化学清洗程序和热氧化工艺对硅表面突变台阶上 MOS 栅极氧化物均匀性的影响

时间:2024-01-10 10:10:19 浏览量:0

Abstract—This work analyzes the influence of some chemical steps used in standard cleaning recipes on the  surface micro-roughness of silicon wafers. The effect of  varying the ammonium hydroxide concentration in the  NH4OH: H2O2:H2O solution was studied and silicon wafer  micro-roughness was characterized by atomic force  microscopy technique at different scans of 1µmx1µm.  Based on the results, it was possible to point the condition  to obtain low surface micro-roughness for NH4OH-based  solutions with the lowest NH4OH content before the  growth of gate oxides. Following, it silicon-oxide thin films were grown onto periodic rectangular shapes, 100 nm in  height, obtained by localized plasma etching on silicon  wafer surfaces. Silicon oxides (SiO2), about 4.5 nm thick,  were grown in ultrapure dry-O2 or pyrogenic (O2 + H2) environments in order to compare the planar uniformity  and the grade of coverage at the step edges of rectangular shapes defined onto silicon surfaces. Pyrogenic and conventional oxidation at 850 oC allowed one to obtain gate oxides on 100 nm-stepped silicon surfaces with high dielectric breakdown field (>10 MV/cm), good planar uniformity and conformal coverage at the step edges. The impact of this result is now the feasibility of fabricating good-quality gate oxides for surrounding gate transistors (SGT’s) and texturized MOS solar cells.


The search for the increase of the device integration in  integrated circuits is characterized by a marked reduction in  the vertical and horizontal dimensions. This reduction in  the dimensions of the devices is accompanied by an improvement of their performance for surrounding gate  transistors. Also, the reduction of the gate oxide thickness  has become an important technological issue related to MOS  solar cells.

Literature reports that less rough Si/SiO2 interfaces leads to lower leakage currents through the gate oxide layer, lower concentrations of traps at the Si-SiO2 interface and higher  dielectric breakdown fields. Thus, in order to maintain or  even increase the quality of the oxides, despite the reduction in  thickness, greater care and greater control of the obtaining  process is necessary. Parameters such as temperature, metallic  contamination on the wafer surfaces or in the cleaning  solutions, immersion speed of the wafers in the solutions and  the hydrophilic or hydrophobic characteristic of the wafers, all  affect the surface roughness before the gate oxidation. A  parameter to be highlighted is the amount of NH4OH in the  SC1 solution (Standard Cleaning 1). The smaller the amount  of NH4OH, the longer the time required for the removal of  particles. However, the NH4OH/H2O2/H2O solution in the  proportion of 0.2/1/5, after 10 minutes, shows the same  efficiency in the removal of particles as in the proportion of  1/1/5, while the reduction in the concentration of NH4OH  is followed by a reduction in the surface roughness of silicon  wafers.


First, it was analyzed the solution that constitutes the first  part of the known RCA cleaning which in turn is known  as standard cleaning number 1 (SC1 - Standard Cleaning 1).  Below, the description of four variations of the SC1 with four  concentrations of NH4OH and two temperatures (71oC and  84oC) are presented. 

For all tests, 3-inch p-type wafers were used, doped with  boron, orientation <100>, resistivity in the range of 1 to  10Ωcm and thickness of 381±5µm. These wafers were cleaved  into four equal parts and each of these parts was assigned to  each of the solutions described. The different solutions were  heated to reach different temperatures (71o and 84oC) and the  pieces of wafers were individually immersed for 15 min. in  these solutions. To obtain better temperature control and  minimize a possible imbalance caused by preferential  evaporation of a certain component (H2O2 or NH4OH), a glass  lid was used over the beaker with a hole through which a  thermometer was placed to control the temperature. After  immersion in the different solutions, the samples were rinsed  in DI water for 5 min., followed by drying in a ultrapure  nitrogen jet. The time interval between the end of the sample  preparation and the atomic force microscope (AFM) analysis  was approximately 12 hours. During this time interval, the  samples were placed in a properly cleaned glass sample box,  which in turn were kept in a clean room environment until the AFM analysis. Then, using AFM, the surface roughness  values were obtained. For the atomic force microscopy  analysis, the equipment “Atomic Force Microscopy – Nanoscope E Digital, Inc.” was used.

In the moment that preceded the AFM measurement, the  samples were then cleaved into pieces of approximately 1 cm x 1cm to be positioned on the sample holder of the  Nanoscope. Then 1 µm x 1µm scans were measured using a  standard silicon nitride tip, also from Digital. The interaction  force observed between the sample and the surface was  approximately 50nN. The 4 samples that underwent to the  different cleaning solutions based on NH4OH were dipped in 40H2O : 1HF for 30 s, followed by a rinse in DI water for 60  seconds to remove the native oxide. Then, these samples were analyzed by atomic force microscopy in the same way already  described.

Following, gate oxides were grown on flat and with vertical  steps (trenches). The depth of the steps was set at 100 nm,  which is about an order of magnitude greater than the  thickness of the oxide to be grown. Figure 1 schematically  illustrates the MOS capacitor on an irregular surface formed  by trenches with height h = 100 nm on which gate silicon  oxide was grown. The fabrication process of MOS capacitors was based on the previous analysis of the cleaning procedures  using the baths 1, 2, 3 and 4 and a complete recipe for  chemical cleaning will be proposed as a modification of a  standard RCA cleaning for the gate pre-oxidation process,  which will be presented in the Results and Discussion.


Fig. 1 - Schematic representation of the MOS capacitor with an area of 300  μm x 300 μm manufactured on an irregular surface composed of trenches with  height h = 100 nm and width W = 30 μm.


Tables II and III show the surface roughness results RMS  (RRMS), mean (Ra) and valley-peak (Rv-p max), obtained for the  samples that were underwent to the different solutions SC1 at  different temperatures for scanning 1µm x 1µm.





Figure 2 shows 3D images of the reference sample (asreceived wafers without any treatment (REF+) and of the  sample processed in 4H2O:1H2O2:0.25NH4OH at 71oC during  15 min followed by dip in 1HF:40H2O during 30s for a scan  area of 1 μmx 1μm. It is important to point out that the  removal of the native oxide after immersion in  4H2O:1H2O2:0.25NH4OH at 71oC for 15 min means low  roughness parameters (RRMS, Ra and Rv-p max) in the Table IV with the lowest content of NH4OH.


Fig. 2 - 3D images obtained by AFM in 1 μm x 1 μm areas for : (a) asreceived wafer (no treatment), (b) sample processed in  4H2O:1H2O2:0.25NH4OH at 71oC for 15 min followed by dip in 1HF:40H2O  during 30s.

Figure 3 shows the RMS roughness for the different  samples (as-received, and the samples that underwent to  the baths 1, 2, 3 and 4 indicated in Tables II, III, IV and  V) and the two bath temperatures used. Figure 4  corresponds to the same samples processed after  immersion in dilute HF solution. In addition to the  substantial reduction in surface micro-roughness after  the native oxide removal, lower micro-roughness is  observed at 71oC for samples that did not undergo the  dip in HF diluted solution, possibly due to surface  oxidation with a greater degree of unevenness promoted  by the OH species at lower temperatures.


Fig. 3 - RMS roughness obtained by AFM for samples 1, 2, 3 and 4 and  reference as indicated in Tables II and III.


Fig. 4 - RMS roughness obtained by AFM for samples 1, 2, 3 and 4 and  reference as indicated in Tables II and III.


Thin films of silicon oxide were grown on surfaces of  silicon wafers containing periodic rectangular shapes with 100  nm in height. Silicon oxides (SiO2) about 4.5 nm thick were  grown in ultrapure oxygen (O2) or pyrogenic (O2 + H2)  environments. It was shown that pyrogenic or conventional  oxidation at a temperature of 850oC allows obtaining gate  oxides on steps with a high breakdown field (>10 MV/cm),  good planar uniformity and good coverage at the edges of the  steps.

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