
时间:2024-01-06 16:12:53 浏览量:0


Understanding surface passivation arising from aluminium oxide (Al2O3) films is of significant relevance for  silicon-based solar cells and devices that require negligible surface recombination. This study aims to understand  the competing bulk and surface lifetime effects which occur during the activation of atomic layer deposited  Al2O3. We demonstrate that maximum passivation is achieved on n- and p-type silicon with activation at ~  450 ◦C, irrespective of annealing ambient. Upon stripping the Al2O3 films and re-passivating the surface using a  superacid-based technique, we find the bulk lifetime of float-zone and Czochralski silicon wafers degrade at  annealing temperatures > 450 ◦C. By accounting for this bulk lifetime degradation, we demonstrate that the  chemical passivation component associated with Al2O3 remains stable at activation temperatures of 450─500 ◦C,  achieving an SRV of < 1 cm/s on n- and p-type silicon. In conjunction with the thermal stability, we show that  films in the range of 3–30 nm maintain an SRV of < 1 cm/s when annealed at 450 ◦C. From atomic-level energy  dispersive X-ray analysis, we demonstrate that, post deposition, the interface has a structure of Si/SiO2/Al2O3.  After activation at > 300 ◦C, the interface becomes Si/SixAlyO2/Al2O3 due to diffusion of aluminium into the thin  silicon oxide layer.

1. Introduction 

 Silicon photovoltaics account for > 95 % of the PV market, and this  dominance is predicted to remain unchanged for the foreseeable future. With the mainstream PV technology being the passivated emitter  and rear cell (PERC) architecture, mitigation of surface recombination  through state-of-the-art passivation layers on the front and rear of the  solar cell has become ever more important. In particular, the reemergence of aluminium oxide (Al2O3) in 2006  has enabled high  levels of surface passivation to be achieved on the rear side of PERC solar  cells (on a p-type substrate), which can be attributed to the high levels of  negative charge and good chemical passivation properties of the film. Furthermore, with the recent introduction of passivating contact  structures (e.g. TOPCon), Al2O3 passivation is now being utilised on the  front surface of TOPCon solar cells which use n-type substrates. As  such, Al2O3 is playing an ever-increasing role in mitigating surface  recombination on either the front or rear surface, thereby demonstrating  its significance in the development of highly efficient solar cells.

There remains some uncertainty in how one can maximise the  highest level of surface passivation on silicon. Often, the level of surface  passivation is quantified based on the effective lifetime level achieved,  which is subsequently converted into a surface recombination velocity  (SRV) or surface saturation current density (J0s). However, in doing  so, the underlying bulk silicon material is assumed to be thermally stable  at post-deposition annealing temperatures of < 500 ◦C. If this assumption is incorrect there can be substantial variability in the extracted  values and thus any conclusions drawn from them. It has recently been  shown that the bulk lifetime (τbulk) of float-zone (FZ) silicon is thermally  unstable at temperatures between 400─800 ◦C, whereby τbulk has been  shown to decrease by up to two orders of magnitude in some cases, independent of FZ silicon manufacturer. High temperature  (>1000 ◦C) thermal treatments in an oxygen ambient have been shown  to annihilate the point defects responsible for this instability in the bulk  lifetime, however such processes are not readily available to all research  groups, and thus are often omitted in sample processing. Czochralski  (Cz) silicon wafers can offer greater thermal stability, as they do not possess the same point defects created in FZ silicon, however the bulk  lifetime in ‘as-received’ wafers can degrade/improve via other mechanisms, such as oxygen-related defects (thermal donors, oxygen precipitation) and metal impurities. No silicon material can offer  complete thermal stability of the bulk lifetime, and this could partly  explain the variability in the passivation results reported in the literature. Setting aside material quality, and assuming similar deposition  conditions, the main parameters that control Al2O3 surface passivation  are found in the post deposition annealing conditions, as identified in  Table 1. For the examples listed in Table 1, all studies have used FZ  silicon as their base material without considering thermal degradation  (or improvement), and each study used different post-deposition  annealing conditions to achieve maximum surface passivation.


Table 1  A summary of ALD Al2O3 passivation on FZ silicon in key publications. All reported values are for films deposited at ~ 200 ◦C using an O2 plasma as the coreactant and trimethylaluminium as the precursor with the post deposition  annealing (PDA) conditions as stated. Upper limit SRVs are for an injection level  of 1015 cm− 3 .

2. Experimental methods

Silicon samples were prepared by first immersing them in a 2 %  hydrofluoric acid (HF) solution to remove any native oxide present. The  samples were then immersed in a standard clean 1 (SC 1) solution  consisting of H2O, H2O2 (30 %) and NH4OH (30 %) (5:1:1) at ~ 75 ◦C for  10 min. Following the SC 1 clean, the samples were once again  immersed in a fresh 2 % HF solution to remove the chemical oxide  formed during the cleaning process, and subsequently immersed in a 25  % TMAH etching solution at ~ 80 ◦C for 10 min. Thereafter, the samples  were immersed in fresh 2 % HF solution and then immersed in a standard clean 2 (SC 2) solution consisting of H2O, H2O2 (30 %) and HCl (37  %) (5:1:1) at ~ 75 ◦C for 10 min. To complete the surface pre-treatment,  samples were immersed (individually) in a 2 % HF-HCl solution for ~ 5 s  and pulled dry from the HF-HCl solution to give a hydrogen terminated  surface [17]. At this point the samples were not rinsed in deionized (DI)  water.

Immediately following the wet chemical cleaning process, the samples were transferred to the load lock of a Veeco Fiji G2 system which  was then subsequently evacuated to mitigate any unintentional oxide  formation. 5–250 cycles of Al2O3 (0.7–35 nm assuming a growth rate of  0.13 nm ) were deposited by ALD at 200 ◦C using an O2 plasma  source and trimethylaluminum precursor. The deposition was performed on both sides of the samples to achieve symmetrical structures.  Following the Al2O3 depositions, the samples were annealed in a quartz  tube furnace for 30 min in air at a specified annealing temperature. In  some cases, silicon samples were annealed in a Surface Science Integration Solaris 100 rapid thermal processor (RTP) for 30 min at a  specified annealing temperature and ambient (N2, forming gas or N2O).  For this study, a 30 min anneal was chosen to ensure enough time was  allowed to achieve maximum passivation, especially for lower annealing  temperatures.

3. Results and discussion

Fig. 1 (a) plots the effective lifetime (at an excess carrier density, Δn  = 1015 cm− 3 ) of ALD Al2O3 coated (~20 nm) FZ 2 Ω-cm n-type silicon  materials after annealing at temperatures between 360─520 ◦C in an  RTP furnace for 30 min. The data in Fig. 1a show an increase in effective  lifetime with annealing temperature, peaking at a temperature of  460─480 ◦C, and then rapidly declining with higher annealing temperatures. Notably, the annealing ambient (N2, forming gas or N2O) has  no significant influence on the level of passivation achieved with  annealing temperature implying the improvement in passivation post  annealing is primarily governed by the elemental species within the film  (e.g., hydrogen) rather than originating from external sources. While the  optimisation study shown in Fig. 1 (a) is very important for understanding how to maximise surface passivation, interpreting the results  can become difficult when considering the underlying bulk material, as  this can also change with the annealing conditions used to activate the  passivation. Recently it has been demonstrated that ‘as-received’ FZ  silicon is thermally unstable, whereby the bulk lifetime can degrade by  two orders of magnitude over the temperature region in which Al2O3  passivation is thermally activated due to nitrogen-vacancy defects.  Therefore, to overcome this limitation, we have assessed the bulk lifetime of the samples used in Fig. 1 (a), by stripping their Al2O3 coatings  and subsequently re-passivating their surfaces using a room temperature  superacid passivation method, as shown by the orange squares.  Although the effective lifetime of the re-passivated samples is lower than  that for Al2O3 passivation, (in keeping with the reported SRVs for Al2O3  and superacid of ~ 0.5 cm/s and < 2 cm/s, respectively) the  trend is still indicative of variations in the bulk lifetime. As shown by the  orange squares in Fig. 1 (a), the bulk lifetime is stable up to an annealing  temperature of 480 ◦C, above which it starts to degrade. Therefore, at  annealing temperatures > 480 ◦C the bulk lifetime strongly influences  the effective lifetime, meaning limited information regarding the stability of Al2O3 passivation at higher annealing temperatures can be  gained from these measurements.


Fig. 1. (a) Effective lifetime (at Δn = 1015 cm− 3 ) of ALD Al2O3 coated (~20 nm) FZ 2 Ω-cm n-type silicon samples annealed in an RTP furnace at temperatures  between 360─520 ◦C for 30 min. The blue circles, purple diamonds and red triangles correspond to samples annealed in N2, FG and N2O, respectively. (b) and (c)  effective lifetime at Δn = 1015 cm− 3 of ALD-grown Al2O3-coated (~20 nm) Cz 5 Ω-cm p-type (gallium doped) and n-type silicon, respectively. Al2O3-coated samples  in (b) and (c) were annealed in air between 300 and 600 ◦C in quartz tube furnace for 30 min. The orange squares in all figures represent samples which had been  stripped of Al2O3 and re-passivated by a room temperature superacid treatment. The orange lines are guides to the eye only.

In an attempt to overcome the bulk lifetime limitations of FZ silicon  when annealing at temperature > 480 ◦C, we employ photovoltaic-grade  Czochralski (Cz) n- and p-type silicon wafers, the latter being doped with  gallium to overcome degradation associated with the boron-oxygen  defect [26], thereby enabling other bulk degradation mechanisms to  be identified. Fig. 1 (b) and (c) plot the effective lifetime (at Δn = 1015  cm− 3 ) of ALD-grown Al2O3-coated (~20 nm) Cz ~ 5 Ω-cm p- and n-type  silicon materials respectively after annealing in air at temperature between 300─600 ◦C in a quartz tube furnace for 30 min. It is clear that a  peak annealing temperature of ~ 450 ◦C yields the highest effective  lifetime on both n- and p-type silicon, as shown in Fig. 1 (b) and (c),  however for higher annealing temperatures, the effective lifetime is  observed to decrease, consistent with the results of Fig. 1 (a). Thus, to  gain further insight on this apparent decrease in surface passivation at  high annealing temperatures, we again strip their Al2O3 coatings and  subsequently re-passivate the surfaces using room temperature  superacid-based passivation. The re-passivation results presented in  Fig. 1 (b) show that the bulk lifetime in p-type silicon is stable up to an  annealing temperature of ~ 450 ◦C, and then decreases to the same  lifetime as was achieved by the corresponding Al2O3 passivated samples  annealed at 500 ◦C and 550 ◦C. For the bulk lifetime in n-type silicon, a  similar trend is also observed with increasing annealing temperature,  whereby the bulk lifetime steadily decreases beyond an annealing  temperature of 450 ◦C which causes a reduction in the effective lifetime  as shown in Fig. 1 (c). Therefore, as was the case for the FZ samples  presented in Fig. 1 (a), the bulk lifetime of the p- and n-type samples  presented in Fig. 1 (b) and (c) strongly influences the lifetime. Whilst we  have been able to measure changes in the bulk lifetime, the cause for this  reduction in Cz silicon is unclear. The major differences between FZ and Cz silicon are the oxygen and metal impurity concentrations, whereby  Cz contains higher concentrations of both impurities. Grown-in metal  impurities will have a detrimental effect on the bulk lifetime, however  recent studies have shown that dielectric layers such as Al2O3 can act as  gettering layers, whereby metal impurities are removed from the silicon  material during annealing. However given that we see a decline  in the bulk lifetime with increasing annealing temperature suggests such  a gettering mechanism is not having a significant impact on improving  the bulk lifetime. In contrast, oxygen related defects are known to form  recombination active thermal donors when subject to annealing temperatures between 450─650 ◦C, however the generation of such defects  is dependent on both temperature and annealing time. As such it is  more likely that an oxygen related defect is causing a reduction in the  bulk lifetime as shown in Fig. 1 (b) and (c). Nevertheless, whilst a  degradation in the bulk lifetime is affecting our ability to quantify the  impact of annealing temperature on the surface passivation quality, we  can overcome this limitation by investigating the chemical and fieldeffect passivation of the Al2O3 films through alternative characterisation techniques.

Chemical and field effect passivation: Thermal stability

In order to separate the effects of chemical and field-effect passivation of the Al2O3 passivated samples, we subject the samples to corona  discharge, whereby controlled amounts of positive charge (e.g.,  H3O+(H2O)2─8 ions) are deposited onto the surfaces of the Al2O3 films . The choice of positive charge is determined by the charge polarity  of the film being investigated. In this case Al2O3 is known to possess a  high level of negative charge, thus by depositing enough positive  corona charges, we can effectively reduce the net charge to zero. This  yields information on the total amount of negative charge in the Al2O3  film, and more importantly, an indication of the ‘interface state density –  capture rate’ product (Dit*σn/p) which quantifies the chemical passivation. Fig. 2 (a) and 2 (b) plot the effective lifetime (at Δn = 1015 cm− 3 )  of ALD-grown Al2O3-coated (~20 nm) Cz 5 Ω-cm n-type and p-type  (gallium doped) silicon versus the amount of positive corona charge  deposited on their surfaces (front and rear) respectively. In both figures,  we see an initial decrease in the effective lifetime after subjecting the  samples to corona charging, which can be attributed to a reduction in  the net field-effect passivation of the films.


Fig. 2. (a) and (b) effective lifetime (at Δn = 1015 cm− 3 ) of ALD-grown Al2O3-coated (~20 nm) Cz 5 Ω–cm n-type and p-type (gallium doped) silicon versus the  amount of positive corona charge deposited on their surfaces (front and rear) respectively. Violet squares, blue circles, orange diamonds and purple triangles  correspond to samples annealed at 400 ◦C, 450 ◦C, 500 ◦C and 550 ◦C, respectively. (c) Extracted Qf of ALD Al2O3 from corona charge measurements as shown in (a)  and (b). (d) Chemical passivation SRV (at Δn = 1015 cm− 3 ) versus annealing temperature with and without a bulk lifetime correction. Green hexagons and aqua  pentagons in (c) and (d) correspond to measurements performed on Cz 5 Ω-cm n-type and p-type (gallium doped) silicon, respectively.

4. Conclusion 

 In this work, we have conducted a thorough investigation of the  mechanisms behind the activation temperature-dependent passivation  quality of ALD Al2O3 films grown on n- and p-type silicon, separating  bulk and surface recombination. We demonstrate that the ambient in  which the Al2O3 films are annealed does not appear to have an influence  on the level of passivation achieved. We also demonstrate that maximum surface passivation is achieved with a post-deposition  annealing temperature of ~ 450 ◦C for 30 min for both n- and p-type  silicon. For higher annealing temperatures, the effective lifetime was  found to decrease monotonically. However, upon removing the Al2O3  films and re-passivating the surface using a room temperature superacidbased technique, we show that this reduction in passivation is due to  degradation of the bulk lifetime. The degrading bulk lifetime dominated  the overall effective lifetime, and would yield inaccurate results of the  surface passivation quality if this were not understood. By accounting  for the reduction in bulk lifetime, in conjunction with corona charging  and Kelvin probe experiments, we were able to demonstrate that the  chemical passivation of Al2O3 films is stable between annealing temperatures of 450─500 ◦C. In contrast, the negative charge within the  films was found to vary with temperature, increasing from –4 × 1012  qcm− 2 at 350 ◦C to − 5.5 × 1012 qcm− 2 at 600 ◦C. In conjunction with the  thermal stability, we also examined the film thickness dependence on  the chemical and field effect passivation. We found that films as thin as  3 nm can achieve maximum chemical passivation when annealed at  450 ◦C, achieving a Dit of ~ 3 × 1010 eV-1cm− 2 . Thicker films show no  further reduction in the Dit, whilst Qf remains constant at ~ 5 × 1012  qcm− 2 within the 2–30 nm range.


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