Wet-chemical treatments of silicon surfaces are frequently used for several different processing steps in photovoltaic, electronic and other industries. They are used for example for saw damage removal, surface cleaning, and polishing or texturing of wafer surfaces.1,2 Here we report on solutions containing hydrofluoric acid, hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide as novel acidic etching mixtures for the texturing and cleaning of silicon wafers. Reactivity and cleaning characteristics of the solutions are shown as well as surface morphologies and reflectivity properties of the treated silicon wafers.
Silicon etching rates up to 8 nm s-1 are observed during etching of diamond wire sawn wafers at room temperature. The reactivity depends on the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and hydrochloric acid. This can be explained by the rising formation of chlorine acting as oxidant for silicon surface atoms.3 An increase of the concentration of hydrofluoric acid causes a higher rate of dissolution of the oxidized silicon species.
After sawing there are high concentrations of metals on the surface of diamond-wire sawn wafers. After treatment with HF-HCl-H2O2 mixtures the concentrations are more than 10 times lower. The cleaning results are comparable to cleaning baths used in semiconductor industries.
Pyramidal structures were found on silicon (100) wafer surfaces after etching in mixtures with high amounts of HCl. A regularly pyramidal structure was generated, which is so far only known from alkaline etching solutions. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) reveals damage removal and roughening of the wafer surface. The maximum height of the textured surface Sz = 4.063 μm gets smaller compared to the as-cut surface Sz = 4.881 μm. At the same time, the root mean square height increases from Sq = 0.266 μm before etching to Sq = 0.536 μm after etching in HF-HCl-H2O2 mixtures.
Surface properties of wafers etched by HF-HCl-H2O2 mixteres are compared against wafers etched by KOH-IPA solutions. The reflectivity is plotted as ∆R = Rtextured – Ras-cut at wavelength of 700 nm and depends on the etch depth. At small etch depths the reflectivity is very low. This can be explained by the widening of saw damages and very small etch moulds. By the generation of bigger pyramids the reflectivity increases. Interestingly, the results of HF-HCl-H2O2 treated wafers are better than KOH-IPA treated wafers at relevant etch depths of about 5 μm.
HF-HCl-H2O2 solutions can be used for anisotropic texturization of monocrystalline, as-cut SiC-slurry and diamond wire-sawn as well as polished silicon wafers. In contrast to HF-HNO3 solutions, pyramidal formations similar to typical alkaline textures are generated. Relatively high etching rates up to 8.0 nm s-1 are observed at room temperature. Since alkaline mixtures are usually applied at temperatures of 60 °C – 80 °C, a more energy-efficient process for texturing silicon wafers and producing solar cells should be possible. The cleaning results are quite similar to cleaning baths used in semiconductor industries. These NOXfree solutions are a promising alternative to common etching and cleaning solutions without being more expensive, since H2O2 and HCl are cheap chemicals.
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