
时间:2024-01-24 09:50:47 浏览量:0

Ultrasonic microdroplet generators are useful devices with broad applications ranging  from aerosolized drug delivery to three-dimensional (3D) printing-based additive  manufacturing. One such technology comprises a microfabricated array of nozzles with  droplet production driven by a piezoelectric transducer. The present study focuses on  refining a critical fabrication step, anisotropic wet etching of pyramidal nozzles using a  basic potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution. Given the integral role of nozzle geometry in  device operation, high-precision techniques including Reactive Ion Etching (RIE), Deep  Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE), and KOH wet etching were employed. A tapering  geometry is preferred for acoustic wave focusing and efficient droplet generation, and  KOH etching naturally yields pyramids due to preferential removal of the (100) plane  versus the (111) plane of single-crystal silicon. Though wet etching is less precise than  dry etching, it is difficult to form these 3D shapes using dry etching alone. Thus, this  work focused on realizing the highest possible level of control over KOH etching.  Challenges were encountered in using a conventional etching setup to achieve uniform  vietching and good surface smoothness, which are crucial to definition of the pyramidal tip  geometry. These aspects are also important for use of KOH etching to define  microstructures in a range of microfluidic systems. Here, we introduce an ultrasonicassisted etching method to enhance the KOH etching process, addressing issues like nonuniform etching rates and surface roughness. This research not only provides insight into  the microfabrication of ultrasonic microdroplet generators but also contributes to further  improvements in microfluidic device manufacturing.


Microfluidic devices with controllable liquid dispensing, specifically those that can produce uniform droplets, have great potential in many technological applications, such  as traditional manufacturing, the chemical industry, biology/biomedicine , thermal management, and three-dimensional (3-D) printing .  The controlled generation of droplets, in terms of size, size distribution, frequency, velocity, and composition, is foundational for applications ranging from high-throughput  screening in drug discovery to advanced materials synthesis. Within this context, the  acoustic microfluidic droplet generator stands out for its unique droplet formation  mechanism.

2.Chip Fabrication

For basic control of droplet size and ejection mode (continuous jet or discrete droplet), we  made nozzle microarrays with three different orifice diameters: 10, 20, and 40 µm. We  began with a double-side polished silicon substrate [(100)-oriented, 100-mm diameter,  500- µm thick; University Wafer] precoated on both sides with a silicon nitride (𝑆𝑖3𝑁4)  masking layer [~ 650-nm thick, low pressure chemical vapor deposited (LPCVD); Georgia  Institute of Technology Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology].

As illustrated in Figure1, the blue layer represents silicon nitride (𝑆𝑖3𝑁4), the  gray layer signifies silicon, and the red layer denotes photoresist.


Figure 1. Illustration of fabrication procedure.

To summarize, the project used (i) standard photolithography to create the design  patterns, (ii) reactive ion etching (RIE) to create square windows in the nitride film, and  (iii) anisotropic potassium hydroxide (KOH) wet etching of the silicon to form pyramids.  For the orifices at the tip of the nozzles, we relied on back side alignment and deep  reactive ion etching (DRIE) of any remaining silicon at the nozzle tips to form circular  orifices.

3.Ultrasonic Wet Etching 

During the KOH etching with a magnetic bar, gas bubbles generated from the surface of  features. The reaction between KOH and silicon produces silicate and hydrogen gas. The  hydrogen gas forms bubbles which adhere to the surface of the silicon wafer. The  adhesion of gas bubbles will lead to a varying etching rate at different areas of the silicon  wafer.

According to the review by Pal et al., employing ultrasonic agitation during KOH etching  of silicon notably enhances the etch rate while simultaneously improving the surface  morphology. Moreover, the vibrations produced by the ultrasonic waves are beneficial in  enhancing the quality of the etched surface. The use of ultrasonic energy facilitates the  removal of adhered hydrogen gas bubbles, thus improving the contact between the  etching surface and the KOH solution.

4.Test Wafer Design 

The microfeatures were designed based on a 4-inch wafer, with each color in Figure 2 (a) denoting a distinct square array size. The size of squares in each nozzle arrays were  range from 615μm to 665μm. The size of the features was chosen to examine the etch  rate of the upper layer of the nozzle. The linear arrangement of square arrays shown in  Figure 2(c) represents sizes that range from 590μm to 640μm, alignment features in  the original design, with each successive array increasing by an increment of 5μm.


Figure 2(a) The CAD design of the testing features. (b) Dimension of microarrays from 615μm to  665μm. (c) Detailed view of side line squares from 590μm to 640μm with increments of 5μm.

During the fabrication process, the use of primer was found to affect the photoresist spin  coated on the silicon nitride layer, inadvertently leading to overexposure during the laser  writing. To solve this issue, a dose test was executed using the calibration matrix function  on the Heidelberg laser writer operation program. The original settings for the photoresist  S1827 were: Focus at 0%, Intensity at 100%, Laser Power at 70mW, and Filter at 100%.  Post-dose testing, the microscope observations indicated that the best result was made with the following adjusted parameters: Focus at -25%, Intensity at 60%, while  maintaining the Laser Power at 70mW and the Filter at 100%.

5.Wet Etching 

KOH etching inherently produces pyramidal structures due to the preferential removal of  the (100) plane over the (111) plane in single-crystal silicon. However, under varying  concentrations, temperatures, and other conditions, the etching rates of the (100) and  (111) planes and the structural changes induced by etching cannot be determined through  simple calculations without performing experimental characterization of the etch process.  To calibrate the KOH etching of silicon wafers coated with silicon nitride, three wafers mentioned in section 2.2 were used in this study. This was done to negate any potential  effects of silicon thickness and the silicon nitride mask on the test results.

For each circular nozzle array corresponding to a nozzle size (i.e., discrete base sizes of  615μm, 625μm, 635μm, 645μm, 655μm, and 665μm), two of four arrays were selected  for measurement, resulting in a total of 12 circular nozzle arrays being evaluated, as  shown in Figure3(a) For each circular array, several fixed squares (nozzles) were  selected for measurement to ensure the reliability of the data. In the side line, two of each  size were also picked for measurement, as labeled in Figure3(b).


Figure 3 (a) Detailed view of picked square for each measured microarray. (b) Detailed view of picked  square for measurement.

Figure 4provides a detailed view of the various parameters that require measurement. The 'Outer Length' (O) is size of square on the silicon nitride layer, while the 'Inner  Length' (I) denotes the length of bottom area of the etched feature. The angle of the side  wall from (100) surface to the (111) plane was calculated by equation.


Figure4. Illustration of measured parameters of the pyramid/ trapezoid during the KOH etching


To conclude this thesis, the exploration of ultrasonic KOH etching processes has yielded  significant insights, particularly into the temperature-dependent nuances of the etching  behavior. The research was primarily focused on understanding the etching dynamics at  various temperatures, though the peculiarities observed at 65°C remain to be explained.  Notably, the unique faceting and ripple-pattern etching issues observed at this  temperature presented an intriguing anomaly, prompting a deeper investigation into the  causes behind such irregularities.

Significantly, when devoid of the peculiar faceting and ripple-like features, the 65°C  KOH etching process demonstrated superior performance. This finding is crucial, as it  suggests that under optimal conditions, the 65°C etching process could potentially offer  the most efficient and precise outcomes. This aspect of the research has substantial  implications for the field of microfluidics and related disciplines, particular for our  fabrication of nozzle microarrays, where the precision of the etching process is  paramount. Understanding and harnessing the optimal conditions for KOH etching at this  temperature could lead to advancements in fabrication techniques essential for  developing high-precision microfluidic devices.

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