
时间:2024-01-06 16:11:47 浏览量:0

1.1Thin films 

A coating is a layer of a material that covers the surface of an object and that has a thickness that is much smaller than the extension of the layer in the two dimensions parallel to  the surface. Generally, coatings are used to introduce functionalities by modifying properties and adding extra ones to a material. Well-known is the coating of materials simply for  decorative purposes. Paint layers form one of the first and most used examples of that  type of coating. The precise origins of the application of paint are unknown, but what is  clear, is that they must be very old. The oldest documented figurative paintings are estimated to be at least 40.000 years old, which is in the Paleolithic, also known as the old  stone age. The non-figurative paintings go back in time even before the habitation of modern humans in Europe3 . Thinner classes of coatings are nowadays referred to as “thin  films”. The first known thin metallic films are more than 5000 years old, which puts them  in the middle bronze age. They were found in Egyptian tombs as the decorative gilding of  death masks, sarcophagi and burial attributes. In time, the types of thin films and their  applications have grown into a wide variety and they can be found all around us, making  them an essential part of today’s products and technology. Common applications of thin  metal films are to be found in household mirrors that consist of a glass plate covered at  the rear side by a thin reflective metal film, and in the protective layers on touch screens  of laptops and smartphones. For many practical applications, thin metal coatings are deposited on objects by straightforward techniques, such as hot-dip galvanizing, thermal  spraying, electroplating and sherardizing.

In order to understand the wetting properties of thin films, we need to inspect them from  a thermodynamic perspective. Driving the wetting or dewetting is the reduction of the  total surface and interface free energy of the film-plus-substrate system. The surface free  energy quantifies the free-energy investment that is required to form a unit area of that  surface out of a continuous, three-dimensional bulk arrangement of the same material.  This accounts for the loss of interatomic or intermolecular interactions across the interface, which may be partly compensated by rearrangements at and close to the surface.  Nevertheless, for most materials, the surfaces and interfaces come with positive free energies, which means that the materials tend to minimize the areas of their surfaces and  interfaces.


Figure 1The equilibrium shape of a material that covers a substrate incompletely, with a  contact angle θ>0, corresponding to dewetting, as described by the Young-Laplace equation.

where γ𝑠 , γ𝑓 and γ𝑖 are free energies per unit area of the surface of the substrate material,  the surface of the thin film material and their interface, respectively, and 𝜃 is the equilibrium contact angle (Fig 1). When 𝜃 > 0, the equilibrium solution corresponds to a geometry with incomplete coverage of the substrate by the overlayer or, in other words, to  dewetting. When, on the other hand, the stability condition is satisfied;

A special class of applications in which dewetting can be problematic is formed by the thin film components that are used in state-of-the-art machines for photolithography with extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light (Figure 1.2). These machines are used for the production  of the most refined processor and memory chips to date. In the context of this technology,  ‘EUV’ refers to a wavelength of 13.5 nm. Examples of critical components of these machines that contain thin films are multilayer mirrors and pellicles (Figure 1.3). The mirrors  are curved and act as lenses. They are used instead of conventional refractive optics that  are of no use at 13.5 nm, because of the extreme absorption they would introduce at this  wavelength. The curved mirrors are decorated with a multilayer stack in order to reach an  acceptable fraction of reflected light at or close to normal incidence. In these stacks, each  interface contributes a small amount to the reflected light amplitude, while a careful  choice of the thicknesses of the layers ensures constructive interference of all partial reflections at normal incidence. At 13.5 nm, Si and Mo are used for these multilayer structures in view of their combination of acceptable absorption and relatively high optical contrast at this wavelength. When a precise period of 6.9 nm is chosen for each bilayer, the  reflectivity of a single multilayer mirror can, in principle, be as high as 74%55 , but in practice, recorded values reach up to 69.5%56. EUV pellicles are ultrathin, freestanding membranes. These protect other elements in the lithography machines, such as the reticles – these are the masks with the ‘blueprints’ of the semiconductor device that is produced – that can become useless as the consequence of only a single particle landing in the ‘wrong’  place. The pellicles need to combine a high transmission for the EUV light, in order to minimize the loss of this light, with a high infrared emissivity, in order to limit the heating of  the pellicle itself that results from the absorbed fraction of the EUV light.


Figure 1.2 Artist impression of an ASML EUV lithography machine. The optical trajectory of the  EUV light is highlighted in purple, with the EUV source position on the far right, the reticle in the  upper part and the illuminated semiconductor wafer in the center of the picture (Image source:  ASML).


Figure 1.3 Schematic illustrations of a multilayer EUV mirror and of the use of an EUV pellicle  to protect the reticle (mask) from the arrival of particles that would otherwise be imaged  sharply on the semiconductor wafer in the lithography process. Both multilayer mirrors and  pellicles are typically covered by a capping layer, usually in the form of a Ru film with a thickness  in the order of a few nanometers.

The second chapter of this thesis will address the growth and stability of elemental films  of Mo and Ru and of Ru-Mo bilayers on Si substrates with a native oxide. The thermal  stability, especially with respect to the grooving of grain boundaries and the de-wetting of  the ultrathin films, is investigated by bringing the films to  elevated temperatures and inspecting the result by various forms of microscopy and spectroscopy.

Chapter 3 will review the literature about more radical, possible solutions to the grooving  behavior, introduced by the grain boundaries of thin, polycrystalline metal films. Most importantly, we will discuss possibilities to produce films of Mo and Ru with no grains at all,  in the form of a metallic glass. For this, it is essential to familiarize ourselves with the thermodynamics and the evolutionary dynamics of amorphous and polycrystalline metal alloys. In addition to this, we will briefly review the fabrication methods, properties and  limitations of such metallic glasses.

1.2 Experimental methods 

A Polyteknik Flextura M506 S system was used in the NanoLab facility of our neighbor  institute AMOLF, for the sputter deposition58 of all thin films in this work. In contrast to  Ru-Mo growth studies reported in the literature, our substrates were kept at room  temperature. All films were deposited on p-doped Si(100) substrates; the native oxide on  these substrates was not removed prior to deposition. For the production of thin MoxRu100- x alloy films, Mo and Ru were co-deposited from separate sources by RF and DC sputtering,  respectively. We used different types of power supplies for the two metals for practical  reasons, but we do not expect this to influence the results significantly. The base pressure  of the sputter deposition system was 1 x 10-7 mbar and the argon (Ar) pressure was 2 x 10- 3 mbar or higher during the deposition. In addition to the alloy films, also regular films of  pure molybdenum and pure ruthenium were deposited by DC sputtering. During deposition, the substrates were rotated, in order to optimize the homogeneity of the deposition.


Measurements of the thicknesses of the deposited metal films were carried out in the  following way. Prior to metal deposition, which was usually done simultaneously on multiple substrates, one of these substrates was partly coated by a photoresist film. After the  metal deposition, the resist was washed off by acetone and isopropanol and this cleaning  procedure also removed the deposited metal film from those parts of the substrate that  had first been coated by the resist, while the metal film on other parts of the substrate  stayed in place and remained unaffected. This procedure enabled us to accurately measure the height difference between the bare regions where the resist was removed and the  regions that had not been coated by the resist and that were covered by the thin metal  film. These height difference measurements were done by use of a profilometer and by  atomic force microscopy (AFM). This provided us with accurate measurements of the film  thicknesses. Samples used to measure the film thickness were not utilized for further experiments to avoid possible contamination from the employed chemicals and their residues. The films used in this thesis had thicknesses typically ranging from 4 to 30 nm.

We used AMOLF’s FEI Verios 460 SEM system, with a Schottky field electron gun, for the  inspection of substrates and thin films with scanning electron microscopy. The SEM images  were taken at an electron energy of 5 keV and a beam current of 100 pA, unless indicated  differently, and the samples were placed at approximately 4 mm distance from the analyzer. For all SEM images, we used the immersion field mode, in order to optimize the  spatial resolution.

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)68 measurements were performed at the Zernike  Institute for Advanced Materials of Groningen University. For this purpose, cross-sectional  specimens were prepared in Groningen, with an FEI Helios G4 CX dual beam system at 30  kV ion energy and polished at 5 keV and 2 keV to remove residual surface damage. These  specimens were analyzed with a double-aberration-corrected FEI Themis Z scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) system at 300 kV. High-angle annular dark-field  (HAADF) STEM images were recorded with a probe current of approximately 200 pA, at a  convergence semi-angle of 21mrad and with HAADF collection angles of 61–200 mrad.  EDX spectral imaging was performed with a probe current of 1 nA, where the spectra were  recorded with a Dual-X system, providing in total 1.76 sr EDX detector.


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