Ge_SiGe 量子异质结构进行 Ge 层的高质量 CVD 沉积

时间:2024-06-21 16:08:10 浏览量:0


A great deal of interest is directed nowadays towards the development of innovative  technologies in the field of quantum information and quantum computing, with emphasis on  obtaining reliable qubits as building blocks. The realization of highly stable, controllable and  accessible hole spin qubits is strongly dependent on the quality of the materials hosting them.  Ultra-clean germanium/silicon-germanium heterostructures have been predicted and proven to be  promising candidates and due to their large scalability potential, they are opening the door towards  the development of realistic and reliable solid state, all-electric, silicon-based quantum computers. In order to obtain ultra-clean germanium/silicon-germanium heterostructures in a reverse grading approach, the understanding and control over the growth of Ge virtual substrates and thin films is key. Here, we present a detailed study on the growth kinetics, morphology, and crystal quality of  Ge thin films grown via chemical vapor deposition by investigating the effects of growth  temperature, partial pressure of the precursor gas and the use of Ar or H2 atmosphere. The presence  of carrier gases catalyzes the deposition rate and induces a smoothening on the surfaces of films  grown at low temperatures. We investigated the surface roughness and threading dislocation  density as a function of deposition temperature, partial pressure and gas mixture. Ge thin films  deposited by diluting GeH4 in Ar or H2 were employed as virtual substrates for the growth of full  Ge/SiGe QW heterostructures. Their defect density was analyzed and their electric transport  properties were characterized via Hall measurements. Similar results were obtained for both carrier  gases used.


In the last decade, group-IV materials, and in particular Germanium (Ge), have gained renewed  attention due to their excellent electrical and optical properties, which together with  their compatibility with well-established CMOS manufacturing technology, allow the realization  of a wide range of new devices. In particular, Germanium/Silicon-Germanium (Ge/SiGe) heterostructures are appealing platforms for photonics, microelectronics and quantum  computing. In the frame of quantum information, they were developed as a successful planar  technology able to combine low disorder, fast qubit driving  and scalability as  well as compatibility with the widespread micro-fabrication techniques employed in the  integrated circuitry industry. Under electrostatic gating, undoped Ge/SiGe quantum wells  (QWs) accumulate holes with very high mobility, light effective mass, and tunable spin-orbit interaction allowing fast and fully electrical control of the spin qubits. Integration over a  common platform, requires a careful choice of materials. Employing Ge wafers as substrates for  the heterostructure growth would be the first logical direction to follow, nonetheless, they are  more expensive and less pure and durable than their silicon counterparts.

In this work, we present a comprehensive study of the effect of the deposition conditions of Ge  films on silicon substrate. Namely, we have investigated the effect of growth temperature, partial  pressure of the precursor gas, and dilution in Ar or H2 atmosphere on the growth kinetics, surface  roughness, and defect density. Moreover, we demonstrated the performance of these Ge layers as  QWs and virtual substrates via Hall effect measurements of Ge/SiGe stacks grown at selected  conditions resulting from this study, and hence their applicability in highly scalable, compatible  and performant spin-hole qubit planar devices.


All the layers within this study were grown by a cold wall CVD using a PlasmaPro 100 Nanofab reactor equipped with a showerhead (Oxford Instruments, base pressure < 0.5 mTorr),  commercial Germane as a gaseous precursor (GeH4, Pangas, 99.999%) and Argon and Hydrogen  (Ar, H2, Pangas, 99.999%) as carrier gases or Silane (SiH4, Pangas 99.999%) for depositing Sibased layers in ancillary Ge/SiGe test heterostructures. Prior to growth, the Si (100) substrates (float zone, undoped, resistivity > 10’000 ohm*cm) were cleaned through a one-minute dip in  2% HF aqueous solution followed by a rinse in DI water and IPA to remove the native oxide. The investigation was performed in three steps: firstly, the growth rate of Ge thin films was  studied under different conditions of precursor partial pressure, temperature, and dilution with a  carrier gas. The CVD system allowed to control the flow rates and the total pressure  independently – via mass flow controllers (MFCs) and an automatic valve coupled to a pressure  sensor – allowing to reproducibly establish the desired partial pressure of each gas within a range  of 0.1-20 Torr. Each MFC was calibrated for the specific precursor or carrier gas employed,  allowing a maximum flow of 50 sccm for GeH4, 2000 sccm for Ar, 2000 sccm for H2, and 200  sccm for SiH4.The temperature was controlled by means of a hot plate coupled to a thermocouple  located under the sample, in the range of 300-600 °C. The thicknesses of the deposited Ge thin  films were determined via cross-section Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), which together  with the growth time were used to calculate the growth rates. Secondly, the morphology of the  films grown with different carrier gases was characterized through Atomic Force Microscopy  (AFM) in regards of surface roughness. Thirdly, full Ge/SiGe QW structures were grown on top  of Ge virtual substrates obtained via Ar- and H- assisted growth. Lamellas of the QW stacks  were fabricated through Focused Ion Beam (FIB) and imaged via Transmission Electron 6 Microscopy (TEM) to estimate the defect density in the Ge virtual substrates. The threading  dislocation density (TDD) was quantitatively evaluated by means of Etch Pit Count, employing a  mixture composed of HF 2.3%:HNO3 50%:CH3COOH 100% in a volume ratio 10:2:2, plus 60  mg of I2 dissolved per each 52 ml of mixture, and further diluted with DI water in a volume ratio  3:1. The samples were etched in the aforementioned diluted, acid and iodic mixture – adapted  from– for 2 minutes at room temperature, revealing etch pits capping the threading  dislocations, distinguishable and quantifiable in an area basis by means of SEM. Areas of 30 x  30 µm2 were defined all over the sample surface and TDD was calculated as a statistical average  of the results obtained by analysing 30 images per sample. Hall-effect measurements were  carried out to determine the effect of different virtual substrates on the performance of the  heterostructures in terms of electronic transport properties.


To determine the influence of precursor partial pressure and temperature on the growth rate of  Ge thin films, the cross section of the films was measured via SEM. The films were grown on 1  x 1 cm2 Si chips, by using total flows of 200 sccm for 10% GeH4 diluted in Ar or H2 and 50  sccm for undiluted GeH4. Their thickness was measured in 4 different regions, moving in steps  of 2.5 mm from one side to the other, in order to account for eventual non-uniformities in the  layers. Variations in thickness observed for different regions of the wafers were limited to ±2 nm  for thicknesses up to 500 nm, ±5 nm for thicknesses in the range 500 nm to 2 µm, and ±10 nm for thicknesses over 2 µm. Figure 1 shows the growth rate dependence on precursor partial  pressure and temperature for 10% GeH4 diluted in Ar, 10% GeH4 diluted in H2, and undiluted GeH4. A linear increase with GeH4 partial pressure and an exponential one with temperature for  the growth rate can be qualitatively observed in Figure 1(a) for the three cases. The linear  dependence on the precursor partial pressure can be assessed more clearly from Figure 1(b). The  average slopes are 1.11 ± 0.13 mTorr min nm-1 , 1.21 ± 0.20 mTorr min nm-1 and 0.68 ± 0.02  mTorr min nm-1 for 10% GeH4 in Ar, 10% GeH4 in H2, and undiluted GeH4, respectively. The  increase in deposition rate is explained by the higher impingement rate per unit area of  molecules, which is linearly dependent on the pressure. The exponential dependence on the  growth temperature is highlighted through the Arrhenius plots (Figure 1(c)), which provide an  activation energy for the reaction of 87.34 ± 6.78 kJ mol-1 , 80.19 ± 5.94 kJ mol-1 and 81.33 ±  9.28 kJ mol-1 for 10% GeH4 in Ar, 10% GeH4 in H2 and undiluted GeH4, respectively. These values of activation energy are consistent with a thermally activated process, dominated by  diffusion and adsorption from the gas phase on the surface, and fall within the range of  values reported in literature for similar reactors and process conditions (35 - 130 kJ mol-1 ). A further trend can be identified in Figure 1(a)-(c), related to the presence and type of  carrier gas mixed with GeH4. Under the same conditions of reactor temperature and GeH4 partial  pressure, the growth rate is higher when employing a carrier gas (Ar or H2) compared to the  undiluted GeH4 case, and a further enhancement occurs when using Ar instead of H2. This  behavior is explained in terms of changes in the heat transport to and from the sample upon  addition of carrier gases. Adding carrier gases leads to a lower average heat capacity of the  gaseous mixture, which leads to a decreased heat loss to the gas phase. Furthermore, the  addition of a carrier gas with its own heat capacity and partial pressure contributes to the heat  transfer of the gas localized in the micro-gaps between the sample and the hotplate, which due to  the small scale is well into the free molecular regime.



In order to investigate the potential presence of a delay between the exposure to gas precursors  and actual growth of the Ge films (a so-called nucleation time), the variation of the film  thickness with time was evaluated for the three precursor gas mixtures at low (400°C) and high  (600°C) temperature by keeping the GeH4 partial pressure fixed at 500 mTorr. Figure 2 shows  the film thickness dependence on the growth time. Linear fits of the data intercept the origin of  the reference system, excluding any significant nucleation time.


Figure 2. Film thickness as function of deposition time for Ge TFs deposited from 10% GeH4 in  Ar, 10% GeH4 in H2 and undiluted GeH4 at (a) 400°C and (b) 600°C at a constant 500 mTorr  GeH4 partial pressure. Dotted lines represent a linear fit of the data sets. Please notice that the  error bars accounting for the standard deviation of the data set are plotted, but not visible due to  the small values for the errors.

To further investigate the effect of the dilution of GeH4 in a carrier gas, we studied the variations  in growth rate as function of the dilution flow rate, which is defined as the flow rate of the carrier  gas (either H2 or Ar) divided by the flow rate of the precursor gas (i.e. GeH4), as shown in Figure  3. These experiments were performed at low (400 °C) and high (600 °C) temperature while  keeping the GeH4 pressure at 30 mTorr.


Figure 3. Growth rate dependence of Ge TFs on Ar and H2 to GeH4 flow rate at a constant 30  mTorr GeH4 partial pressure at 400°C and 600°C. Dotted lines represent a linear fit of the data  sets. Please notice that the error bars accounting for the standard deviation of the data set are  plotted, but not visible due to the small values for the errors.

In order to study the morphology and roughness of the films and their dependence on the  deposition conditions, we performed AFM measurements on 100 nm thick Ge films deposited  from 10% GeH4 in Ar, 10% GeH4 in H2 and undiluted GeH4. At temperatures as low as 400°C,  the films are smooth, with root mean square (RMS) roughness and maximum height difference  (MHD) values below 4 nm and 35 nm, respectively, when using a carrier gas. Both roughness  parameters increase when using higher temperatures, as a result of the nucleation of a larger number of Ge islands  (Figure 4(a)). No major difference in RMS and MHD is instead  observed when varying the partial pressure of the precursor gas (Figure 4(b)). In both cases , the  roughness of the films improves when employing a carrier gas compared to the undiluted case.




Within this study, the growth kinetics of Ge thin films were studied under different conditions of  temperature (300 – 600 °C), precursor partial pressure (GeH4 at 50 – 1000 mTorr), and carrier  gas (Ar, H2 or undiluted). No growth was observed below 350°C, since the temperature is too  low to overcome the activation energy for the reaction. The presence of a carrier gas is shown to  catalyze the deposition rate, by thermally enhancing the dissociation rate of gas molecules, and  the effect becomes more prominent when the ratio of carrier gas to GeH4 is increased. No delay  in deposition was observed in any of the considered cases, discarding the presence of any  significant nucleation time. Low temperatures (~ 400°C) and dilution of GeH4 in Ar or H2 induce the formation of monolayer islands that coalesce forming a full 2D layer typical of a  Frank-van der Merwe (layer-by-layer) growth mode, keeping the surface smooth. The crystalline  and surface morphological properties of the thin films were studied by Raman, XRD, SAED,  EPC, and AFM measurements. All the samples are single crystalline, regardless of the deposition  conditions, while films grown at high temperature exhibit a higher degree of relaxation. The  TDD decreases with increasing the deposition temperature, while it is independent of GeH4 partial pressure, and when using a carrier gas. As for the surface morphology, while the RMS  and MHD decrease with the temperature and are independent of GeH4 partial pressure, growth of  high temperature Ge films onto low temperature ones ensures RMS values below 1 nm.


A comprehensive study on the growth kinetics and morphology of Ge thin films together with  electronic transport properties of Ge/SiGe heterostructures was performed for different precursor  gases. Growth kinetics were characterized as a function of the growth parameters and precursor  gases, showing expected linear and exponential trends with gas partial pressure and temperature respectively, and a significant enhancement when diluting GeH4 in Ar or H2 atmosphere. Carrier  gases thermally boost the surface diffusion, hindering the formation of islands and leading to  smooth layers for the layers thicknesses here considered. TDD of the Ge virtual substrates grown  by two-steps temperature is in the order of 109cm-2 regardless of the carrier gas employed. The  steepness of the interfaces between the QW and the barriers and the percolation density are not  affected by the choice of the carrier gas employed in the growth of the virtual substrate. Relevant  improvements in the mobility values can be expected by reducing the TDD in the virtual  substrate by performing cyclic thermal annealing. Finally, a further improvement of the transport  and spin properties can be expected by implementing isotopically purified gas precursors.

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