蒸气传输沉积 Sb2S3 薄膜太阳能电池:通过沉积温度定制光伏特性

时间:2024-05-11 11:25:58 浏览量:0


Crystal orientation plays a crucial role in the performance of Sb2S3 thin-film solar cells (TFSCs). Among various  deposition techniques, vapor transport deposition (VTD) stands out as a viable technique for producing scalable  and uniformly deposited thin films, particularly in the solar industry. This study explores temperature-modulated  VTD-Sb2S3 deposition to enable efficient carrier transport in photovoltaic cells. In the VTD process, the deposition temperature is altered between 480℃ and 540℃. XRD, SEM, EDS, and AFM techniques are employed to  obtain the characteristics of the Sb2S3 thin films at varying temperatures and evaluate critical features like crystal  structure and orientation, surface morphology, composition, and roughness. The prominent crystal orientation  changes from the (hk0) to the (hk1) plane after increasing the deposition temperature from 500 to 520 ℃. The  (211)- and (221)-planes become more prominent when the deposition temperature exceeds 520℃. The device  with the architecture SLG/Mo/Sb2S3/CdS/i-ZnO/AZO/Al, a substrate-configured TFSC, yields a maximum power  conversion efficiency of 0.22% when the VTD-Sb2S3 absorber film is deposited at 520℃. This study presents a  promising approach to producing thin films with a preference for specific crystal orientations. The primary aim is  to enhance the efficiency of solar cells that utilize VTD-Sb2S3 absorbers.

1. Introduction  

As the global demand for clean energy sources increases, photovoltaic (PV) technology has garnered significant attention. Thin-film  solar cells (TFSCs) stand out as promising alternative to conventional  silicon-based solar panels due to their cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and  potential for higher efficiency . These cells primarily employ CIGS  and CdTe as thin film materials, and their exceptional optoelectronic  properties and direct bandgap result in highly efficient solar cells .  In addition, these technologies are suitable for building-integrated  photovoltaics (BIPV). Hence, researchers are very interested in  exploring advanced absorber materials for solar cell technology. This  research is also motivated by the limited availability of elements like In  and Ga and the harmful effects of Cd, which impacts both cell producers  and energy consumers using these cells. In addition, there is a strong  push for cost reduction and improved power conversion efficiency (PCE,  η) as solar cell technology advances. Binary chalcogenides are newly  developed materials that are used as absorber layers in TFSCs.  Antimony sulfide (Sb2S3) is one of those emerging binary chalcogenide materials and exhibits an energy bandgap of about 1.7 eV, featuring  exceptional absorbance (absorption coefficient ≥ 105 cm⁻ 1 at 450 nm) . Sb2S3 is a very stable material with a stable single-phase crystal  framework and a quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) configuration.  These structures effectively suppress recombination losses in TFSCs . Despite their potential, Sb2S3 TFSCs face challenges related to their  efficiency and stability – mainly due to the crystallinity of the thin film.

Many deposition methods are known for depositing Sb2S3 thin films  in TFSC applications. However, when it comes to depositing Sb2S3  thin films for TFSCs, only two primary routes are currently possible: The  solution-based method, exemplified by hydrothermal deposition , and chemical bath deposition (CBD) . Both are  affordable and convenient and have undergone substantial advancements in recent years. However, the crystallinity of absorbers produced  using these methods requires refinement, and the performance of the  resulting devices depends heavily on hole transport layers. In contrast,  vacuum-based techniques such as thermal evaporation , rapid  thermal evaporation (RTE), sputtering , and atomic layer  deposition (ALD)  yield well-crystallized films without the need for  solvents or associated residues. These benefits render them suitable for  producing pure-phase Sb2S3 films. In an earlier publication, we engineered high-quality Sb2S3 films using the hydrothermal method, i.e., a  solution-based method. We obtained a PCE of ~1% and ~3% for substrate- and superstrate-configured TFSCs, respectively. On the  other hand, the PCE of superstrate-configured TFSCs was further  improved (reaching ~4.23%) by using a double buffer layer. In the  effort to enhance substrate-configured Sb2S3-based TFSCs, novel approaches are needed to continue the development of the Sb2S3 absorber  layer. Research on the utilization of the vapor transport deposition  (VTD) technique for depositing Sb2S3 thin film in substrate-configured  TFSC is notably scarce . In this paper, we explore and refine VTD  to obtain a highly crystalline Sb2S3 absorption layer. One critical  parameter that has been relatively unexplored is the deposition temperature during the VTD process of Sb2S3 thin films. This paper aims to  fill this gap by investigating how deposition temperature can be tailored  to optimize the photovoltaic properties of Sb2S3 TFSCs.

2. Experimental

Utilizing a conventional single-zone heating tube furnace (S & R  Korea, SRDVF - LV - 3B - 1608), Sb2S3 thin films were deposited using  the VTD technique. A quartz tube was incorporated into the single-zone  furnace so that the center of the furnace and the quartz tube could  sustain a uniform heat distribution within the tube. SLG/Mo (Modeposited soda lime glass) was used as the substrate for deposition. Prior  to deposition, a two-step cleaning process was employed. The first step  involved 10 min of ultrasonication in IPA, followed by ultrasonication in  DI water in the second step. Fig. 1 presents a schematic of the VTD  system used for deposition. As-obtained 0.2 g Sb2S3 (99.999%, iTASCO)  was used as a precursor and placed at the center of the furnace. The SLG/  Mo substrate was placed on a quartz plate and positioned at a distance of  11 cm from the precursor material within the quartz tube - see Fig. 1.  The precursor temperature was tuned from 480 to 540 ◦C using an interval of 20 ℃.


Fig. 1. Schematic of the vapor-transport deposition (VTD) set-up used for Sb2S3 thin-film deposition.

An n-type CdS buffer layer with a thickness of ~60 nm was deposited  on the VTD-Sb2S3 thin film absorber layer, followed by CBD. During the  CBD process, the three precursor solutions containing 500 mL cadmium  sulfate (0.0031 mol/L, CdSO4, ≥99.99%, Sigma-Aldrich), 250 mL  ammonium hydroxide (2.87 mol/L, 28.0–30.0%, NH4OH, SigmaAldrich), and thiourea (0.2 mol/L, CH4N2S, ≥99.0%, Sigma-Aldrich),  were mixed to obtain 1000 mL at 60 ◦C bath temperature. Here, high  concentrations of sulfur resources were used to avoid the Sb oxide–hydroxide formation due to hydrolysis and corrosion. The process  was carried out at 500 rpm for 21 min. Furthermore, RF magnetron  sputtering was used to deposit a ~70 nm thick window layer of intrinsic  ZnO (i-ZnO) followed by a ~ 450 nm thick layer of Al-doped ZnO (AZO)  on VTD-Sb2S3/CdS layers (p-n junction). Finally, DC sputtering was used  to deposit Al front contacts using the shadow-mask technique. The  thickness of the Al contacts was ~1 μm. The mechanical scribing technique produced 0.3 cm2 cell areas in the substrate-configured solar cell  devices.

3. Results and discussion  

Sb2S3 thin films were layered onto the Mo/SLG substrate via the VTD  method at different deposition temperatures, i.e., 480 ◦C, 500 ◦C,  520 ◦C, and 540 ◦C. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was performed on the  deposited films to gain insights into the crystalline structure, phase, and  orientation of the VTD-Sb2S3 thin films, illustrated in Fig. 2a. The  diffraction peaks detected in the XRD pattern reveal the deposition of  the orthorhombic stibnite phase of Sb2S3, as indexed by JCPDS no.  42–1393. A comparison of the XRD pattern in Fig. 2a indicates that the  dominating (hkl) plane for low deposition temperatures (480 ◦C and  500 ◦C) are a mixture of (120), (130), (211), and (221), whereas (211) and (221) are the dominating (hkl) planes for high depositiontemperatures (520 ◦C, 540 ◦C). Furthermore, the texture coefficient  (TChkl) for a designated plane was computed using magnified XRD  patterns (Fig. 2b). This was done to assess the preferred orientation of  VTD-Sb2S3 on the Mo/SLG substrate, as expressed in Equation (1).


Fig. 2.

4. Conclusion 

To summarize, we introduced an adaptable and highly efficient VTD method for depositing Sb2S3 thin films on various substrate configurations of thin-film solar cells (TFSCs). We have observed a significant  impact on the crystallinity and, consequently, the performance of the  TFSCs when the deposition temperature varied between 480 and 540℃.  The characterization of the deposited Sb2S3 thin films, including their  crystallinity, surface morphology, and elemental composition, was done  using XRD, FE-SEM, and EDS mapping. The XRD results revealed a shift  in the crystallite orientation of the films from the (hk0)-plane to the  (hk1)-plane when the deposition temperature exceeded 520℃.  Furthermore, the surface roughness decreased with increasing deposition temperature, according to the AFM analysis. Notably, the TFSC  fabricated using VTD-deposited Sb2S3 thin films at 520℃ exhibited the  highest PCE (approximately 0.22%) and VOC and JSC values of 0.511 V  and 2.37 mA cm− 2 . The FF remained consistent across all fabricated  devices. The present investigation into the effects of deposition temperature on VTD-Sb2S3 TFSC represents a significant step toward  harnessing the full potential of this technology. In other words, by  optimizing the deposition process, we should be able to pave the way for  more efficient and sustainable solar energy solutions. This study not only  advances the field of photovoltaics but also charts a course for a more  sustainable and eco-friendly future.

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