
时间:2023-07-14 13:46:03 浏览量:0

We report the results of diffuser lithography applied to a negative-type thick photoresist to fabricate 3-dimensional  microstructures suspended on supports. When UV light passes through a diffuser film, the direction of the light is randomized because of the irregular surface of the diffuser. By exposing through a diffuser on a Cr-mask, a circular or an  elliptical cross-section of exposed region can be formed on a spin-coated photoresist. When applied to a negative-type  thick photoresist, diffuser lithography gives a 3-dimensional circular cross-section of the exposed and cross-linked  regions, which could be used for making suspended microstructures. The size of the exposed region has been controlled by the dose of the UV light. The current study clearly shows that the depth of exposed region of photoresist is  affected by the geometry of the pattern. By controlling the depth of the exposed region using different pattern size,  beam structures suspended on the support structures could be fabricated by single exposure process. The characteristics  of the diffuser lithography process were investigated on a negative type photopolymer, SU-8, with different doses of  UV-light and different geometry.  

Recently, with enhancements of MEMS/NEMS  technology, the need for the fabrication of 3- dimensional microstructures with special functions  has increased. Photo-lithography is a common  method for making microstructures, but it has a limitation in making three-dimensional microstructures  such as bridge-type structures which are supported on  both ends or cantilever-type structures supported on  one end by support structures.  

Yu reported a scanning laser technique to  fabricate 3-D structures, e.g., cantilevers and bridges,  on SU-8. Suzuki et al.  reported an inclined UV exposure method to make an embedded microchannel  with single mask process. Chang and Yoon  proposed a diffuser lithography, which uses UV exposure through a diffuser film on a positive-type photoresist to make rounded cross-section of micro-lens  array mold. Because the diffuser lithography proposed by Chang uses the conventional lithography  process with addition of a diffuser film on Cr-mask, it  showed some advantages of process simplicity, reproducibility and various shapes of cross-section. The  cross-section shape varies by changing the sort of  diffuser, exposure dose, mask pattern width, and  proximity gap. However, in Chang’s report, because  they were interested in optical device application  which requires uniform pattern size, the investigation  about the effect of mask pattern size and geometry  was not reported.

In order to get the rounded cross-section on photoresist by using diffuser lithography, the process parameters are controlled so that the light is diffused in  the resist and does not reach the bottom surface of the  substrate. When diffuser lithography is applied on a  positive type photoresist, only the part of the resist  exposed by diffused light is removed and the other  part remains on the substrate. This remaining photoresist can be used as a mold structure for replication  of various micro patterns with rounded shapes. On the  other hand, at negative type photoresist, exposed parts  are cross-linked and other unexposed parts are removed by development. This means the exposed parts  are not on the substrate and will be washed away  from the substrate if they have no support structures  on the substrate. Therefore, in the diffuser lithography  on a negative type photoresist, investigations on the  relations between the depth of exposure and process  parameters are necessary in order to ensure the connection of microstructures on the substrate surface.



Fig. 6 shows a schematic diagram of the difference  of exposure depth according to the pattern size in the  diffuser lithography. When the open part of the metal  layer on the Cr-mask is small, the light diffuses and  the light cannot reach the bottom of the resist, which  means that the cross-linked region would be suspended after developing. On the other hand, when the  open pattern of the Cr-mask is big, the UV lights  diffused from different point are superposed and finally get enough of a dose to make depth of exposure  large enough to reach down to the substrate, which  allows it to form a support structure in a negative-type  resist.  

As shown in Fig. 7, a wider slit pattern in the Crmask gave a bigger beam width and thickness because more UV-light could go through the wider slit  of the Cr-mask. When comparing the width and  thickness of the beam structure at the both ends and at  middle point of the bridge, the beam had a bigger  width and thickness at both ends than in middle point  of the bridge structure. This is attributed to geometry  effect. In the corner part, where slit and square meet,  the number of photons is larger than in the middle of  slit because it has more directions for diffused photons to come. In the middle point, apart some distance from the junction of slit and square, the beam width  and thickness could be kept uniform. Fig. 8 shows the  exposure width according to exposure time. As the  exposure time increases, the width increases. Fig. 9  shows the exposure depth measured by beam thickness according to the exposure dose and slit width.

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