4H 碳化硅晶圆的化学机械抛光

时间:2024-01-06 16:12:19 浏览量:0

4H silicon carbide (4H-SiC) holds great promise for high-power and highfrequency electronics, in which high-quality 4H-SiC wafers with both global  and local planarization are cornerstones. Chemical–mechanical polishing  (CMP) is the key processing technology in the planarization of 4H-SiC wafers.  Enhancing the performance of CMP is critical to improving the surface  quality and reducing the processing cost of 4H-SiC wafers. In this review, the  superior properties of 4H-SiC and the processing of 4H-SiC wafers are introduced. The development of CMP with chemical, mechanical, and chemical– mechanical synergistic approaches to improve the performance of CMP is  systematically reviewed. The basic principle and processing system of each  improvement approach are presented. By comparing the material removal  rate of CMP and the surface roughness of CMP-treated 4H-SiC wafers, the  prospect on the chemical, mechanical, and chemical–mechanical synergistic  improvement approaches is finally provided.

1. Introduction 

4H silicon carbide (4H-SiC) is emerging  as a dominant semiconductor material to  enable the ever-increasing deployment of  high-power, high-frequency, high-temperature and radiation-resistant devices.Compared with silicon (Si)-based the highpower devices based on 4H-SiC have the  advantages of higher power density, lower  power consumption, and smaller size. As shown in Figure 1, the devices using  4H-SiC have been successfully utilized in  a series of fields such as electric vehicles,  railways, uninterruptible power supplies  (UPS), high-voltage grids, and 5G communications.For example, the powerconversion efficiency of the G2020  series  4H-SiC-based UPS developed by Toshiba  has reached 98.2%.Toyota has replaced  Si-based PIN diodes with 4H-SiC-based Schottky-barrier diodes  in the DC converters of hybrid electric vehicles, leading to 30%  reduction of energy loss and 0.5% increase of conversion efficiency. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation has equipped a 4H-SiC  power module in the train traction inverter of the N700S Shinkansen subway, enabling the switching loss and volume of the  system to be reduced by 55% and 40–65%, respectively. The  promising applications of 4H-SiC have boosted the requirements for high-quality 4H-SiC wafers. Since the surface quality  of 4H-SiC wafers significantly affects the quality of epitaxial  4H-SiC (homoepitaxy) or GaN (heteroepitaxy) and thus the  quality of final devices, the processing of the surface of 4H-SiC  wafers is crucial to the success of 4H-SiC in semiconductor  industry.


Figure 1. Major application fileds of the electronic devices based on  4H-SiC.

Chemical–mechanical polishing (CMP) has been developed  as a state-of-the-art technology to achieve global planarization  of the surface of 4H-SiC wafers. During CMP, the surface  of a 4H-SiC wafer undergoes cycles of chemical oxidation and  mechanical removal under the interaction among the 4H-SiC  wafer, polishing slurry, and polishing pad.Given the high  hardness and strong chemical inertness of 4H-SiC, the CMP  of 4H-SiC wafers faces the challenges of long processing time,  high cost, and low technical flexibility.In order to improve  the surface quality and processing efficiency of 4H-SiC wafers,  researchers have been investigating various approaches.

2. Properties and Manufacturing of 4H-SiC Wafers

2.1. Properties of SiC 

The bonding between Si and C is shown in Figure 2a. The  bond length and binding energy of SiC are ≈1.89  Å and  ≈289  kJ  mol−1 , respectively. They give rise to the extremely  high hardness and strong chemical stability of SiC.SiC has  more than 200 homogeneous polymorphs, of which 3C-, 4H-,  and 6H-SiC are rather common. The structures of 3C-, 4H-,  and 6H-SiC are schematically shown in Figure 2b. The letters  A, B, and C denote sites occupied by SiC bilayers in a hexagonal close-packed structure. The stacking sequences of SiC  bilayers of 3C-, 4H-, and 6H-SiC are ABC, ABCB, and ABCACB,  respectively. Figure 2c displays crystal directions and planes of  hexagonal 4H-SiC. The planes with the direction of [0001]  and [0001] are often called the Si face and C face, respectively.


Figure 2. Schematic diagrams of a) tetrahedron structure formed by SiC bonds, b) stacking sequence of SiC bilayers in 3C-, 4H-, and 6H-SiC, and  c) major crystal faces in hexagonal SiC.

Given the same bonding between Si and C, 3C-, 4H-, and  6H-SiC have similar mechanical and chemical properties.  However, due to the different stacking sequences of SiC  bilayers, the electrical properties of 3C-, 4H-, and 6H-SiC are  different from each other. As shown in Figure 3, the critical  electric field, bandgap energy, saturated electron velocity and  electron mobility of 4H-SiC all prevail over those of 3C- and  6H-SiC, which makes 4H-SiC being the ideal polymorph of SiC  for the applications of high-power, high-frequency, and high-temperature electronics.Therefore, we focus on the improvement  of the CMP of 4H-SiC in this review. It should be noted that  early work was mainly related to the CMP of 6H-SiC. Because  of the similar mechanical and chemical properties of 4H- and  6H-SiC, the mechanical and chemical improvements for the  CMP of 6H-SiC wafers are conducive to the improvements of  the CMP of 4H-SiC wafers.


Figure 3. Comparison of physical properties and electronic properties of  3C-, 4H-, and 6H-SiC.

2.2. Manufacturing of 4H-SiC Wafers

As shown in Figure 4, the processing procedure of a 4H-SiC  wafer mainly includes wire sawing, edge rounding, grinding,  lapping, and CMP.Firstly, a 4H-SiC boule is sliced into  wafers during multi-wire sawing. Each 4H-SiC wafer is then  mounted on a grinding chuck. A profile rounding wheel  rounds the wafer edge according to the product’s specifications. Grinding is subsequently carried out to rapidly reduce  the thickness of the wafer. The wafer further undergoes a series  of lapping processes to increase the parallelism of the surfaces and remove surface/sub-surface damage induced by the  wire-sawing. Finally, CMP is used to improve the flatness and  achieve an atomically smooth surface of the wafer.


Figure 4. Schematic diagram of typical manufacturing procedures of 4H-SiC wafers, including wire sawing, edge rounding, grinding, lapping, and CMP.

3. Status and Challenges of the Chemical– Mechanical Polishing (CMP) of 4H-SiC Wafers

3.1. Traditional CMP Methods 

CMP appeared in the mid-20th century, which had attracted  great attention owing to its capability of planarizing both glass  and metal. When IBM corporation first introduced CMP to  the manufacturing of integrated circuits in 1988, CMP began to be widely used in the processing of semiconductor wafers  because both the global and local planarization can be achieved  simultaneously. As shown in Figure 5, a CMP system mainly  consists of three parts: the polishing slurry, the polishing pad,  and the polishing machine containing components such as the  polishing head and polishing plate. In a typical CMP process,  a wafer is bonded to the bottom of a polishing head. The polishing slurry with specific functions is continuously dripped to  the surface of the polishing pad. The wafer, polishing slurry,  and polishing pad are in close contact under certain pressure  and rotated with the polishing head and polishing plate. During  the relative motion, the surface of the wafer and the polishing  slurry chemically react. The reaction product is removed by the  mechanical interaction among abrasives in the polishing slurry,  the polishing pad and the wafer. The global and local planarization of the wafer is ultimately realized by the cycling of the  chemical reaction and mechanical removal processes.


Figure 5. Schematic diagram of a typical CMP system, including polishing head, polishing plate, polishing slurry, and polishing pad. During  CMP process, the 4H-SiC wafer, polishing slurry, and polishing pad are in  close contact under certain pressure and rotated with the polishing head  and polishing plate.

4. Conclusions and Prospects 

In summary, we have reviewed the CMP of 4H-SiC wafers.  Although CMP has achieved great success on the processing  of 4H-SiC wafers, chemical, mechanical, and chemical– mechanical synergistic improvement approaches have been  proposed to enhance the MRR of CMP, and improve the surface quality of 4H-SiC wafers.

For chemical improvement approaches, the Fenton-like  reaction may improve the efficiency of CMP with low cost.  But residual Fe ions after CMP pose a challenge for postCMP cleaning. For the emerging PCMP, the long-term  stability of the photocatalyst in the slurry is an important  issue. Furthermore, the temperature fluctuation induced by long-time UV irradiation during PCMP should be monitored  and controlled.

For mechanical improvement approaches, alumina- or ceriabased MAS and core–shell abrasive particles have been regarded  as excellent components for novel polishing slurries. However,  the dispersion stability of the nanoparticles needs to be optimized to increase the reliability and reproducibility of the highvolume fabrication of MAS or core–shell abrasive slurry.

To date, the emerging CMP efficiency enhancement technologies are still in the industrial validation stage of moving  from the lab to the fab. Currently, PCMP and MAS technologies are showing potential in the industrial standard. In terms  of leading on a research level, PAP and ECMP are considered  to be more forward-looking.


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