
时间:2023-03-28 11:15:34 浏览量:0


Although the chemical reaction is well known, the  anisotropic etching of Si in alkaline solutions is a complex  process. This is particularly true in the solar industry where a  large mass of silicon is typically introduced into the etch bath.  The etch by-products (silicates) affect the balance of the  etching specie. If adequate compensation is not made for these  by-products, a significant drop in etch rate and an increase in  contamination levels is typically noticed. As a result of this  contamination, production lines would suffer from  unpredictable wafer characteristics and hence lower cell .

In order to obtain stable and reproducible manufacturing  processes, a reliable and accurate real-time measurement of  the etching constituents becomes necessary. In addition, a  mechanism by which fresh chemicals can be added to the  etching bath is also required. The presence of these etch byproducts has been shown to slow down the etch rate even  when chemical concentration is correct. Simply put, the  solubility of etch by-products decreases once the  concentration of silicates increases. And hence, Si mass  transport from wafer surface to the etching solution is  impacted. Chemical mixtures involved in solar cell manufacturing generally include: KOH/IPA, HF/HNO3,  HF/HCl, and other compounds. Additives, e.g. surfactants, are  typically used to enhance etch uniformity.

In this study, wafers were processed in a KOH/IPA mixture  to produce texturized surfaces as shown in Figure 1. In-line  sensors were installed to monitor the chemicals'  concentrations in real-time. Algorithms were developed to  control the chemical concentration by injecting fresh  chemicals and water at a desired time interval to compensate  for the loss of chemicals and water. The system also allows  for draining and replenishing chemicals and water to keep the silicates under a threshold to maintain consistent etching  characteristics under different bath loading conditions.




Wet chemical processes were conducted on a fullyautomated GAMASolar™ wafer etching and cleaning station.  The batch size was 200 wafers per run. All tests were  performed with the same wafer supplier, including wafers  from about 100 different ingots. Silicon etching processes  were conducted with the aid of Akrion Systems' patented in-situ chemical concentration control system (ICE-1™).  Measurements of concentrations were taken using inline NIR  (near Infra-Red) sensors installed in the recirculation loop of  the process tanks. These sensors measure light absorbance and  transmit it through fiber optics cables to an array of detectors  (spectrophotometer).

The light absorbance of given specie in the solution is  correlated to its concentration over a wide range of wave  lengths. The signal is then reported to an amplifier that scales  the response to a 4-20 mA output. This signal is subsequently  fed into an analog module that scales the signal and reports  directly to the system computer which controls the spiking  (volumes and frequency) of chemicals to maintain  concentration. A variety of chemicals e.g. HF, HNO3, HAc  and applications were also studied but only the results of  KOH/IPA control will be presented here. The goal was to  produce consistent etch rates and texturization patterns similar  to those shown in Fig. 1 over the entire bath life and different  silicon loading levels.


This technology provides technical advantages by  accurately measuring the concentration of chemicals to  produce the desired process results - in this case the  texturization pattern [1-3]. Controlling concentration for  uniform, repeatable texturization will help solar cell  manufacturers reduce cost of ownership (COO) and overall  cost of manufacturing by extending the usable life of the  chemical bath, which in turn extends the up-time and overall  utilization of the tool [4-5].

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