超薄DVS-BCB 将 III-V晶圆、裸片和多个裸片粘合到图案化的绝缘体上硅衬底

时间:2023-08-02 10:09:55 浏览量:0

Heterogeneous integration of III-V semiconductor materials on a  silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform has recently emerged as one of the most  promising methods for the fabrication of active photonic devices in silicon  photonics. For this integration, it is essential to have a reliable and robust  bonding procedure, which also provides a uniform and ultra-thin bonding  layer for an effective optical coupling between III-V active layers and SOI  waveguides. A new process for bonding of III-V dies to processed siliconon-insulator waveguide circuits using divinylsiloxane-bis-benzocyclobutene  (DVS-BCB) was developed using a commercial wafer bonder. This “cold  bonding” method significantly simplifies the bonding preparation for  machine-based bonding both for die and wafer-scale bonding. High-quality  bonding, with ultra-thin bonding layers (<50 nm) is demonstrated, which is  suitable for the fabrication of heterogeneously integrated photonic devices,  specifically hybrid III-V/Si lasers.

SOI is an emerging platform for photonic integrated circuits; it offers the potential of realizing  low-cost and compact optical circuits. Moreover, standard complementary metal oxide  semiconductor (CMOS) processing infrastructure can be used to process these optical  components. This allows high-yield fabrication and a reduction of the component cost  through economies of scale. However, the fabrication of efficient light sources in silicon  photonics is challenging due to silicon’s indirect bandgap. Because of this indirect bandgap,  the probability for an excited electron-hole pair to recombine and emit a photon is strongly  reduced as a result of the much higher non-radiative recombination rate. Advances are being  made to achieve light emission from silicon, either by modifying the silicon on a nanoscale or  by exploiting its nonlinear optical properties. However, those devices are not good enough  for use in high-performance sensing and communication systems. In order to create photonic  integrated circuits comprising both opto-electronic and passive optical components, the  heterogeneous integration of passive silicon-on-insulator waveguide circuits and active  InP/InGaAsP components has been proposed, for applications in the telecommunication  wavelength range.

While there are various methods to transfer an InP/InGaAsP epitaxial layer structure onto  an SOI waveguide wafer (molecular bonding, adhesive bonding, anodic bonding, metallic  bonding), adhesive bonding offers some significant advantages over the other bonding  methods. The relaxed requirements on surface cleanliness, contamination and surface  roughness combined with the planarizing action of the adhesive spin coating process, offer a  significant reduction in surface preparation. Moreover, the integration process is a lowtemperature process, reducing the stress in the bonded stack due to the difference in thermal  expansion coefficients between silicon and III-V semiconductor.

In this paper, we describe a new adhesive wafer bonding process scheme that involves  partial curing of the DVS-BCB prior to bonding and attaching the III-V substrate at room  temperature prior to curing in a vacuum atmosphere. This “cold bonding” method  significantly simplifies the bonding preparation for machine-based bonding, both for die and  wafer-scale bonding. This approach shows high yield for ultra-thin bonding thicknesses below  50 nm, as well as a good uniformity of the DVS-BCB layer thickness after wafer bonding  over the full wafer area. This process was applied to achieve ultra-thin DVS-BCB bonding  layers for the fabrication of several photonic devices, such as III-V/SOI lasers.



Several bonding experiments were performed to evaluate the bonding quality and the DVSBCB thickness uniformity after wafer bonding. The experimental results are discussed in the  following sections. Wafer-to-wafer, die-to-wafer and multiple die-to-wafer bonding are  reported.

The bonding quality was first assessed by bonding 2 inch InP wafers to 4 inch Pyrex glass  wafers (with a thermal expansion coefficient similar to that of silicon). In this way, the  bonding interface can be inspected through the Pyrex substrate using a standard microscope  with a polarization filter. The InP wafer was etched away after bonding using a selective wet  etching solution (HCl) to measure the thickness and uniformity of the DVS-BCB bonding  layer. The results of 5 wafer bonding experiments are summarized in Table 1, showing a good  uniformity over the wafer (the bonding layer thickness was measured in 18 points all over the  wafer area using a profilometer) and a good reproducibility of the nominal bonding layer  thickness, even when there is a variation in applied pressure. A DVS-BCB:mesitylene dilution  of 1:8 (v/v) was used in the experiment; spin coated at 3000 rpm, this results in a 35 nm DVSBCB bonding layer thickness. Even with such thin bonding layers, the bonded area is above  99%. The non-bonded parts are due to the presence of particles at the bonding interface. This  is related to the fact that bulk InP wafers were used without a sacrificial InP/InGaAs layer pair  to remove particle contamination from the surface.

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