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Abstract: A big yield drop has been observed during the automatic inspection (AOI) after the saw stage. A step by step A...
INTRODUCTIONThe need of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) for wafer drying hasbeen increasing in the semiconductor industry, becau...
KOH etching is widely used in connection with micromachining of microelectromechanical systems ~ MEMS! . As an example, ...
1. Introduction ZnO as II-VI semiconductor material with wide band gap energy of 3.34 eV and large exciton binding ener...
Cu CMP后清洗中添加剂对颗粒粘附和去除的影响
Cu has been widely accepted as an interconnection material in deep submicrometer multilevel device applications because ...
Abstract. The ultra-high heat flflux cooling characteristics and impingement behavior of cryogenic micro-solid nitrogen ...
COMPLETE elimination of all possible impurities from semiconductor processing environments is very important for realiz...
ABSTRACT. Numerical analysis was performed to characterize the particle deposition behavior on a horizontal freestanding...
Conventional manufacturing process of a metal– oxide–semiconductor (MOS) involves various steps such as etching, deposi...
Laser removal of small 1 mm sized copper, gold and tungsten particles from silicon wafer surfaces was carried out using ...