
时间:2023-07-05 08:28:49 浏览量:0

In order to keep pace with CMOS scaling trends, alternative gate oxide materials, with a high  dielectric constant, were proposed. To have a low interface trap density, good mobility, and  good Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) growth characteristics, the presence of an interfacial  oxide layer is still prerequisite. Hydroxyl groups are the key players for the initiation of the ALD  reaction.

From all the different methods to render a surface hydroxyl covered, a wet chemical oxide surface  seems to be the perfect candidate, from a growth perspective. Deposition on a wet chemical oxide  underlayer shows almost no barrier to film nucleation, enables linear and predictable growth at  constant film density. Of course the interfacial oxide contributes to the EOT, therefore the  thickness should be minimized. Ideally the silicon surface would be completely covered by  hydroxyl groups, without having an underlying oxide. This combines the highest surface hydroxyl  density with the lowest oxygen content. Clearly, scaling down the thickness of wet chemical oxides  is necessary. The thickness of an ozone based wet chemical oxide can be tuned by controlling dip  time, ozone concentration, temperature, … The next sections summarize the development of a  concept to an industry ready process.

P type monitor wafers were used, which received an imec®-clean and a 30 second 2% HF dip. The  resulting hydrophobic and oxide free, hydrogen terminated Silicon wafer is then subjected to the  various wet chemical ozone treatments at 20ºC and without pH adjustment unless otherwise  specified. The resulting oxide thickness is subsequently measured on a Plasmos SD2000 @ 633 nm  or an ASET F5 from KLA-Tencor, both tools making use of the ellipsometry technique. Ozone was  generated using a Sorbios SEMOZON 90.2HP ozone generator, at a flow of 2 l/min, except for the  experiments as described in the flow through mode, where a MKS LIQUOZON® Single system is  used. Ozone concentration was monitored using an electrochemical ozone cell from Orbisphere  Model 31330.15, or the UV based ozone sensor delivered with the LIQUOZON® tool.

Static mode experiments are done by bringing ozone in a DI-water filled beaker through a quartz  frit. Ozone flow is stopped during the dip of the wafers. Figure 1 shows that varying the time is not  a good approach, because the initial oxidation rate is very fast making time control rather tedious.  Lowering the ozone concentration, however, is clearly yielding thinner oxides, which proves the  concept that the thickness of the wet chemical ozone oxide can be scaled down. Unfortunately, the  resulting oxide, as measured by ellipsometry, shows a non-uniformity in thickness of more than  20%, the main part of this non-uniformity being a vertical gradient. A lower oxide thickness is  observed at the top of the wafer. This is inherent to the set-up, because during the dip, ozone  outgasses at the liquid air interface. In addition ozone concentration is reducing during the dip  because the supply is stopped. This non-uniformity does not show up in the data of Figure 1,  because oxide thickness was measured using the molybdenum blue method , which yields a  wafer surface averaged oxide thickness.



Water is re-circulated over a process tank in which a diffuser is bubbling  ozone. During the dip, ozone supply is shut down. Static boundary layer thickness is reduced by the  continuous flow, hence facilitating the ozone transport to the wafer surface. Figure 2 (solid markers  and lines) shows the influence of ozone concentration and dip-time on the final oxide thickness.  Oxide thickness increases with dip-time, but unfortunately non-uniformity does as well. A higher  ozone concentration, 3 ppm instead of 1 ppm, yields a higher oxide thickness without a nonuniformity increase. Therefore it is better to control the ozone concentration to scale the oxide  thickness, while keeping the dip-time short.

Upon cooling down the O3/DIW, reaction rate goes  down as well as diffusion of reactants through the boundary layer. This makes the process less time  critical. Figure 3 shows that, indeed, the slope of the oxide thickness versus dip-time curve is  lowered, which is due to a reduced oxidation rate. Uniformity stays quite constant over the  examined time window, which can be explained by a reduced O3 decay at lower temperature.

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