
时间:2024-01-15 14:12:10 浏览量:0

Abstract: Silicon Carbide (SiC) as the third generation semiconductor material has a very high surface quality  requirement, which is the core index in the engineering application. Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP) is the only  technology that can realize global flattening and non-damage surfaces at present. In this paper the recent advances in  traditional CMP, the effects of slurry, and hybrid CMP of SiC were reviewed. The principles and recent developments  of CMP were introduced. Then the influence of various factors of slurry on polishing performance was discussed.  In addition, recent advances in hybrid CMP technologies, such as Electrochemical Mechanical Polishing (ECMP),  Photocatalytic Chemical Mechanical Polishing (PCMP), Plasma Assisted Polishing (PAP), Catalyst-Referred Etching  (CARE) were reported, especially some efforts to make these technologies environmentally friendly. Finally, some  shortcomings of CMP technology in the application of SiC are summarized and prospect its future development trends.

1. Introduction 

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is the third generation of semiconductor ideal material after the first generation of  semiconductor Silicon (Si) and the second generation of semiconductor Gallium Arsenide (GaAs). It has the advantages  of the wide band gap, high electron breakdown rate, good thermal conductivity, high saturated electron drift rate, and  is very suitable for the requirements of high frequency and high power electronic device materials.At the same time,  the Mohs hardness of silicon carbide is as high as 9.5, second only to diamond, with high brittleness and stable chemical  properties.These characteristics also lead to the difficulty of its processing. At present, more than 250 types of silicon  carbide crystals have been found, of which 3C-SiC, 4H-SiC and 6H-SiC silicon carbide are the most widely used, and 4H-SiC and 6H-SiC wafers with a diameter of 8 inches have been successfully commercialized.

As the integrated circuit industry continues to advance and structure size is continuously reduced, the requirements  for the surface quality of silicon carbide wafers continue to improve.In the semiconductor industry, the surface quality  of the SiC wafer has a significant effect on the quality of the final product. For application, the roughness (Ra) of the  substrate is usually required to be below 0.3 nm.The surface flattening technology of silicon carbide materials must  be continuously improved to meet the needs of industry development. Typical wafer processing processes include  ingot processing, slicing, edging, laser marking, rough grinding, fine grinding, CMP, post-CMP cleaning, inspection,  packaging, and other process steps.Chemical-Mechanical Polishing (CMP) is the sole method to obtain global  flattening polishing with almost no damage and is the main processing method to obtain high surface quality silicon  carbide wafers in industry at present.

Although CMP technology has been widely used in the industrial production of SiC wafers, it still has problems  such as low processing efficiency and unclear material removal mechanism.This paper summarizes the principle  and classification of chemical-mechanical polishing technology, focusing on the factors that affect the efficiency and  precision of CMP and the auxiliary efficiency enhancement technology of chemical-mechanical polishing.

2. Traditional CMP technology 

The typical working principle of chemical-mechanical polishing is shown in Figure 1. The polishing head moves  relative to the worktable. At the same time, the wafer fixed on the polishing head is pressured with a certain value, which  generates a certain relative movement with the polishing pad in the polishing fluid. The material removal process in  CMP is a process of chemical reaction and mechanical grinding. First of all, the polishing slurry composed of abrasive  particles and a chemical solution is uniformly distributed onto the surface of the polishing pad by the centrifugal force  when the workbench rotates at high speed, and a soft SiO2 oxidation layer is formed under the action of the oxidant in  the polishing fluid.3  During the process of corrosion and oxidation, oxygen atoms in the medium will be adsorbed on the  surface of the substrate, generating oxidation products.Subsequently, the oxidation layer is removed by friction under  relative motion between abrasive particles and the wafer to obtain a high-quality wafer surface.


Figure 1. Typical setup of chemical mechanical polishing

3. Influencing factors of CMP slurry 

The input variables of the CMP system are numerous, and the state variables are also changing with the continuous  processing, and various factors interact with each other, which makes it very difficult to study and control the MRR,  the uniformity of surface material removal, and defects. At present, there is no clear and unified theory on the impact  of diverse factors on MRR and polishing quality, which needs further study. This chapter will summarize the existing  research results in this field.

3.1 Abrasive

In the CMP process of SiC, after the wafer surface is oxidized to form a soft oxidation layer, the surface material  is mechanically removed through the interaction between abrasive particles and the machined surface. The diameter  of abrasive particles is generally tens of nanometers. Commonly used abrasive particles include SiO2, CeO2, Al2O3,  nanodiamond, etc. In addition, polymers and composite materials also have the potential to be used for abrasive  particles.

In practice, the abrasive particle size also has a considerable effect on MRR and surface roughness. In 2022,  Wang et al.19 studied the impact of different alumina abrasive particle size distribution D50 on 4H-SiC (0001) MRR  and surface roughness. The pH adjustment that was applied to regulate the pH value to 9.20 in the test is KOH, and  the oxidant was 3 wt% KMnO4. As shown in Figure 2, the MRR increased from 0.61 μm/h to 0.70 μm/h as the particle  size D50 increases from 0.1 μm to 0.75 μm. In particular, when the particle size D50 outnumber 0.75 μm, the MRR of SiC was not changing anymore. From Figure 2, it can be seen that the surface roughness increased as the particle size  D50 increased from 0.1 μm to 2 μm can be obtained.19 Similarly, in 2022, Zhao et al.20 studied the MRR variation in  Mn-based polishing slurry abrasive size with three different abrasive sizes of 0.4 μm, 1 μm and 3 μm. As the polishing  abrasive size became larger, the mechanical removal ability was improved. However, the improvement of the MRR of  the Mn-based slurry with the abrasive size increases was limited.


Figure 2. 4H-SiC(0001) removal rate and surface roughness as a function of alumina particle size

In 2012, Su et al.investigated the change in MRR as the pH value increases between 9 and 13. From the result,  the MRR improved as the pH value increased until the pH reached a certain value, and then began to decrease. In  particular, the optimum pH values of the C surface and Si surface were different, and the MRR of Si-face was more  sensitive to changes in pH value. In 2021, Wang et al. developed a kind of Fe3O4 catalyst, and compared the removal  rate in acidic and alkaline environments, which pH values are 2.5 and 9.0 respectively. The result determined that the  removal rate in alkaline environment exceeded that in acidic environment by a significant margin.28 Similar result were  obtained in experiments on acidic- and alkaline-based colloidal silica slurries in CMP by Aida et al. Likewise, in 2022,  Zhao et al. varied the pH values of the MnO2 and Mn2O3 slurries to determine how pH value influences the polishing  efficiency of SiC wafer. From Figure 3, the MRR showed an increasing trend when the pH value changed from < 7 (acidic)  to >7 (alkaline).20 This trend aligns with the findings reported by Yin et al. in 2018.


Figure 3. Effect of the slurry pH on the MRR of the SiC substrate

However, some researchers have obtained distinct results in different slurry environments. In 2020, Chen et al.performed CMP on 6H-SiC using a slurry containing a 2 wt% KMnO4 oxidant and alumina nanoparticles abrasive. The  pH values of the slurry were controlled by nitric acid or potassium hydroxide to explore their effect. Based on the data  presented in Figure 4, it is evident that the MRR of two different surfaces exhibited a significant drop from pH 2 to 6, subsequently, appearing a gradual decline from pH 6 to 10. The highest MRR (1,554 and 6,412 nm/h) was observed on  the Si surface and C surface, respectively. The significantly higher MRR observed on the C surface suggests that the  MRR was strongly influenced by the surface polarity of the SiC wafer.30 Similar result was gained in 4H-SiC CMP using  different pH value slurries composed of 6.5 wt% KMnO4 oxidant and Al2O3 abrasive by Wang et al. In 2021, Wang et  al. proposed a novel ultraviolet-TiO2 (UV-TiO2) activation of persulfate and examined the synergistic catalytic effect  in enhancing the removal rate in different pH values environments. The results demonstrated that the MRR exhibited  an upward trend with increasing pH values within the range of 2 to 6. However, beyond this range, as the pH value  continued to rise, the MRR showed a subsequent decrease.


Figure 4. The effect of pH value on the MRR of 6H-SiC substrates: (a) Si-face; (b) C-face

4. Variants of CMP technology

The ultra-high hardness and chemical inertness of SiC contribute to low MRR during the CMP process. Therefore,  researchers have developed many auxiliary efficiency technologies based on traditional CMP to achieve higher MRR  and improved surface quality. Integrating other forms of energy such as electric energy and light energy into the CMP  system can effectively promote oxidation efficiency and MRR. The design of these auxiliary efficiency technologies is  also based on this principle, such as Electrochemical Polishing (ECMP), Photocatalytic Chemical Mechanical Polishing  (PCMP), Plasma-Assisted Polishing (PAP), Catalyst-Referred Etching (CARE) and other technologies. The principle of  these technologies and their latest progress are focused on as follows.

4.1 Electrochemical Mechanical Polishing (ECMP)

Figure 5 illustrates representative equipment of ECMP. Different from traditional CMP, ECMP uses electrolytes as  the polishing slurry. In the polishing process, the SiC surface serves as the anode, leading to the formation of an oxide  layer with lower hardness because of the applied charge. Subsequently, this softer surface is mechanically eliminated  through the use of soft abrasives. Because of the lower hardness of the soft abrasives, the Subsurface Damage (SSD) is  not introduced when the surface oxide is removed, making a damage-free surface possible.


Figure 5. Typical equipment for SiC ECMP

5.Conclusions and prospect 

The research status of the CMP of SiC is summarized in this paper. Firstly, the principle and developments of the  traditional CMP technology are summarized. Then the influence of the abrasive particles and oxidants of polishing  slurry on machining is discussed. High-quality and efficient polishing fluid is the goal pursued by researchers. The  influence of different kinds of abrasives and oxidants on the MRR and surface quality of silicon carbide CMP material  is also the main research direction at present. The balance between the polishing quality, the polishing efficiency  and polishing cost is the core issue in the research process. After that, the advantages and disadvantages of various  CMP variants developed from the traditional CMP technology and their respective development were discussed. The  characteristics and performance parameters of different CMP technologies are compared in Table 1. These technologies  play a significant role in solving the problem of low efficiency of SiC processing, and more in-depth research on them  is also a hot spot, especially some more environmentally friendly improvement methods. Surface quality and processing  speed are two most important requirements in SiC processing. Although SiC has been widely used, the processing  technology still needs to be developed.

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