
时间:2024-06-01 16:09:25 浏览量:0


A single step growth approach for wafer-scale homogeneous cubic silicon carbide (3C-SiC) heteroepitaxy, using  chemical vapour deposition (CVD), on a silicon (Si) substrate is demonstrated. Residual biaxial tensile strain  causing a wafer bow is eliminated in the 3C-SiC epilayer via in-situ defects engineering and heteroepitaxy at  reduced temperature. Thermal mismatch between the 3C-SiC epilayer and substrate is minimised by a substantial  reduction of growth temperature, down to ~1000 ◦C. Heteroepitaxy of high quality, fully relaxed 3C-SiC epilayers with minimal wafer bow is demonstrated, made possible by careful process optimisation. Unusually very  high growth rate of 3C-SiC of > 10 µm/hr is achieved. At the same time the epilayer is free from any other silicon  carbide (SiC) polytype inclusions. Moreover, the reduced growth temperature unlocks the ability to deposit high  quality 3C-SiC epilayers within traditional Si-based cold walled CVD reactors, enabling the growth of such thin  films on unprecedently high volumes and wafer diameters up to 300 mm and above.

1. Introduction 

 Silicon carbide (SiC) is a wide bandgap compound semiconductor  which shows high potential for the ongoing electrification of the world  and creation of disruptive technologies in sensors, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and harsh environment electronics  and optoelectronics. The next generation of power electronics can  contribute in suppressing climate change by improving the efficiency of  electric power conversion, which is applicable to a range of industries  and social infrastructures. The high electric field breakdown and  low switching losses of SiC make it ideal for high voltage and high frequency applications such as those found in electric vehicles. Also SiC  possesses other excellent material properties at room-temperature such  as high thermal conductivity (360 W m-1K-1), high hardness (9.3 Mohs  hardness), and resistance to all wet and gaseous chemical etchants. It is  not susceptible to damage from various forms of radiation as well.  Semiconductor devices fabricated from SiC can operate at very high  temperatures (>600 ◦C) and in harsh environments . These properties make it ideal for use in various applications beyond power electronics including microwave, harsh environment sensors, MEMS and  biomedical devices. Also, relaxed cubic SiC, with a lattice constant of  0.436 nm, grown on a silicon (Si) substrate, is ideal virtual substrate for  subsequent epitaxy of other scientifically and technologically important materials such as gallium nitride (GaN), aluminium nitride (AlN),  boron nitride (BN),boron arsenide (BAs), Diamond and  various 2D materials, including graphene, and thus allows their integration with Si. Successful device technology is greatly dependent on the wafer/substrate and epitaxial material quality.

SiC exists in over 250 different crystalline forms called polytypes, see  Fig. 1 . The hexagonal structured 4H-SiC dominates the SiC market  due to the availability of crystalline wafers up to 150–200 mm diameter  and well-developed homoepitaxial growth processes. While 4H-SiC is  available in commercial applications, such as power devices and substrates for GaN and other III–V materials, 4H-SiC wafers are extremely  expensive and subsequent homoepitaxy requires dedicated hot-walled  chemical vapour deposition (CVD) reactors operated at very high temperatures over 1650 ◦C, which leads to high operating and maintenance  costs. Nevertheless, 4H-SiC epilayers and substrates still contain various  defects and polytypes inclusions.


Fig. 1. a) Unit cells of SiC polytypes: 3C-SiC, 2H-SiC, 4H-SiC and 6H-SiC (left to right). (b) Cubic crystal structure of 3C-SiC showing unit cell.

Initial growth processes for 3C-SiC were carried out at temperatures  of ~1200 ◦C. To suppress the out-diffusion of Si and to create a seed  layer for the subsequent epitaxy of 3C-SiC a silicon carbon alloy (Si1− xCx) buffer layer was deposited with approximately 1 % C  composition. In contrast to well established carbonisation buffer,  see Fig. 2a, which creates some graded Si1− xCx layer of poor quality and  not even monocrystalline in the most cases, we used to innovation and  introduced a defect free Si1− xCx alloy epilayer lattice matched to Si,  which maintains the same crystallinity as Si substrate. As the growth  process was further optimised, the deposition temperature was reduced  to ~1000 ◦C at which point the out-diffusion of Si could be suppressed  through optimising the C/Si ratio in the growth phase and as a result the  Si1− xCx buffer layer was found to be unnecessary and a simplified process could be used, as shown in Fig. 2b. However, it could indeed be used  as a seed layer for traditional high temperature 3C-SiC heteroepitaxy on  Si.


Fig. 2. Heteroepitaxy of 3C-SiC on Si. (a) State of the art multi-steps 3C-SiC heteroepitaxy. (b) Novel reduced temperature heteroepitaxy growth process showing  simplified steps and dramatically shorter processing time.

The grown 3C-SiC epi wafers were characterised using a range of  techniques discussed below. The crystalline states of the grown 3C-SiC  epilayers were verified using standard high resolution X-ray diffraction (HR-XRD) ω-2θ rocking curves and reciprocal space maps (RSMs)  carried out on a Panalytical X’Pert MRD diffractometer with CuKα1 radiation. HR-XRD can quantify the crystal quality of the epilayer and  assess whether the films are monocrystalline, polycrystalline, amorphous and under significant levels of tilt or residual strain. Atomic Force  Microscopy (AFM) was performed on as grown samples to determine the  surface morphology and roughness using a Bruker Icon AFM operating  in Scan assist mode. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy  (X-TEM) is one of the most effective techniques to assess the crystallinity  and morphology of 3C-SiC epilayers. When preparing electron transparent samples for X-TEM, traditional mechanical grinding and Ar beam  milling are effective on 3C-SiC epilayers below ~1 µm thick and more  complex extraction techniques such as focussed ion-beam (FIB) can be  avoided. X-TEM samples were prepared through the use of SiC grinding  pads and Ar ion polishing and X-TEM micrographs were obtained on a  JEOL 2100 TEM. Thickness uniformity measurements were performed  on a Bruker Vertex V70 FTIR and wafer bow measurements were obtained on a Bruker DektakXT stylus profiler.

3. Results and discussion

After the selection of appropriate precursors, the C/Si ratio must be  adjusted in order to grow a high quality 3C-SiC compound epilayer, but  not a Si1− xCx alloy [19] or SiC compound with high density of interstitial  Si or C defects. Correct C to Si ratio is absolutely essential to obtain SiC  compound of any polytype including 3C-SiC. Thermal decomposition of  any Si or C precursor depends on the bonding energy of a particular  precursor molecule and therefore could create more or less Si or C atoms  emerging on the substrate’s surface. A 3C-SiC epilayer grown under  optimum growth conditions exhibits the lowest surface roughness and  the highest crystal quality. Characterisation results from samples growth  with reduced, optimal and increased C/Si ratios can be seen in Fig. 3.  Non-optimal growth conditions produce very high surface roughness  implying poor island growth mechanisms with high levels of interstitials, however, at optimal C/Si ratio a very low RMS of ~3 nm can  be achieved, which results in a mirror-like surface of the 3C-SiC/Si(001)  epi wafer, see Fig. 7.


Fig. 7. Wafer uniformity. (a) FTIR reflectance spectrum for a 300 nm thick 3C-SiC epilayer. (b). Wafer uniformity of a 100 mm 3C-SiC epi wafer showing uniformity  of < 1.0 % across 90 % of the wafer diameter. (c) Epi wafers of various 3C-SiC epilayer thickness exhibits superior uniformity visible due to colour variation of wide  band gap 3C-SiC epilayer grown on Si.

When the C/Si ratio is low, no 3C-SiC epilayer Bragg peaks at (002)  and (004) reflections in ω-2Θ scan are visible implying that the grown  film is polycrystalline or amorphous and a sufficient level of C is  required to initiate monocrystalline epitaxy. Growth of 3C-SiC grown  using an optimal C/Si ratio resulted in the strongest Bragg peaks at (002)  and (004) reflections with the lowest FWHM suggesting highly crystalline 3C-SiC. No polycrystalline peaks are observed in the ω-2Θ scan.  When the C/Si ratio is higher than optimal, the 3C-SiC remains crystalline with only a slight reduction in peak intensities and broadening of  FWHMs suggesting an excess of C in the growth phase has only a minor  impact on crystal quality. Therefore, the structure of the 3C-SiC thin  films varies dramatically with C/Si ratio and characterisation results  obtained with AFM, XRD and XTEM, shown in Fig. 3, correlates very  well. When the C/Si ratio is non-optimal, poor crystallinity is observed  in the films and extremely rough surface morphology implies 3D island  growth modes. For low C/Si ratio the 3C-SiC thin film is polycrystalline.  For optimal C/Si ratio, the epilayer is observed to be crystalline  throughout, with smooth surface, abrupt 3C-SiC epilayer and the Si(001)  substrate interface. Also, voids formation in the Si substrate is  completely eliminated, even without the inclusion of a buffer layer or  carbonisation. More details of the C/Si ratio impact on the materials  properties of the 3C-SiC thin films will be published elsewhere.


Fig. 3. Influence of C/Si ratio on the properties of 3C-SiC epilayers showing surface morphology with AFM maps, crystallinity with HR-XRD coupled scans and  structure and defect formation in X-TEM micrographs for low, optimal and high C/Si ratios.

Almost full strain relaxation, or in other words very small residual  tensile strain, i.e. < 0.1 %, occurs within the 3C-SiC epilayer, grown  with optimum C/Si ratio, which suppresses the wafer bow. As an  example, Fig. 6 shows the wafer bow of a 100 mm diameter 3C-SiC/Si  (001) epi wafer with 300 nm 3C-SiC epilayer. Only very small warp  can be observed in the 3C-SiC/Si epi wafer which is below < 20 µm at its  maximum. This level of wafer warp is expected in Si substrates and  hence the addition of the low temperature grown 3C-SiC epilayer has  had little to no effect on the bow of the wafer. The typical acceptable  wafer bow for a wafer to be processed for subsequent semiconductor  device fabrication by, for an example, a lithography equipment is up to  ~250 µm and for high resolution lithography processes even less bow, of  < 50 µm, can be tolerated. The 3C-SiC epi wafer shown above is well below this limit and is therefore suitable for all subsequent processing  steps. It is interesting to note, that the reduced temperature process also  opens the possibility to grow 3C-SiC on much thinner Si wafers, i.e.  ~200 µm, which are essential for MEMS, sensors and photovoltaic devices applications or others where the thin Si wafer is essential or Si  wafer has to be etched partially or completely.


Fig. 6. Wafer Bow. (a) 3D map of wafer distortion across a 300 nm thick 3C-SiC epilayer grown on a standard 525 µm thick 100 mm diameter Si(001) substrate. (b)  Line scan showing wafer bow across the 300 nm 3C-SiC/Si(001) diameter. (c) The resulting 3C-SiC epi wafer is completely flat and no bow is observable optically.  The typical acceptable wafer bow for a wafer to be processed for subsequent semiconductor device fabrication by, for an example, a lithography equipment is up to  ~250 µm and for high resolution lithography processes even less bow can be tolerated (<50 µm).

The proposed epitaxial process is also transferable to other Si substrate orientations including Si(111), which offers a template for hexagonal materials such as AlN and GaN. 3C-SiC/Si(111) virtual substrates  provide a low-cost and large diameter alternative to 4H-SiC substrates  for GaN devices, including RF communications, power devices and LEDs  while still offering the same low lattice mismatch of just 3.4 %, low  diffusivity of impurities and high thermal conductivity. Finally, the 3CSiC/Si virtual substrate can be used for heteroepitaxy of Graphene and  other 2D materials.  

4. Conclusions  

In conclusion, the novel approach reported here has created a technology, which allows not only wafer scale homogeneous 3C-SiC heteroepitaxy on on-axis Si(001) wafer, but also beyond state of the art 3CSiC epitaxial material quality. Moreover, the process is much simpler,  faster, cheaper, substantially less energy consuming and consists of just a  single growth step comparing to traditional multi-steps. High quality 3CSiC epilayers can be grown at low temperatures down to ~1000 ◦C  without the requirement for carbonisation or other buffer layers. High  growth rates of above 10 µm/hr are achievable, which would enable the  growth of very thin and very thick epilayers from 10’s nm up to 10’s µm  covering a wide range of applications. High crystallinity, low surface  roughness, minimal wafer bow and excellent uniformity both across  each wafer and from run to run is achieved with this technique. Crucially  the process can be run in a Si-based cold-walled CVD system. The process is comparable to standard Si epitaxy and offers 3C-SiC growth at a  similar cost point and scale. Various other technologies are also  unlocked within such reactors and reduced growth temperatures,  including selective epitaxy on SiO2 patterned substrates, blanket growth  on SOI wafers and integration with other technologically important  Group IV semiconductors.

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