采用沟槽栅极设计的SiC 功率 MOSFET 中的重离子效应

时间:2024-04-12 10:02:25 浏览量:0

Abstract— SiC power MOSFETs with trench-gate  structure have been irradiated with heavy-ion broad-beam  and microbeam. Microdose effects resulting in higher subthreshold drain leakage were observed when irradiating the  devices at low drain-source voltages and reported for the  first time for SiC power devices. Increasing the drainsource bias during the exposure, single-event leakage  current (SELC), characterized by microbreaks in the gate  oxide was measured. The accumulation of microbreaks  eventually led to a complete gate rupture. The differences  with respect to the SiC planar-gate MOSFETs and the  impact of these results on the testing procedures for the two  technologies are discussed.


Silicon Carbide (SiC) power MOSFETs have gained  significant attention in recent years due to their unique  properties and advantages over traditional silicon-based  MOSFETs. SiC power devices are capable to withstand higher internal critical fields than their silicon counterparts,  making them ideal for high-power applications such as electric  vehicles, renewable energy systems, and industrial equipment. They are also known for their low on-resistance and high  switching speeds, which results in lower power consumption in  the semiconductors and leads to overall higher energy  conversion efficiency. SiC power MOSFETs are commercially  available in two gate designs: planar and trench. While  both designs are based on the same fundamental principles of  operation, they differ in their physical structure and  performance characteristics. Planar gate SiC power MOSFETs  have a surface horizontal channel; this design is simpler to  manufacture and has widely been used in the industry for many  years. On the other hand, in the trench-gate architecture the gate  is etched into the silicon carbide epitaxial layer, the channel is  vertical and the JFET resistive region is avoided, leading to  superior on-state performance. However, the trench-gate  architecture is more complex to manufacture and can be more  expensive than their planar counterparts. Nowadays symmetric  and asymmetric trench designs are available on the market.Fig. 1 shows the schematic layouts for a SiC planar-gate  MOSFET and an asymmetric-trench MOSFET.


Fig. 1. Schematics layouts for (a) SiC planar-gate MOSFET and  (b) SiC asymmetric-trench MOSFET.

SiC power devices are also becoming increasingly popular in  the field of space exploration. The possibility to operate SiC  devices at high voltage, current, and temperature, and the ability  to switch at comparably high frequencies with reduced losses  would greatly improve the overall electrical efficiency of onboard systems, resulting in a more compact design, lower  weight, and enormous cost saving. For example, due to  the capability of SiC to operate at temperatures higher than  460˚C, SiC integrated circuits are currently considered for  Venus surface exploration missions. However, despite the  beneficial characteristics, the adoption on SiC power devices in  space is still limited due to the sensitivity to radiation, which  increases the risk of single event effects (SEEs). Galactic  cosmic rays (GCRs) represent the higher risk in space, as they  are composed of energetic heavy ions that can pass practically  unimpeded through a typical spacecraft, inducing SEEs.

Depending on the linear energy transfer (LET) of the ion and  on the bias conditions (i.e., drain-source and gate-source  voltages) during the exposure, different types of SEEs have  been observed in SiC power MOSFETs. When irradiating  the device in OFF-state and at low drain-source voltages (VDS)  during the exposure, higher drain current (ID) is observed due  to the ionization generated by the impinging particle. This  effect is called charge collection and it is non-destructive. Partial degradation such as single event leakage current  (SELC) is observed at higher VDS, characterized by permanent  increase of gate (IG) and drain leakage currents with increasing  heavy-ion fluence. After the exposure, the device is still operational, but its characteristics are exceeding the  specification limits due to the increased leakage current.  Previous works reported two different mechanisms for SELC; initially, microbreaks are formed in the gate oxide,  inducing a drain-gate leakage path, as previously reported for  Si power MOSFETs. At higher voltages, a second  mechanism is observed, characterized by higher increase of the  ID with respect to the IG, which has been associated with the  creation of extended defects in the device (i.e., different types  of stacking faults). Finally, at higher VDS during the  exposure, complete and irreversible loss of the electronic  component due to catastrophic failure such as Single Event  Burnout (SEB) and Single Event Gate Rupture (SEGR) are  observed.


Two experiments were performed with broad-beam: one at  the Heavy-Ion Facility (HIF) of the Université Catholique de  Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium and the other at the  RADiation Effects Facility (RADEF) in the Accelerator  Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Different  ion species were selected for the irradiations, as reported in  Table I. Yet another experiment was carried out using a  microbeam at the UNIversal Linear ACcelerator (UNILAC)  micro-probe line at the Helmholtzzentrum für  Schwerionenforschung (GSI) in Darmstadt, Germany. The  main difference among these experiments are the beam  characteristics, as reported in Table I and Table II. The broad  beams used at HIF and RADEF delivered a wide and uniform  beam of radiation with a diameter of 2.5 cm at HIF and squared  beam of 2×2 cm2 at RADEF. In contrast, the microbeam used  at UNILAC provided a beam with a focal spot of 500 nm to  target micrometric areas selected with an optical light  microscope situated in the chamber. To ensure the  irradiation with a preset number of particles and to avoid double  hits at the same position, a fast electrostatic beam switch is  controlled by the hit detection system for the microbeam  irradiation. When a hit is detected, the microbeam is switched  off and the focal point of the probe is moved to the new x-y  coordinates.

Fig 2 (b) illustrates a second mechanism of damage induced  by the ions when the VDS during the irradiation is set over a  second threshold (i.e., VDS = 120 V for Kr). Steps in the ID and  IG are observed during the exposure, indicating the formation of  microbreaks in the gate region. In addition to what is described  in Fig. 2 (a), an increase of IG is also observed in the transfer  and in the blocking characteristics in the central and right  panels. For the latter, a gate-drain leakage path is observed for  the current for VDS > 600 V. This mechanism can be explained  as SELC degradation, as previously reported for SiC planar  devices in [14] and associated with the formation of  microbreaks in the gate oxide. However, in contrast to results  observed for the planar architecture where the ID and IG increase  with the same rate and in absolute values, a higher ID leakage is observed for the trench-gate architecture due to the microdose  effect in sub-threshold, which increases with increasing total  fluence.


Fig. 2. (a)

After the exposure, additional measurements were performed  on all the samples showing microdose degradation (ID increase  in sub-threshold). Fig. 3 (a) shows the transfer characteristics  for five devices irradiated in different conditions. Increased  leakage through the channel is observed in the sub-threshold  region. However, no effect on conduction and no rigid shift of  the threshold voltage is observed, such as in the case of X-rays  irradiations. The channel resistance (Rch) of the component  is moderately decreased, showing an impact in sub-threshold,  where it has a larger contribution on the total RDS(ON). A  dependency on the LET, the bias applied during the exposure  and the total fluence is observed. In Fig. 3 (b) the blocking  characteristics measured at VGS = 0 V and VGS = -5 V is  reported for a device irradiated with Xe at VDS = 60 V and a  fluence of 106 ions/cm2 . Increased drain leakage is measured when performing the sweep at VGS = 0 V. However, when  repeating the measurement applying VGS =-5 V, the leakage  drain current is reduced and remains comparable to pristine  levels. These results indicate that the increase observed in the  first measurement is caused by the degradation of the subthreshold channel leakage current, and not by the creation of  extended defects as previously reported for SiC planar-gate  MOSFETs characterized by higher ID increase during the  exposure .


Fig. 3. Post-irradiation analysis of SiC trench power MOSFETs degraded in the first region (ID increase). (a) Transfer  characteristics measured at VDS = 50 mV, (b) Blocking characteristics measured at VGS = 0 V and -5 V for a pristine sample  and a sample irradiated with Xe at VDS=60 V and ɸ = 106 𝑐𝑚−2 .


Prototype SiC power MOSFETs with a trench architecture  were tested with heavy ions using broad-beam and microbeam irradiations. In all the devices under test, microdose effects resulting in higher sub-threshold drain leakage were observed  and associated with the creation of localized parasitic  transistors with lowered threshold voltage, as reported in  literature for Si technologies. Such effect strongly depends on  the angle of incidence of the primary ion and can have an impact  on the testing procedures.

Single event leakage current characterized by the formation  of microbreaks in the gate oxide was observed at higher  voltages and led to a complete gate rupture. At the voltages  selected for the test, none of the devices showed SEB nor the  typical signature of damage observed in SiC planar gate  MOSFETs characterized by higher degradation of the drain  current (i.e., SELC II). Overall, it has been shown that under  heavy-ion irradiation, similar to Si technology, gate oxide  damage is the primary cause of failure in SiC trench devices.

The impact of these results on the testing procedures were  discussed, highlighting the differences between planar and  trench SiC MOSFET technologies, with special attention on the  angle of incidence, the flux and the accumulated fluence.

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