
时间:2023-05-16 15:20:47 浏览量:0

Manufacturing of semiconductor devices commonly requires deposition of electrically conductive material on  semiconductor wafers. The conductive material. Such as cop  per, is often deposited by electroplating onto a seed layer of  copper deposited onto the wafer surface by a PVD or CVD  method. Electroplating is a method of choice for depositing  metal into the Vias and trenches of the processed wafer during  damascene and dual damascene processing.

Damascene processing is used for forming interconnec  tions on integrated circuits (ICs). Damascene processing  involves formation of inlaid metal lines in trenches and vias  formed in a dielectric layer (inter-metal dielectric). In a typi cal damascene process, a pattern of trenches and vias is  etched in the dielectric layer of a semiconductor wafer sub  strate. A thin layer of diffusion-barrier film such as tantalum, tantalum nitride, or a TaN/Tabi-layer is then deposited onto  the wafer surface by a PVD method, followed by deposition  of seed layer of copper on top of the diffusion-barrier layer. Typical materials for diffusion barrier layers include titanium  (Ti), tantalum (Ta), tantalum nitride (TaN), tantalum nitride  silicon (TaNSi), tungsten (W), titanium nitride (TiN), tita  nium nitride silicon (TiNSi) and the like.

The trenches and vias are filled with copper mostly com  monly using an electroplating process. Because electroplat  ing must occur on a conductive layer, a copper seed layer is  first deposited on the diffusion barrier layer with CVD or  PVD methods. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) methods  can deposit a conformal copper seed layer with good adhe  sion, but CVD methods are expensive as compared to PVD  processes. Physical vapor deposition (PVD) methods can  deposit a copper seed layer with good adhesion, but produces a less conformal film that covers the sidewalls and bottoms of  trenches poorly. A thicker PVD seed layer is therefore  required to ensure that an electrically conductive layer is  provided for subsequent electroplating. The thicker PVD  seed layer increases aspect ratios in features and may pinch off the gap opening, making the features harder or impossible  to fill with an electroplating process.

As feature sizes decrease, the limitation of a PVD seed  layer restricts how small metal lines can be. It is desirable to  deposit a verythin copper seed film with good adhesion and  conformality so that the aspect ratio of the remaining gap  stays within a range that can be filled with an electroplating  process. Accordingly, a method of Such deposition, and an  apparatus allowing practice of Such a method, are needed.



Manufacturing of semiconductor devices commonly requires deposition of electrically conductive material on  semiconductor wafers. The conductive material. Such as cop  per, is often deposited by electroplating onto a seed layer of  copper deposited onto the wafer surface by a PVD or CVD  method. Electroplating is a method of choice for depositing  metal into the Vias and trenches of the processed wafer during  damascene and dual damascene processing.

Damascene processing is used for forming interconnec  tions on integrated circuits (ICs). Damascene processing  involves formation of inlaid metal lines in trenches and vias  formed in a dielectric layer (inter-metal dielectric). In a typi cal damascene process, a pattern of trenches and vias is  etched in the dielectric layer of a semiconductor wafer sub  strate. A thin layer of diffusion-barrier film such as tantalum, tantalum nitride, or a TaN/Tabi-layer is then deposited onto  the wafer surface by a PVD method, followed by deposition  of seed layer of copper on top of the diffusion-barrier layer. Typical materials for diffusion barrier layers include titanium  (Ti), tantalum (Ta), tantalum nitride (TaN), tantalum nitride  silicon (TaNSi), tungsten (W), titanium nitride (TiN), tita  nium nitride silicon (TiNSi) and the like.

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