interfacial energetic, structure and morphology of 𝜋- conjugat...