使用氟化物溶液对 CAD-CAM 玻璃陶瓷基材料进行化学蚀刻以进行粘合预处理

时间:2024-06-04 11:32:19 浏览量:0

The surface treatment of glass-ceramic-based materials, namely, lithium disilicate glass (IPS e.max CAD), feldspar porcelain  (VITABLOCS Mark II), and a polymer-infiltrated ceramic network (VITA ENAMIC), using aqueous fluoride solutions and their  influence on luting agent bonding were investigated. Six experimental aqueous fluoride solutions were applied to these materials,  and their effects were assessed by surface topological analysis. The obtained results were compared using non-parametric statistical  analyses. Ammonium hydrogen fluoride (AHF) etchant demonstrated the greatest etching effect. Subsequent experiments focused on  evaluating different concentrations of the AHF etchant for the bonding pretreatment of glass-ceramic-based materials with a luting  agent (PANAVIA V5). AHF, particularly at concentrations above 5 wt%, effectively roughened the surfaces of the materials and  improved the bonding performance. Notably, AHF at a concentration of 30 wt% exhibited a more pronounced effect on both etching  and bonding capabilities compared to hydrofluoric acid.


Recent advances in computer-aided design and  manufacturing (CAD-CAM) systems have enhanced the  production of dental prostheses. These systems can be  used with various materials specifically developed for  indirect tooth restoration1-3). Glass-ceramics, which are  favored for their aesthetic appeal, robust mechanical  and physicochemical properties, and biocompatibility,  are prominent among these CAD-CAM materials4,5).  Notable glass-ceramic types in the CAD-CAM domain  include lithium disilicate glass and feldspar porcelain.  In addition, polymer-infiltrated ceramic networks are  categorized as glass-ceramic-based materials, as they  are composed of a silicate glass-ceramic and resin6,7).  Despite their advantageous features, glass-ceramicbased materials are brittle, which can lead to fractures  in clinical settings8). To minimize such fractures, it is  crucial to ensure a strong bond between the material  and the abutment tooth. Effective bonding not only  reduces the risk of fractures but also prevents material  debonding9-11). Therefore, durable and reliable bonding is  essential for the long-term success of tooth restorations  using glass-ceramic-based materials.

Although HF is a highly effective surface etchant  for glass-ceramic-based materials, its high toxicity  and associated health risks are significant concerns.  Consequently, there is an ongoing search for safer  and less toxic chemical agents that could potentially  replace HF. Among the alternatives explored, agents,  such as phosphoric acid22-24) and fluoride-containing  products (e.g., Monobond Etch&Prime®), have been  investigated for their potential as surface conditioners.  Despite their safer profiles, these alternatives have  shown limited effectiveness in etching glass-ceramicbased surfaces; their etching abilities are inferior to those  of HF. Because of these limitations, there is currently  no alternative etchant that matches the efficacy of HF  for the pretreatment of glass-ceramic-based material  surfaces. This presents an ongoing challenge in the field,  balancing the need for effective surface conditioning  with the need for safer and less toxic materials.


Experimental fluoride etchants

Table 1 presents the fluoride reagents selected for the  preparation of the experimental fluoride etchants. Each  etchant was prepared by dissolving a specific fluoride  reagent in distilled water at 25°C, with continuous stirring  using a magnetic stirrer. The resulting concentration of  each solution was adjusted to approximately 80% of its  saturation point in the aqueous solution. Table 2 presents  the aqueous solutions derived from this process, which  served as the experimental etchants: NH4F aqueous  solution (AF), NaF aqueous solution (SF), SnF2 aqueous  solution (TF), KHF2 aqueous solution (PHF), NaHF2 aqueous solution (SHF), and NH4HF2 aqueous solution  (AHF). Specifically for the AHF etchant, diluted solutions  were prepared at varying concentrations, namely, 1, 5,  10, 20, and 30 wt%, which were denoted as AHF1, AHF5,  AHF10, AHF20, and AHF30, respectively.

CAD-CAM glass-ceramic based materials 

Table 3 presents a list of the commercially available CADCAM blocks used in this study. Each block was sectioned  into 2-mm-thick plates using a diamond wheel saw.  The plates were then sequentially polished with emery  paper of grit #1000 and subjected to ultrasonic cleaning  in distilled water for 5 min. The polished and cleaned  plates were used for the experimental procedures.

Etching procedure 

The effectiveness of the fluoride etchants was assessed  as follows. First, 20 μL of each experimental fluoride  etchant was dropped onto the surface of the samples  using a micropipette. The samples were left undisturbed  for 60 or 120 s at 25°C. Subsequently, each sample was  rinsed thoroughly with running water for 15 s, then  ultrasonically cleaned in water for 5 min and finally  dried using a blower for 30 s. The treated samples were  characterized in subsequent experiments.

Shear bond strength (SBS) test 

The SBS between the sample and luting agent was  evaluated using the following procedure40). Each etched  sample was secured in an acrylic tube using an autocured  resin. A Teflon tube with an inner diameter of 5 mm was  affixed to the etched surface of the sample using a doublesided tape to ensure a consistent bonding area of 19.6  mm². A commercial adhesive primer (Clearfil Ceramic  Primer Plus, Kuraray Noritake Dental, Tokyo, Japan)  was applied to the sample surface, according to the  manufacturer’s instructions. A luting agent (PANAVIA  V5, Kuraray Noritake Dental) was subsequently loaded  onto the primer-treated surface to a height of 3 mm. This  layer was then cured using a light irradiator (α LIGHT  II N, J. Morita, Osaka, Japan) for 5 min, followed by a  stabilization period of 1 h at 25°C. After removing the  Teflon tube and tape, the bonded sample was immersed  in distilled water at 37°C for 24 h. Thereafter, the  samples underwent accelerated aging through 20,000  thermocycles, alternating between water baths at 5°C  and 55°C for 60 s each, using a thermocycling machine  (K178, TOKYO GIKEN, Tokyo, Japan). The samples  with and without accelerated aging were subjected to  SBS measurements using a mechanical testing machine  (AGS-H, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) at a crosshead speed  of 1.0 mm/min (n=5). After the SBS tests, the debonded surfaces were examined using optical microscopy. The  observed failure modes were categorized into two types:  adhesive failure at the interface and cohesive failure  within the sample.


Etching effects of various fluoride etchants The SEM images and corresponding surface roughness  (Ra) values of the samples subjected to various fluoride  etchant treatments are presented in Fig. 1 and Table  4. In the case of lithium disilicate glass, the surfaces  experienced etching effects from the PHF, SHF, and  AHF30 etchants. The Ra values for the samples treated  with the SF, TF, PHF, SHF, and AHF30 etchants were  significantly higher than those of the untreated samples.  For feldspar porcelain, surface etching was observed  with the AF, TF, SHF, and AHF30 etchants. The Ra  values of the feldspar porcelain treated with AF, TF, and  AHF30 etchants were significantly higher than those  of the no-treated samples. For the polymer-infiltrated  ceramic networks, the surface roughening was observed with the TF, SHF, and AHF30 etchants. The Ra values  of the polymer-infiltrated ceramic networks treated with  these etchants were significantly higher than that of  the no-treated sample. These findings suggest that the  AHF30 etchant is the most effective among the fluoride  etchants examined for etching all the tested CAD-CAM  glass-ceramic-based materials. Consequently, further detailed experiments were conducted using different  concentrations of AHF etchants.


Fig. 1 SEM images for (a) lithium disilicate glasses, (b) feldspar porcelains, and (c) polymer-infiltrated ceramic  networks after treatment with various etchants.

Influence of ammonium hydrogen fluoride etchant on  bonding of lithium disilicate glass 

Figure 2(a) shows the SEM images of the lithium  disilicate glasses etched with varying concentrations  of AHF etchants. The surface treatments resulted in  increased surface roughness, and the degree of etching  increased with increasing AHF concentration. Needlelike crystals were observed on the sample surfaces  treated with AHF5, AHF10, AHF20, and AHF30  etchants. Particularly with AHF30 etchant, uneven  surface etching was observed. The etched degree  appeared to increase with the etching duration. This  etching behavior was quantitatively assessed using  the Ra values, as presented in Table 5. The Ra values  of the lithium disilicate glass increased with increasing  AHF concentration. Remarkably, AHF30 etchant  demonstrated an Ra value of 1.891 μm, which is more  than twice as large as that of the HF etchant (Ra=0.750  μm), thereby indicating that AHF30 etchant is the most  effective concentration for etching lithium disilicate glass  among the tested AHF concentrations. The SEM-EDX  results presented in Fig. 3 show slight compositional  variations on the AHF30-etched glass surface owing  to its roughened topography; however, no evidence of  segregation was detected. The SBS values of the etched  lithium disilicate glass are listed in Table 6(a), and the  corresponding failure modes are summarized in Table  6(b). No significant differences were observed between  the groups that were not subjected to thermocycling  (0 thermocycles). However, for groups that underwent  20,000 thermocycles, a notable difference was observed.  The SBS values for the groups etched with AHF  concentrations above 5 wt% were significantly higher  than that of the no-treated group. Cohesive failure  was uniquely observed in the AHF30 groups, both with  and without thermocycling, suggesting robust bond  formation between AHF30 and the luting agent.


Fig. 2 SEM images for (a) lithium disilicate glasses, (b) feldspar porcelains, and (c) polymer-infiltrated ceramic  networks, treated with AHF or HF etchants for the durations of 60 or 120 s.


The glass-ceramic-based materials employed in this  study were lithium disilicate glass, feldspar porcelain,  and polymer-infiltrated ceramic networks. Lithium  disilicate glass, a high-strength glass-ceramic,  incorporates needle-like lithium disilicate crystals within  a silicate glass matrix4). Feldspar porcelain, a traditional  glass-ceramic, is composed of alkali-aluminosilicate  crystals embedded in a silicate glass matrix4). A  polymer-infiltrated ceramic network, which is a hybrid  of resin and glass-ceramic, consists of dual network  structures comprising both alkali-aluminosilicate glass  and acrylic resin components4). These glass-ceramicbased materials predominantly contain vitreous SiO2 as the main component. SiO2 can be etched with an HF  aqueous solution according to the following chemical  reaction41): SiO2+6HF→H2SiF6+2H2O. Consequently, the  glass matrix of the materials dissolved in the aqueous  HF solution render the surfaces of the materials rough.  

In this study, we investigated the etching effects of six  experimental fluoride etchants on glass-ceramic-based  materials to ascertain whether etching similar to that  with HF occurs. These fluorides were selected based on  prior research on the etching of dental materials34-39). Our  experimental results indicated that the AHF etchant  exhibited the most effective etching of all the tested  glass-ceramic-based materials among the examined  experimental etchants. Chemical etching by the AHF  etchant would be related to the fluoride species in the  aqueous solution. Aqueous fluoride solutions, such as  HF and AHF, contain fluoride species, such as F− , HF,  and HF2 − , in their aqueous forms28,41-43). The etching mechanisms of SiO2 in hydrofluoric acid Among these  species, HF and HF2 −  can react with SiO2, effectively  breaking the Si–O–Si bonds within vitreous SiO2 42). In  contrast, the reactivity of F−  is considered relatively low  and negligible41). The proportion of these active fluoride  species in an aqueous solution varies based on factors,  such as the type of fluoride, its concentration, and the  pH of the solution28,41,43). When comparing the range of  fluoride etchants tested experimentally, AHF may have  a larger ratio of such active chemical species than the  other etchants. This elevated proportion of reactive  fluoride species in AHF is believed to be responsible  for the pronounced etching effect on the glass-ceramic based materials.


The aqueous solution of ammonium hydrogen fluoride  effectively etched CAD/CAM glass-ceramic materials,  namely lithium disilicate glass, feldspar porcelain  and polymer-infiltrated ceramic networks. Shear bond  strength between the materials and luting agent was  significantly improved when using a solution with  ammonium hydrogen fluoride concentrations above 5  wt%. A 30 wt% solution demonstrated a more pronounced  impact on both etching and bonding compared to  hydrofluoric acid.

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