
时间:2023-03-27 08:30:49 浏览量:0


Megasonic cleans have been applied to remove defects such as particles and polymer/resist  residues in silicon wafer fabrication of IC devices. However, with the shrink of device technology  node, megasonic cleans are being challenged to maintain high cleaning efficiency promoted by  streaming force of stable cavitation for the smaller particles without producing pattern collapse  caused by violent implosions of transient cavities [1]. S. Kumari et al. reported that CO2-dissolved  water (CO2 DIW) was potentially able to suppress wafer damage during megasonic exposure by  minimizing unrestrained explosion of transient cavities. This is accomplished through the study on  Sonoluninescence (SL), the phenomenon of release of light when liquid is irradiated by sound wafers  of sufficient intensity, as a sensitive indicator of cavitation events [2, 3]. This paper compares the  effects of CO2 dissolution on particle removal efficiency (PRE) and pattern collapse in a range of  megasonic power with >100nm-size Si3N4 particles and 2xnm node line/space-pattern, respectively  to N2-gasified water (N2 DIW).  


Experiments were performed on a 300mm Akrion Systems’ Goldfinger® Velocity™ tool, which  provides two different types of megasonic cleans; Front Side (FS) megasonic systems with a quartz  rod connected to piezoelectric crystal (1.6MHz) and Back Side (BS) with a plastic-covered  piezoelectric material (830kHz), as shown in Figure 1. CO2 (approx. 1000ppm) DIW and N2 (approx.  20ppm) DIW were prepared using each membrane continuously filled with CO2 or N2 at a certain  pressure. For the particle removal experiments, 300mm bare silicon wafers were contaminated with  Si3N4 particles (>100nm in diameter and around 20,000 particles per wafer). Number of particles on  the wafer was counted from 100nm-size by SP1 (KLA-Tencor) before/after contamination and after  cleans. Pattern collapse evaluations were conducted on two different kinds of multi-stacked gate poly  structures; 25nm-width with 9:1 aspect ratio (AR) and 35nm-width with 10:1 AR.  

Results and Discussion

PRE for Si3N4 particles was compared between CO2 DIW (RT) and N2 DIW (RT) in 0~50W range  of FS and BS Meg power as shown in Figure 2. Goldfinger® BS Meg can remove particles from both  the front and back sides at the same time with sufficiently high PRE as FS Meg does for front side  only. CO2 DIW showed >50% lower PRE than N2 DIW that would be related to the ability of CO2 to  quench SL generation in DIW exposed to megasonic radiation [3]. Acidity of CO2 DIW would be one  of the reasons for lower PRE of CO2 DIW; however, spiking diluted ammonia water (1:800 =30%  NH4OH:DIW) to the CO2 DIW (no change on CO2 concentration) puddle on the wafer surface during  megasonic radiation provides comparable PRE to N2 DIW.



Pattern collapse was compared between CO2 DIW and N2 DIW with 25nm-width (AR=9:1) gate  poly wafers in 0~50W range of FS or BS power. As shown in Error! Reference source not found.,  pattern collapse was greatly improved by CO2 dissolution with zero collapse at 30W Meg power,  which has >40% PRE. Wafer damage was evaluated again on a 34nm-width (AR=10:1) gate poly  pattern in order to see any loss by pattern collapse when using diluted NH4OH spikes to improve the PRE of CO2 DIW. According to Table 1, wafer damage was not found even at 40W BS Meg power at  which >85% Si3N4 particles are removed from the silicon surface. The results indicate that CO2 suppresses pattern collapse in DIW, and is also able to inhibit wafer damage in the presence of other  gases that may cause pattern collapse.

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