
时间:2024-01-20 13:53:41 浏览量:0

Highly aligned aggregation state structures have great significance for effective charge-carrier transport in organic semiconductors. Several methods  have been developed to provide organic semiconducting molecules with  highly oriented aggregation state structure; among these, using a water  surface to form organic semiconductor films is a widely implemented  strategy, wherein solutions are spread on the surface of water. However,  common techniques of film formation on water surfaces generally result in  a nonuniform orientation of the film owing to the isotropic spread process  of droplets on the water surface. In this study, a spatially confined air/water  interfacial assembly method is proposed to obtain uniformly aligned monolayer and multilayer poly(diketopyrrolopyrrole-thieno thiophene) thin  films with controlled thickness. The structural and morphological characterizations obtained using atomic force microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and grazing incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering  indicates the crystalline structure of the thin films and high alignment of the  molecular chains. The maximum mobility of the thin films reaches up to 2.06  and 0.5 cm2 V−1  s−1 in the parallel and perpendicular direction, respectively,  indicating apparent anisotropic electrical properties. Furthermore, an inverter  based on these thin films exhibits a voltage gain of up to 70, demonstrating  the potential of applying the proposed technique to logic circuits.

1. Introduction 

The vigorous development of organic electronics has benefited  from continuous improvement of the performance of organic semiconductors.Recently, the carrier  mobility of organic semiconductors has  been significantly improved, surpassing  that of amorphous silicon.According to  the chemical structures, organic semiconductors can be divided into small-molecule  and polymeric semiconductors. Among  them, polymeric semiconductors have  attracted considerable attention owing  to their stretchability and adequate solution processability.The mobility values  range from ≈10−5  to 10 cm2  V−1  s−1 with  the development of new materials and the  application of novel technologies. Consequently, these semiconductors have broad  application prospects in flexible electronic  devices. Organic field-effect transistors  (OFETs) are core components in organic  electronics, which form the basis for  organic circuit systems to perform various  functions. Polymeric semiconductors are  commonly used as conducting channel  materials in thin films OFETs to fabricate high-performance and stretchable  transistor devices. The electrical properties of polymeric semiconductors are  significantly affected by their molecular  and crystalline multi-level structures. Theoretically, the chargecarrier can transport rapidly along the main straight chain of  the polymer, and the mobility can exceed 102  cm2 V−1  s−1 . However, in actual OFETs, the charge-carrier mobility of the polymeric semiconductor is considerably lower than the theoretical value. In addition to the impact of defects in the chemical structure of organic semiconductors, such as oxidized sites  and poor planarity, certain drawbacks of polymeric semiconductor films fabricated using traditional methods, such as the  large bends of chains, charge-carrier traps in the films, packing  model of chains and boundary between crystalline/amorphous  regions, hinder the effective charge carrier transport.Therefore, a simple and effective strategy is required for controlling  the orientation of polymer molecular chains to achieve efficient  charge-carrier transport and improve device performance.

2. Results and Discussion 

Two slim rods were used to form the spatially confined air/ water interface, and a narrow-confined area on the water surface was obtained. As shown in Figure 1, ultrapure water was  poured into a clean Petri dish until the water level was slightly  above the edge. Due to the surface tension of water, the upper  surface of the water exhibited slightly upward convexity without  overflow. Two slim rods were placed parallel on the Petri dish  and embedded at the air/water interface to form a pair of  long sides of a confined rectangular area. PDPP-TT was used  as the semiconductor, which was dissolved into chlorobenzene to form a solution with a concentration of 0.5 mg mL−1 .  During the assembly process at the air/water interface, 2.5 µL  of 0.5 mg mL−1  PDPP-TT chlorobenzene solution was dropped  at the center of the confined area. The semiconductor solution spread rapidly on the water surface. A high-speed video  (Video S1, Supporting Information) was recorded to observe  this rapid spreading process. Figures S1–S3, Supporting Information, illustrate a set of comparison photos and schematics  of the air/water interfacial assembly method and the confined  interface coating process. Owing to the existence of slim rods,  the solution was hindered along the short-side direction of the  rectangular confined area and rapidly spread only along the  long-side direction to generate thin films.


Figure 1. Schematic diagram of air/water confined interfacial assembly method of polymeric semiconductor poly(diketopyrrolopyrrole-thieno[3,2-b] thiophene) (PDPP-TT).

The spreading of semiconductor solution at air/water interface can be explained by the Marangoni effect, which is caused by surface tension gradient at the two-phase interface. As  the surface tension of water and chlorobenzene at 25 °C are  71.99 mN m−1  and 32.42 mN m−1 , respectively, the PDPP-TT  solution can spread rapidly on water surface during the air/ water interfacial assembly process. Marangoni flows are known  to spread only for a finite radius on nonconfined water surface because of critical micelle concentration.Following  the fast Marangoni flows, there are secondary flows that are  slow and unstable and the spreading radius are comparable  with primary Marangoni flows, which is the crucial stage  that confined process works. During the assembly process at  the confined interface, the existence of slim rods limited the  plumbing instability of the secondary flows. Consequently, the  distance of spreading get much larger than Marangoni flows  radius because the inertia of boundary layer and its slow diffusion makes the spreading of Marangoni flow get into an inertial jet. In other words, the lateral confinement of the flow can  change the extent of these inertial secondary flows and form  an inertial surface jet to spread to larger distances in the longaxis direction. In this case, the films obtained by the spatially  confined air/water interfacial assembly method had a larger  diffusion distance than Marangoni radius and the continuous  inertial action made polymer chains highly aligned during the  jet quickly spreading process.


Figure 2. a) Optical microscope (OM) and b) polarized OM images of thin films obtained using the spatially confined air/water interfacial assembly  method at different rotation angles. c) Atomic force microscopy image and sectional profile, d) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image, and  e) high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) image of thin films obtained using the developed assembly method. The spacing distance of lattice fringes of π–π stacking in (e) is 3.689 Å, and the inset in (e) present the fast Fourier transform result of HRTEM stripes.

After the film was completely formed, the slim rods were  carefully removed, and the obtained films can be transferred  onto any substrate. Figure 2a,b show the optical microscope  (OM) and polarize OM (POM) images of PDPP-TT monolayer  films obtained using the spatially confined air/water interfacial assembly method. As the monolayer film was too thin to  be observed on the Si/SiO2 substrate background, a copper  mesh was covering as a reference. As shown in Figure 2a, the film was nearly transparent in the OM imaging mode because  of its low thickness and only the Si/SiO2 substrate could be  intuitively observed. When using the POM imaging mode and  rotating from 0° to 45°, the film exhibited an obvious color  change from dark to pale-yellow. The obtained image color  returned to the dark shade when the film rotated from 45° to 90° (Figure  2b). This process verified the existence of the  thin film and validated its molecular alignment and crystalline  characteristics. Interestingly, certain highly aligned textures  were observed in the POM image of the 45° rotation, exhibiting a wide range of consistent alignment of films obtained  based on the spatially confined air/water interfacial assembly  method.

To further investigate the structure and morphology of the  thin films, polarized ultraviolet–visible–near-infrared (UV–Vis– NIR) absorption spectra were separately obtained for the films  produced using spatially confined and nonconfined processes.  As shown in Figure 3a,b, both films exhibited broad absorption from 600 to 900  nm, and the maximum absorption peak  appeared at ≈800 nm. The film fabricated by the confined interface in the parallel direction exhibited two strong absorption  peaks at 750 and 830 nm which were much more obvious compared to the vertical direction (Figure 3a), and the dichroic ratio  is 2.1. Conversely, the films obtained using the nonconfined  air/water interfacial assembly method exhibited no apparent  difference in the two orthogonal directions (Figure  3b), and  the dichroic ratio was close to that of spin-coated films.These results clarified that the highly aligned polymer chains  were formed in the film when the spatially confined air/water  interfacial assembly method was used. Furthermore, grazing  incidence wide angle X-ray scattering (GIWAXS) measurements were characterized to analyze the molecular packing in  thin films and monolayer films obtained using the spatially  confined air/water interfacial assembly method. As illustrated  in Figure  3c–e, three-layer, eight-layer, and spin-coated films  exhibited similar GIWAXS signals. The four clear signals of  out-of-plane (h00) signals were attributed to lamellar stacking  of PDPP-TT chains, and the in-plane peak (010) at 1.79 Å−1  was  attributed to π−π stacking of PDPP-TT. It can be obtained that  PDPP-TT backbones in the thin films obtained using the spatially confined air/water interfacial assembly method take an  edge-on orientation, which facilitates the transport of chargecarriers, particularly in 2D conducting networks. The different  layers of films exhibited similar GIWAXS signals, indicating  the uniformity of films and polymer chains stacking. However, the monolayer film was extremely thin to obtain identifiable GIWAXS signals. As an alternative, the monolayer sample was characterized by HRTEM. Figure  2e shows highly clear  HRTEM lattice fringes, and 3.689 Å spacing concurred with the  GIWAXS results. The Q-space signal of π−π stacking at 1.79 Å−1 (Figure  3d and Figure S6, Supporting Information) was close  to the data of PDPP-TT π−π stacking distance. The HRTEM  results provided direct evidence of highly aligned crystalline  chains in the monolayer films of PDPP-TT obtained using the  spatially confined air/water interfacial assembly method.

3. Conclusion 

In this study, a spatially confined air/water interfacial assembly  method was proposed to optimize the general air/water interfacial assembly method, resulting in uniform and highly aligned  PDPP-TT films. The monolayer of PDPP-TT film was 2.5 nm  thick, and the layer can be controlled by changing volume of  the dropped solution. This implied that the thin films can be  fabricated from monolayer to any needed thickness. The polarized UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectra indicated an anisotropic  aggregation state structure in the films. Additionally, the carrier mobility of OFETs devices based on PDPP-TT thin films  shows obvious anisotropy, which was consistent with the polarized UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectra dichotomous results. The  impact of confined width on mobility was also analyzed, and  the highest mobility of 2.06 cm2V−1  s−1  was achieved when the  confined width was 3 mm for 2.5 µL PDPP-TT solution with a  concentration of 0.5 mg mL−1 . An inverter circuit with a voltage  gain of 70 was fabricated using the obtained thin films. The  results verify the effectiveness of confined area for improving  orientation and performance of films with air/water interface  coatings. This method can serve as an efficient strategy for fabricating highly aligned polymer films, providing a new reference for the preparation of high-performance organic electronic  devices. 

4. Experimental Section

Materials: The semiconducting polymer PDPP-TT was synthesized  by using a previously reported method,and P(NDI2OD-T2) was also  synthesized according to the previously reported procedures.

Highly Aligned Monolayer Films Fabrication: A clean petri dish was  filled with ultrapure water. Due to the surface tension of the water, the  water surface was maintained slightly higher than the edge of the Petri  dish without overflowing. Two clean slim rods were placed above the  water surface and fixed to the edge of the Petri dish with tape at a set distance. The PDPP-TT solution was prepared as a concentrate of 0.5 mg  mL−1  with chlorobenzene as the solvent. During the fabrication process  of the highly aligned monolayer films, a drop of 2.5 µL PDPP-TT solution  was dropped at the center of the confined air/water interface. The  droplet rapidly spread to both sides after making contact with the water  surface, forming a thin film oriented along the direction of the spreading motion at the air/water surface. The thin films with thicknesses of twoand three-layers were prepared by controlling the volume of the same  concentration PDPP-TT solution with 5  µL and 7.5  µL. The thickness  cannot be controlled by volume of the solution for films thicker than  three layers, and the thicker films were obtained by stacking one to three  layers thin films.


Figure 4. Schematics of organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) based on thin films obtained using the a) spatially confined air/water interfacial assembly  method in the parallel direction, b) spatially confined method in the perpendicular direction, and c) nonconfined assembly method. d–f) Transfer curves  and g–i) output curves of corresponding OFETs. j) Statistics and comparison of electrical performance with different confined widths in both parallel  and perpendicular directions. k) Optical microscope image of an inverter based on the thin films obtained using the spatially confined air/water interfacial assembly method. l) Static switching characteristic of the inverter, the inset depicts the corresponding circuit diagram.

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