
时间:2023-07-11 08:55:09 浏览量:0

The energy produced by solar photovoltaic (SPV)  modules is directly connected with the solar accessible  irradiance, spectral content, different variables like  environmental and climatic components. Dust and  bird droppings are considered as the real challenges  for SPV performance. This article covers dust-related  challenges and advanced improvements made on the  automated cleaning system, by providing a brief  framework on strategies such as mechanical, electrical, chemical and electrostatic. The environmental impact of cleaning processes has also been evaluated,  which is directly related to the ultimate performance  of overall conversion.  

Utilization and conversion of solar energy is a complex  photochemical process, requiring optimization of several  parameters for an acceptable level of efficiency, where  the process is directly controlled by surface characteristics and its cleaning. Solar photovoltaic (SPV) cleaning  and prevention from dust are two main aspects of maintenance required for enhanced and longer yield. Other  parameters such as increase in temperature, overheating and physical hindrance of sunlight may cause its scattering from the SPV surface resulting in low absorption.

Although cleaning of solar panel has been a defining  challenge for researchers mainly for balancing the cost  with performance and durability, continuous efforts in  this direction seem to be a positive step towards enhancing the efficiency of the devices. Dust is a fine, dry  powder comprising miniature units of earth or waste  material6 . Dust settlement for the most part depends on  numerous components like compound properties, size,  weight, shape, site, tilt point surface completion, stickiness, wind speed, etc.7–11. Dust exposure affects many  parameters of SPV; so several attempts have been made  to address this issue (Tables 1 and 2). However, there are  a variety of approaches for cleaning depending on weather or on power generation capacity (Tables 3 and 4).

There are several challenges and benefits related to the  cleaning techniques. All the techniques are mainly  focused on reducing the adhesion bond between dust  particles and the panel by controlling electrostatic repulsion (ER)12–18. This strategy is aimed at incorporating  materials or system designs that use non-contact, continuous techniques which require little or no labour for  cleaning. 

This is mainly directed at SPV cleaning in space application. Apart from the traditional/conventional cleaning  techniques, special ones are required for space related  conditions. The process should be non-contact type,  which reduces manpower. As the space environment  (explored so far) is dry or non-humid, and since the dust  particles are ionized due to lack of atmosphere around  them, suitable techniques were applied earlier.  An electrostatic biasing film consists of rows of transparent, conducting, parallel electrodes sandwiched between  two transparent dielectric layers. This film is integrated  with SPV module on its optical surface to maintain  high transmission efficiency without the need for water.  To remove dust particles deposited on an electrostatic  biasing film surface, the electrodes are activated by  applying low-frequency, high-voltage pulses. The dust  particles are then electrostatically charged and removed by Coulomb force. Electric field distribution and  dust particles charge acquired during removal play an  important role during the cleaning process and evaluation  of electrostatic performance.  



Multiphase electric curtain: Similar to the standing  wave, to generate travelling nature of the wave at a direction normal to the electrode axes, three-phase supply including phase shifts of 2π/3 and 4π/3 has been provided  to electrodes (non-uniform electric field distribution).  Two types of force components act over the charged particles, which include an outward component along  Oz (normal to the plain of the curtain) and a component  along Ox (parallel to the plain of the curtain and normal to  the axis of the electrodes). The resulting force (called  dielectrophoretic (DEP) force) is relative to the  particle charge, field, field gradient and frequency and  help for lift to the charged particle to sweep of the field  (Figure 2). Above mentioned technique of multiphase  electric curtain is been used by Masuda et al.24 developed  a layer of electric curtain which prevents the charged particles from reaching the SPV surface, and further lifting  and transporting the charged particles.

Solar panel cleaning robot is a two-body structure for  SPV module cleaning. It comprises a mobile robot  which carries the cleaning payload and cleaning head,  which actually does the cleaning work. The cleaning head  undergoes horizontal motion with the help of motorized  trolleys at the edges of panels, while the belt-driven system attached directly with the cleaning head undergoes  vertical motion. Cleaning head comprises rotating antiscratch cylindrical brushes to scrub the SPV surface and a  scraper to remove the dirt solution (Figure 3). 

Washing of SPV panels is traditionally known for effective cleaning using centralized cleaning facilities. For  optimizing the performance, it is better to clean the  panels early in the morning and using pressure-induced  demineralized water. As the SPV surface is wet due  to dew, it can be rinsed easily. Meanwhile, when SPV  panel temperature becomes high (mid-noon), it requires  more water and human effort to get the desired result.

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