
时间:2023-05-31 08:39:59 浏览量:0

Gate Oxide failure analysis during technology  qualification led to discovery of the polysilicon hole defects in  large (>200Kμm² ) PMOS capacitors. In-line KLA inspections confirmed that polysilicon holes were formed during the salicide block process module. It is hypothesized that a three  way interaction between the P+ source/drain implanted boron,  heat added during salicide block mask deposition, and NH4+ in  the BOE causes the polysilicon hole. By replacing the BOE (Buffered Oxide Etchant) with a 100:1 HF solution, the  creation of polysilicon holes was eliminated as confirmed by  KLA and VBD testing.

Gate oxide failures are one of the major contributors to  the reliability and yield loss of semiconductor devices.  While most gate oxide issues are created within the gate  oxide module, this paper will demonstrate that post gate  processing can contribute to gate oxide defects. Specifically,  defects formed during the salicide block module on  polysilicon; a module that serves as a hard mask for  selective salicide formation.

An in depth investigation revealed that failing gate oxide  test results were due to polysilicon holes that formed in the  salicide block module, during the pre-metal-deposition cleans. Subsequent silicide formation in the polysilicon hole  caused electrical shorts. While not directly related to  inherent oxide quality, the failures appeared as extrinsic gate  oxide defectivity.

As part of a high voltage 0.35um technology  qualification, gate oxide integrity tests including TDDB and  VBD were performed. TDDB and VBD tests showed that  PMOS GOI capacitors exhibited high failure rates on  PCSQ1 (large square active area), PCPE1 (poly edge) and  PCBB1 (Birds Beak) structures, while all complimentary  NMOS structures were relatively defect free. Data analysis  indicated that the failures were Type-A extrinsic defects in  nature. Excluding these failures otherwise indicated that the intrinsic lifetime for the gate oxide met the 10 year  requirements. Table 1 outlines the test structure types, its  dimensions, and it failure rate.



Stepwise scan recipes were developed to determine  where in the salicide block processing module that the defect  type was first formed. For these inline scans, a relative  visual Defect Density (D0) was determine through review of  the defects found with KLA scans. D0 is defined as number  defects per square centimeter of area scanned. Through the  in-line scans, the polysilicon defect was determined to be  first detected after pre-metal clean. This clean is used to remove any native oxide prior to Ti deposition and can be  considered as primary process step in the creation of  polysilicon hole defects. With this discovery, additional  experiments were performed to identify contributing factors to the defect formation and to understand the mechanism of  polysilicon hole formation.

A short-loop flow was created based on salicide block  module utilizing patterned implanted wafers. With the shortloop flow wafers, many experiments were designed to find  the root cause for the defect of interest. Below are  summaries of the important experiments that lead to  determining a root cause for the polysilicon holes defects. All experiment results are based on visual defect counts.

One theory to the defect formation was that the P+  implant is physically damaging the poly-silicon and  allowing the pre-metal clean to remove the damaged polysilicon. An experiment designed to test this theory used B,  BF2, and Ar as implant species with same dose and energy  condition as the standard P+ source/drain implant used by the technology. The inert Argon gas was chosen to only study the physical damage effect of an implant on the  polysilicon.

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