
时间:2023-07-12 09:46:30 浏览量:0

This paper reports on a set of experiments to  determine what efficiency gain can be achieved by using  AR coated glass and to evaluate the weatherability of the  coatings. AR coated glass from three different vendors  was evaluated by building and testing full size modules.  Only one of the three vendors’ glass produced consistent  increases in STC efficiency on the order of 2.4 to 3%. All  of the three types of coated glass successfully passed the  accelerated stress tests from IEC 61215. Modules  made with the glass that consistently produced STC  efficiency gains were then deployed outdoors for extended  time periods in order to measure the energy production. Preliminary results indicate that the energy production  difference between the AR coated glass and the standard  low iron glass is in excess of the gain measured at STC.

It is well known that use of an anti-reflective coating  on the outer glass surface can increase the coupling of  light into a PV module and therefore increase its  conversion efficiency. While AR coated glass has been  available for years, in the past these coatings were unable  to survive long term exposure outdoors. Recent advances  in glass coating technology have improved the ability of  the coatings to survive the outdoor environment. AR  coated glass was obtained from three different vendors.Each material was evaluated for encapsulation gain and  subjected to accelerated environmental tests. One of the  three materials produced consistent efficiency gains. This  material was then subjected to more rigorous testing to  define the expected performance under standard test  conditions (1000 W/m2 , AM1.5 spectrum, 25° C) and to  determine the expected energy gain from outdoor use of  this material.

Flash test results taken under Standard Test  Conditions (1000 W/m2 , AM1.5G spectrum, 25° C) for the  modules made using the Vendor #1 AR coated glass are  shown in Table 1. The screen print multicrystalline silicon  data is from ten test modules and ten controls from the  BP3160 family. The Laser Grooved Buried Contact  (LGBC) mono-Si data is taken from six test modules and  six controls from the BP7180 family. The screen print  mono-Si data is taken from three test modules and is  compared to production data on a large number of  modules from the BP4175 family. This glass produced a  significant increase in power (2.5 to 3%) driven by higher  short circuit current (2 to 2.6%) as expected for AR coated  glass.

Glass from the other two vendors did not result in  measurable gains above our standard glass. In both cases  their un-AR coated glass produced less power than our  standard glass. So while their AR coated glass resulted in  increased output over their non-AR coated glass, it did not  provide an advantage over our standard glass.



Since the AR coating improves the optical coupling of  light into the module, it is the current that should be higher  for the modules made with AR coated glass. Figure 3 is a  plot of the normalized current, IDN as a function of time for  2 modules with AR coated glass and a control module under outdoor test in Homebush, Australia for more than a  year. In all cases the AR coated modules produce 4 to 6%  more current than the control module. These results  indicate that the coatings were stable over the time frame  of the test.

Analysis of the data from Australia and Germany  indicates that in all cases the energy gain due to the AR  coated glass is greater than the increase in STC power as  measured in a simulator. The increase in energy is  typically 4 to 6% (depending upon the time frame and  location) versus the measured STC power gain of 2.5 to  3.0% that was shown in Table 1. However, because of the  small sample size it is impossible from this data to predict  with any accuracy how much additional energy will be  produced when these modules are used under varying  weather conditions around the world.

The pilot run included 231 AR coated glass modules and  231 control modules made with standard low iron glass.  The modules were processed alternately (one AR and  then one standard) in order to eliminate variability in the  results.

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