
时间:2023-03-17 09:39:50 浏览量:0


Through-Silicon-Vias (TSVs) continue to stand out as the  most promising technology for electrical interconnections in the  microelectronics industry. As package size continues to  decrease, TSVs offer an elegant and robust solution for vertical  interconnects. They facilitate 3D die stacking while minimizing  or even eliminating area consuming planar packaging, allowing  for direct signal and power paths through the substrate itself.  TSVs can also be fabricated from different materials to desired  dimensions to handle the required current level. Plated copper  is emerging as the material of choice for TSVs. In this work,  electroplated copper TSVs were fabricated successfully and  evaluated using cutting and polishing techniques in preparation  for image capture. The detailed fabrication process and analysis  of the resulting TSVs are presented in this work.  


With the ever decreasing package size of microelectronics,  there is a natural tendency towards a more robust interconnect  technology with minimum feature size and area foot print.  TSVs are emerging as the interconnect technology to fit this  demand. TSVs have been commercially utilized in many  different devices, including cameras [1] video cameras [2], and  DRAM [3]. Package sizes and power consumption can be  significantly reduced with TSV technology due to shorter path  lengths.  Different approaches exist for developing TSVs. The via  etching method was our first consideration in creating a robust  TSV process. Etched vias can be fabricated using wet or dry  etching processes. Wet chemical etching is crystal structure  specific, potentially making wet etching very sensitive to  process variations. Wet etching also uses caustic chemicals,  making it less desireable. Two methods of dry etching were  considered, Laser Ablation (LA) and Deep Reactive Ion  Etching (DRIE). Laser ablation requires non-semiconductor  specific equipment including a high power laser, high precision  positioning stages, and custom control software. LA vias have  been attempted by researchers with certain difficulties observed  [4,5]. Additionally, LA may produce overly sloped sidewalls  with significant roughness. Seed layer deposition on such an  unpredictable surface can lead to voids and partial filling of the  via during the plating process. Therefore dry chemical etching  is the preferred etch method for creating consistent high aspect  ratio geometries. DRIE is a plasma etching process that uses  conventional semiconductor equipment and processes. This  allows TSV processing to be easily integrated into existing  silicon microfabrication process lines.

Our second consideration was which material to use to fill  the vias. There are many conductors that can be used for this  purpose. Cost, resistivity, and process compatibility were the  main deciding factors. In addition, the volumetric coefficient of  expansion, β, of the materials should be taken into long-term  consideration. Over time, the expansion and contraction of the  plated metal may have detrimental effects on the lifetime of the  device. Finding a material to fill the vias that best matches the  volumetric coefficient of expansion of silicon may produce a  higher yield for long-term, extreme temperature, and high  current density devices. For the context of this paper, the low  resistivity and cost of copper, as well as its use in commercial  devices, were the deciding factors in pursuing copper as the fill  material. A variety of possible plating materials are listed and  compared in Table 1.

Table 1: Resistivity, Cost, and Volumetric Coefficients  for TSV fill candidates



For the prototype device developed here, the diameters ofthe TSVs were 100um and the depths were 200um deep. Theywere spaced 30um edge-to-edge in a straight line. Since theprocess is orientation independent an arbitrary Si waferorientation (100) was chosen. A 500um wafer thicknessprovided a robust substrate for processing. Figure 1 is a 3Drepresentation of the bare Silicon wafer. Substrate wafers werecleaned using a standard RCA process to remove any organic.oxide, and metal contaminants [9]. A spin-rinse-dry was thefinal step prior to photolithography.


Fig 1

A positive photoresist, AZ P4620, was utilized for thephotolithography process. In DRIE, this photoresist hasapproximately a 70:1 selectivity with Si. It was chosen for itsmaximum spin on thickness of up to 24um. This yields asufficient thickness to achieve an etch depth up to the full waferthickness. The photolithography process was performed in 5 steps: 

1.120°C dehydration bake for 30 minutes to vaporizemoisture, remove organics, and heat the wafer.2. Primer application (for this research HMDS). Primeradheres well to the naturally oxidizing silicon surface.3.Spin-on of photoresist (Figure 2), soft baked at 110°Cfor 2.5 minutes.4. Pattern exposure on a Karl Suss MA/BA6 contactmask aligner.5. Photoresist Development (Figure 3) in a 2:1 mixtureof DI water (200mL) and AZ 400K (100mL) developer. Waferinspected for under/over developing

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