
时间:2023-06-25 09:51:02 浏览量:0

Copper direct bonding technology is considered to  be one of the most promising approach for matching the  miniaturization needs of future 3D integrated high performance  circuits (3D-IC). In this study, we discuss the recent achievements  in copper direct bonding technology with oxide/copper mixed surface and present the latest electrical and physical  characterizations of chip to wafer bonding structures after  annealing at 400°C and thermal cycling tests. In addition,  electrical performance of chip to wafer bonding on 300mm wafers  is also presented. Finally, thermo-mechanical finite element  simulations showing the impact of the annealing conditions on the  closure of the interface are shown.

Three-dimensional integration is considered as one of the  most promising way to dramatically improve both the performance and the heterogeneity of electronic devices. This technology consists in stacking several wafers or chips  together to achieve high interconnection density while reducing  their length. To obtain functional bonded devices, main key  steps like surface preparation, alignment, bonding, thinning and  Through Silicon Via (TSV) connections must be mastered. The  two main bonding techniques allowing simultaneous  mechanical and electrical connection are thermo-compression  bonding and metallic direct bonding. While both  techniques have their advantages, copper direct bonding  appears to be the most encouraging way to achieve very high  interconnection density. Previous studies have demonstrated the  relevance of the Wafer to Wafer (WtW) copper direct bonding technology with robust electrical performance on 200mm  wafers. Nevertheless, a WtW strategy entails significant  drawbacks, such as a constant die footprint between tiers and  the impossibility to ensure high production yields without prior  Known Good Dies (KGD) selection. For these reasons, a Chip  to Wafer (CtW) strategy has been carried out and assessed on  200mm and 300mm wafers environments, high density  interconnects being generally required for advanced CMOS  node. In this paper we present the latest electrical  characterizations of 200mm CtW bonding after annealing at  400°C and Thermal Cycling (TC) tests, and we compare them to 200mm WtW bonding technology. In addition, electrical  performances of 300mm CtW bonding were also investigated.  Finally, thermo-mechanical finite element simulations were  done to investigate different annealing conditions and their impact on the closure mechanism of the bonding interface.

The two main structures used to characterize the electrical  resistance of the Cu-Cu bonding interface were bonded and  stand-alone NIST (National Institute of Standard Technology) and daisy chains structures. A schematic description of the bonded and stand-alone NIST structures can be found in the  Fig. 1. The stand-alone NIST (d) were used to first extract the  copper resistivity and then to calculate the theoretical resistance  for the bonded structures. The contact area of these structures is  640 x 3µm² for the NIST (a) and (c), and 340 x 3µm² for the  NIST (b). The probe pads of the NIST (a) and (b) are situated  on two different layers, which forces the current to pass through  the bonding interface during the electrical characterization. On  the contrary, the contact pads of the bonded structure NIST (c) are on the same metal layer. Therefore, if the contact resistance  is too high, in the case of a poor bonding quality for instance,  the current would flow only in the upper line without crossing  the bonding interface.



The fabrication was performed at CEA Leti on 200mm  silicon wafers, based on a classical damascene process. After 500nm thick opening into an 800nm thick deposited SiO2 layer, TiN diffusion barrier and Cu seed layers were deposited.  Cu filling was carried out by electroplating and then annealed  at 400°C. After an optimized CMP surface preparation, wafers  were bonded at room temperature, atmospheric pressure and  ambient air. In order to strengthen the bonding interface, the  stacked wafers were annealed at 400°C during 2 hours. To  allow the direct probing at a wafer level, several technological  steps are performed on the bounded wafers: top wafer thinning  down to 50μm, via etching and realization of a redistribution  layer (RDL). Finally, a BCB passivation and a UBM layers  were processed (Fig. 3).

Chip to wafer bonding offers a lot of advantages from  design and integration points of view, but various questions  about the mechanical strength or the reliability of the stacks  must be investigated. This is why we conducted for the first  time thermal cycling tests on non-thinned CtW bonding  structures, based on a classical JEDEC standard with  1000 cycles at ambient pressure and a temperature cycling between -40°C and +125°C. In order to verify the structural  integrity of the interface, electrical characterizations and SEM  images were realized after the TC tests. As shown on the Fig. 8,  no increase of the resistance or dramatic failure caused by  major structural deformations, like voids or delamination, was observed on the NIST and daisy chain structures. This  encouraging result indicates the high mechanical strength of  non-thinned bonded chips, but in order to fully address the  mechanical reliability question of CtW stacks, additional  investigations must be conducted in the future, including TC  tests on thinned-down chips with a complete BEOL and  thermo-mechanical simulations.

The difference between experimental and theoretical  resistance for the DC5 node is 4.7mΩ this time, which proves a robust bonding quality, the bonding interface having little  impact on the global resistance. This result is all the more  interesting as the bonded samples come from two different  technologies, demonstrating the feasibility of heterogeneous  integration with the direct bonding technology. Moreover, by  comparing the resistances of all the NIST present on the 19  bonded chips, we did not notice any significant variations (Fig. 10). Indeed, the standard deviation for the NIST (a) and  (b) is 3.39% and 1.47% respectively, which is in accordance  with industry standards regarding interconnections. This result  implies high fabrication homogeneity and confirms that the CtW bonding process gives good electrical performances whether the chip is bonded on the edge or at the center of the  300mm wafer.

The simulation scenario was divided into 3 main steps. The  first one consisted in the approach of the top part toward the  bottom one, initially separated from 1µm, in order to initiate the  bonding at ambient temperature. During the second step the  annealing at 400°C occurred, which led to the copper dilatation  and thus the complete or partial closure of the copper interface.  Finally during the last step the parts assembly cooled down,  going from 400°C to 20°C.

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