
时间:2023-02-20 16:15:19 浏览量:0

Abstract: Low-temperature direct Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition  (PECVD) oxide to thermal oxide bonding is described. The PECVD oxide is densified at  350o C and chemical-mechanically polished to obtain reasonably smooth surface for  bonding. The PECVD oxide wafer is bonded to the thermal oxide wafer at room  temperature after piranha clean that leaves the wafer surfaces hydrophilic. A postbonding anneal at 300o C completes the bonding. A void-free bonding interface is  observed from infrared imaging and the bonding strength is estimated to be 432 mJ/m2 .  This bonding method can be used in a variety of applications, including threedimensional integration.

Three-dimensional (3-D) integration, in the form of a vertical stack of several  device (with interconnect) layers, has many potential advantages over conventional  horizontal planar integration [1]. There are research efforts on developing possible  technology options to realize a 3-D structure, either using recrystallization [2,3] or wafer  bonding [4,5]. We have recently proposed a 3-D integration method using direct Cu-toCu wafer bonding [6]. In this scheme, a thinned silicon-on-insulator (SOI) device layer is  bonded to a substrate device wafer in a back-to-face fashion. This requires bonding of the  SOI wafer to a handle wafer followed by SOI wafer etchback. The thinned SOI layer is  then bonded to the substrate device wafer using Cu as the bonding medium. Note that the  bonding between the SOI wafer and the handle wafer is a sacrificial one, as the handle  wafer will be released at the end of the process. Hence, this bond has to be strong enough  to hold the SOI wafers during subsequent processes. However, the same bonding should  release readily during SOI thin-film transfer onto the substrate wafer. Epoxy [7] and  adhesive [8] have been investigated, but they are not compatible with the process  temperature during Cu wafer bonding at 400o C and the chemical attack during SOI wafer  etchback. In this letter, we describe a direct thermal oxide to Plasma-Enhanced Chemical  Vapor Deposition (PECVD) oxide wafer bonding for this application. The choice of two  different oxides will be explained below.All wafers used in our experiment were p-type 4” Si(100) wafers of 10-20 Ω-cm  resistivity. Two sets of wafers were prepared: One was the handle wafers and the other  was the dummy SOI wafers. The handle wafers were covered with 5000Å of thermal  oxide for protection against chemical attack during SOI wafers etchback. Wet silicon  etchants such as KOH and TMAH are known to have excellent selectivity towards thermal oxide [9]. Dummy SOI structures were prepared by growing 5000Å of thermal  oxide as buried oxide (BOX) followed by a deposition of 4000 Å undoped polysilicon at  620o C. The SOI wafers were then coated with 4µm of silane-based PECVD oxide at  400o C. In actual device wafers with metal interconnects, PECVD oxide is an attractive  choice as interlayer dielectric (ILD) because of its high deposition rate and its low  temperature process. However, due to the non-equilibrium nature of the PECVD process,  byproducts or gas molecules may be incorporated into the deposited film and result in  out-gassing during subsequent processing [10]. To prevent undesired out-gassing from  the PECVD oxide film during subsequent heat treatment of the bonded wafer pairs, the  SOI wafers were densified in atmospheric N2 ambient at 350 o C for 16 hours.  Since as-deposited PECVD oxide exhibits a relatively high surface roughness,  direct bonding using such wafers are often unsuccessful. Therefore, the SOI wafers were  chemical-mechanically polished after densification to increase both the surface  smoothness and the bonding yield. To ensure that this bonding method is useful in real  device wafers, a low temperature process is essential to avoid undesired thermal damage.  Hence, a hydrophilic bonding was chosen. All wafers received a 10 min piranha (H2O2 :  H2SO4 = 1:3) solution clean followed by deionized water rinse and spin-dry. This  cleaning was necessary to clean the polished wafers and to terminate the wafer surfaces  with hydroxyl (OH) groups to initiate wafer bonding. Handle wafers were aligned to SOI  wafers in an EV1 aligner and the pairs were subsequently transferred to a bonder. The  chamber was purged with nitrogen and evacuated to 10-3 Torr. Bonding occurred at room  temperature under a pressure of 1000 mbar for 5 min. Figure 1 is a schematic showing 4 the bonding process. After bonding, the wafer pairs were annealed at 200 o C and 300 o C  respectively for 6 hours in atmospheric N2 ambient to enhance the bonding strength.  To achieve high quality bonding, the root-mean-square (RMS) roughness of the  wafers must be below 1.0 nm [11]. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a powerful tool to  scan the surface profile and to measure the roughness of different materials. We have  performed AFM surface scans on various wafers in the tapping mode on a D3000 unit  from Digital Instruments. Table I summarizes the mean and RMS roughness of various  wafers with different surface preparations. The handle wafers with a layer of 5000 Å of  thermal oxide exhibit an RMS roughness of 0.273 nm, and this value is acceptable for  bonding. Hence the handle wafers do not require additional surface polishing.  On the other hand, the RMS roughness of the as-deposited PECVD oxide on SOI  dummy wafers is 9.757 nm. This value is too high for wafer bonding and the wafers need  extra polishing to smoothen their surfaces. We have also monitored the change in the  surface roughness of the PECVD oxide as a result of densification. It was observed that  densification has improved the roughness to 8.501 nm. This suggests that densification  anneal has effectively improved the structure of the PECVD oxide. Figure 2 shows the  RMS roughness of the PECVD oxide as function of chemical-mechanical polishing  (CMP) duration. Note that CMP has improved the surface roughness tremendously to a  value below 1.0 nm after one minute of polishing and the roughness does not improve  significantly beyond one minute. Specifically, a 3 min CMP results in a roughness of  0.394 nm. In the bonding experiment, we have used 3 min of CMP on all PECVD oxide  wafers unless otherwise specified.


                                                                                                           Figure 2 Tan et. al., Applied Physics Letters

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