SiC MOSFET 器件的扩展缺陷与电产率的相关性

时间:2024-01-18 17:01:59 浏览量:0


The quality of the silicon carbide (SiC) epitaxial layer, i.e., layer homogeneities and  extended defect densities, is of highest importance for high power 4H-SiC trench metal-oxidesemiconductor field effect transistors (Trench-MOSFET) devices. Especially, yield for devices with  a large chip area is severely impacted by extended defects. Previously, devices had to be fully  manufactured to effectively gauge the impact of a reduction in extended defect densities in the  epitaxial layers on device yield. The production of devices such as Trench-MOSFETs is an extensive  procedure. Therefore, a correlation between extended defects in the epitaxial layer and electrical  device failure would allow to reliably estimate the impact of process changes during epitaxial layer  deposition on electrical device yield.

For this reason, n-type epitaxial layers were grown on around 1,000 commercially available  150 mm 4H-SiC Si-face substrates, which received a chemical wet cleaning prior to the epitaxy deposition. Substrates with lowest micro-pipe density from two different suppliers were used. The  wafers were characterized with the corresponding device layout for defects utilizing surface  microscopy as well as ultraviolet photoluminescence techniques. Subsequently, these wafers were  used to produce more than 500,000 Trench-MOSFET devices. All devices have been tested on wafer  level for their initial electrical integrity.


Silicon carbide (SiC), especially the 4H poly-type, possesses superior physical, electrical and  thermal properties compared to silicon. These properties result in an increasing commercial interest  of SiC as a material for high-power and high-voltage semiconductor devices. Thus, small and efficient  SiC devices, e.g., trench metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (Trench-MOSFETs) in  high-power inverter modules, are steadily replacing established silicon technologies.

Experimental Procedure 

Commercially available 150 mm 4H-SiC substrates with off-cut angle of 4° towards the direction were used for this investigation. Homo-epitaxial layers were grown using a multi-wafer  warm-wall chemical vapor deposition epitaxy reactor. All n-type layers were grown on  “epitaxy-ready” polished and wet chemical cleaned Si-face substrates with low micro-pipe density.

In Fig. 1 the four possible categories of a die  (Good/Bad, Defective/Non-Defective) are shown.  This means, that the KR corresponds to the number  of false positives and true negatives for the device  critical defects. Therefore, the number between 0  and 1 assesses the quality of the critical defectbased yield prediction regarding electrical device  failures. A value of 0 refers to “no impact” of a  certain defect on the electrical yield, whereas a value of 1 means “definitive” device failure during 


Fig. 1. Four possible die categories and their  visualization used in the calculation of the  “Kill-Ratio” after Ono et al.


In Fig. 2 the exemplary normalized defect-based yield prediction and the normalized real electrical  yield on wafer level tests of 23 wafers is shown. The average yield prediction was set to 1 and all  other values were adjusted accordingly. The Trench-MOSFET devices were manufactured on  substrates of two different suppliers (A and B). Fig. 2 shows that the accuracy of the defect-based  yield prediction varies between different substrates. For substrates A the defect-based yield prediction  is on average 1.048. For substrates B the average yield prediction is 0.947. The normalized electrical  yield for substrates A is on average 0.759 and 0.758 for B. Furthermore, the average difference  between defect-based and electrical device yield for substrates A is 0.289 and 0.189 for B. 


Fig. 2. Normalized defect-based yield prediction  vs. normalized electrical yield on wafer level  tests of two substrate suppliers. For the  defect-based yield prediction a device layout and  only device critical defects were considered.

Fig. 3 shows the calculated KR for chosen critical defect classes of more than 500,000 TrenchMOSFETs on substrates B. The KR for particles and related defects is 0.91 and for C-inclusions and  micro-pipes (MPs) 0.8. Considering all types of stacking faults (SFs) with a surface topology the KR  is 0.75. Dividing all SFs into SFs with 3C-inclusions and into (partial) SFs without 3C-inclusions the  KR is 0.96 and 0.66, respectively.


Fig. 3. Calculated “Kill-Ratio” of most  important critical defects on more than 500,000  electrically analysed Trench-MOSFET devices  on supplier B substrates.


Comparing the normalized defect based predicted yield with the (wafer level) electrical yield of 23  different substrates (Fig. 2) shows a significant difference in prediction accuracy. For substrates of  supplier A, a difference between normalized predicted and electrical yield of 0.289 and 0.189 for epitaxial layers on supplier B substrates is measured. Therefore, on supplier B substrates the yield  prediction is more accurate by 0.1. All wafers have been processed with the same tools as well as  under the same conditions as far as possible. Thus, an influence due to process variation during device production has been reduced as much as possible. It is possible that this difference is due to a reduced  detection of device critical defects or because of substrate intrinsic variation, e.g., doping level and  homogeneity or substrate defects. An improvement to the defect detection algorithm could increase  the yield prediction accuracy on supplier A substrates because some extended defects, e.g., stacking  faults, can differ slightly in their occurrence between A and B.


This paper shows the high accuracy of defect-based yield prediction that can be achieved for  Trench-MOSFET devices regarding electrical yield on wafer level. Additionally, the “Kill-Ratio” of  the most important device critical extended defect classes as well as the main failure mode of affected  devices during electrical testing are discussed. Therefore, a total of around 1,000 substrates (supplier  A and B) were characterized for their defects with the definite device layout. With those wafers more  than 500,000 similar Trench-MOSFET devices have been manufactured using a typical process flow.  Comparing the defect-based yield prediction with electrical yield for 23 wafers a clear difference in  prediction accuracy was identified. The yield prediction is significantly more accurate on substrates of supplier B. The root cause for the difference between substrate suppliers (A and B) is still under  investigation. Calculating the KR for devices on substrates B a correlation between the most  important critical defect classes and device failure during wafer level tests was verified. Large defects,  i.e., particle related defects, 3C-inclusions and MPs, and SFs with 3C-inclusions, resulted in an  accurate defect-based prediction of electrical device failure. The KR of SFs without 3C-inclusions was lower due to the more varying occurrences of this type of defects. We were able to show that  different leakage currents, i.e., 𝐼𝐼𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷, 𝐼𝐼𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 and 𝑉𝑉(𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵)𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷, were the main electrical failure modes during  wafer level tests for the most important extended defects. Most failure modes for devices affected by  BPDs and scratches were identified to not correlate to leakage currents. BPDs are not known to affect  the initial electrical device performance. Scratches need to be further differentiated into  “shallow/deep” types for a more accurate defect-based yield prediction.

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