用键合和减薄的体压电基板进形 MEMS 的晶圆级制造

时间:2023-07-25 10:48:56 浏览量:0

We report a batch-mode fabrication technology for  integration of bulk piezoelectric materials into MEMS  devices, and test results of high-performance out-of-plane  piezoelectric actuators fabricated with this technology.  Low-temperature (200℃), reliable AuIn and Parylene  bonding of PZT wafers/dies on Si wafers is achieved, and  lapping is used to obtain <10μm PZT films. Conservation  of the piezoelectric properties is confirmed with a  hysteresis measurement. Additionally, square and circular  shaped PZT diaphragms with 4mm×4mm, 2mm×2mm,  and 1mm×1mm sizes operating in the d31-mode are  fabricated with a 2-mask fabrication process. Greater than  12 μm peak-to-peak deflection is obtained by actuation of a  1mm2 diaphragm at resonance (110.9kHz) with a power  consumption of <7mW.

Bulk piezoelectric ceramics, unlike deposited  piezoelectric thin films (<few µm), provide greater  electromechanical force, structural strength, and charge  capacity, which are highly desirable in many MEMS  applications including high-force actuators, harshenvironmental sensors, and micro-power scavengers.  Previous studies for integration of bulk ceramics in MEMS  focused on bonding by surface activation , hydrophilic  conditioning, epoxy-resin, Cytop, AuSn, or  InSn. However, these manufacturing techniques have  faced significant challenges such as a non-patternable  bond layer, low bond strength due to high stress and voids  in the bond layer, or out-diffusion of lead and repolarization issues due to high temperature processing. In  this study, we have developed low-temperature, fluxless,  patternable, and reliable AuIn (conductive) and Parylene  (non-conductive) bonding of bulk PZT-5A on Si wafers,  both in die and wafer level (70mm×70mm), and have  demonstrated that bonded PZT wafer/pieces can be  thinned down at wafer-level to less than 10μm.

Bonded PZT-5A samples do not require repolarization, since the bonding temperature is around half  of the Curie temperature (350℃). The bond shear strength  is measured and summarized in Table 1 for both AuIn and  Parylene bonded samples. During shear tests, more than  50% of the AuIn samples failed due to cracking that  occurred in the PZT or the Si, which indicates that the  bond layer has greater strength than the bonded material  itself. After bonding, ferroelectric properties are confirmed  by measuring the remnant polarization (37.7ȝ C/cm2 ) and  the coercive field (16.8kV/cm) (Fig.4a).

Actuated displacements of fabricated diaphragms are  measured using a laser vibrometer. In order to confirm that  the piezoelectric properties of the bulk material are fully  conserved, measured out-of-resonance displacement of a  diaphragm is compared with its FEA simulation at static  actuation (Fig.8). The simulation results are represented  with the shaded area, in order to account for +/g 0.5μm  variation in PZT and AuIn thickness values, due to the  rough interface between these layers.



Bulk piezoelectric ceramics, unlike deposited  piezoelectric thin films (<few µm), provide greater  electromechanical force, structural strength, and charge capacity, which are highly desirable in many MEMS  applications including high-force actuators, harshenvironmental sensors, and micro-power scavengers.  Previous studies for integration of bulk ceramics in MEMS  focused on bonding by surface activation , hydrophilic  conditioning , epoxy-resin , Cytop , AuSn , or  InSn. However, these manufacturing techniques have  faced significant challenges such as a non-patternable  bond layer, low bond strength due to high stress and voids  in the bond layer, or out-diffusion of lead and repolarization issues due to high temperature processing. In  this study, we have developed low-temperature, fluxless,  patternable, and reliable AuIn (conductive) and Parylene  (non-conductive) bonding of bulk PZT-5A on Si wafers,  both in die and wafer level (70mm×70mm), and have  demonstrated that bonded PZT wafer/pieces can be  thinned down at wafer-level to less than 10μm.

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