4H– SiC功率器件的击穿电压能力

时间:2024-07-18 14:28:56 浏览量:0


Power semiconductor devices are constructed to endure high voltages (>30 V) and manage high current density.  Edge termination is a specific feature that must be integrated into the device architecture to achieve high voltage  capability in vertical power components. It is necessary to design these edge terminations while taking into  account the device’s architecture and technology. Termination efficiency is the main factor, but its area is also of  great significance. Many edge termination designs with efficiency close to 100 % have been reported and are  currently used in commercial devices. However, having a near-100 % static breakdown voltage is not the only  requirement in modern power devices. Today, most power applications rely on the avalanche capability as a key  parameter. Avalanche capability is defined by the device ability to enter in non-destructive avalanche mode,  where the component can temporarily sustain a high voltage and a high current in blocking mode. The  Unclamped Inductive Switching (UIS) test can be used to measure the avalanche mode, and it can be customized  to define a safe operating area for a full avalanche mode (SOA). The safe operation of both single pulse and  repetitive pulsed avalanche limits can be characterized. Such operation mode is now controlled in both Silicon  and Silicon Carbide based power devices. However, the development of novel wide and ultra-wide band gap  semiconductors in regards to avalanche capability and SOA still require a lot of work.

1. Introduction 

 Electrification is one of the most important strategies for driving the  transition from fossil fuel to renewable energy. Power electronics form a  crucial part of this transition. In fact, power devices are  semiconductor-based architectures able to manage high voltage and/or  high current for conditioning electrical energy. They are used in almost  all the electronic systems and applications, usually to control the energy  supply to the electronic systems or to electrical loads (motors, actuators  …). Power electronics use these devices in different family of circuits  such as rectifiers, converters or breakers. Typically, the semiconductor  power devices can suffer from electrical parasitic’s such as overvoltage  or surge energy generated by the load or the power circuit. Consequently, the design of such components must be robust and take into  account safety margins defined in the so-called Safe Operating Areas  (SOA).

Two primary architectures are used for power semiconductor devices: lateral and vertical, depending on the direction of dominant  current flow . A schematic illustration of these architectures is represented in Fig. 1. In lateral devices, the current flows laterally between  two electrodes located on the surface of the semiconductor, like many  other semiconductor devices such as CMOS circuits. The vertical architecture results in current flowing from the top to the bottom of the  semiconductor die, between two electrodes on either side. In both architecture configurations, the component’s maximum voltage capability  requires the addition of specific features to the device structure. In a  vertical device, this feature is called edge termination and is located at  the periphery (see Fig. 2.) of the active area driving the current.


Fig. 1


Fig. 2

The edge termination of most recent vertical power devices in Si or  SiC is achieved by using selective P doped wells obtained through ion  implantation. Usually, these edge terminations are built either with P  rings with high doping (>1E19 cm−3 ) or/and with Junction Termination Extension (JTE) with moderate doping (few 1e17 cm− 3 ) .  There are numerous and diverse combinations of both structures that  have been reported and are currently employed in commercial SiC diodes and transistors. Fig. 1 displays a non-complete list of suggested  architectures. Pure P+ rings edge termination (Fig. 3a) is advantageous because nearly all power devices have implanted P+ profiles  in their active cell process flow. This simplifies the fabrication process  and reduces costs by eliminating the need for extra photolithography or  p-type implantation steps to implement the termination. However, this  ring termination requires meticulous control of the photolithography  dimensions, particularly regarding the first ring position, and typically  takes up a large area (>20 rings). The JTE structure (Fig. 3b) necessitates an additional mask level and implantation step, but when  combined with internal or external rings, it leads to optimal efficiency  and a shorter termination length. In power MOSFETs, a deep P-body is  implanted to form the channel area. One may consider to use this  implant to form an edge termination. However, up to now, tentative to  use this P-body layer as JTE failed due to a higher p-doping than the  optimal one. Therefore, it is necessary to perform a specific Al implantation step or multiple mask levels etching of the P-body (Fig. 3i) as  required. A gradual lateral doping along the x-axis is highly beneficial  for efficient termination in the JTE design. In silicon, it can be done by  opening variable width implantation windows and playing with the  lateral diffusion of the dopants during thermal treatment. In SiC,  dopants do not diffuse at reasonable temperatures (<1800 ℃). An  alternative technique to obtain lateral doping variation of the JTE is to  combine the single implantation step with multiple etching steps as  proposed in Ref.  and shown in Fig. 3f.


Fig. 3

Therefore, it may be possible to incorporate a partial trench etching  at a technologically realistic depth with P+ rings implanted at the bottom of the trench, as described in Refs. . In this case, the trench  does not need to reach the N+ buffer below the drift region. By utilizing  conventional ion implant and SiC etching processes, devices with higher  voltage ranges can be made.

Cosmic rays are high radiation energy particles that can lead to  spontaneous failures in semiconductor devices biased in blocking mode  or under high electric field. The impact of cosmic rays on power semiconductor component for terrestrial applications have been shown first  for Silicon devices . The underlying mechanism for failure of power  device have been identified as massive charge multiplication triggered  by a nucleon-nucleus collision that creates an energetic recoil. Similarly  to Si, in high electric field regions of SiC devices, the strong avalanche  charge carrier multiplication is sufficient for causing single event  burnout . In terrestrial applications, these particles are typically  neutrons and their flux exponentially increase with the altitude. In Si,  mitigation is done through specific design allowing a reduction of the  electric field peaks at the p/n junctions, or using a voltage range  derating. In SiC, involved electric fields are usually 10 times higher.  However, this is mitigated by a thinner drift layer and a smaller die area  for a given voltage capability and nominal current. It helps to reduce the  probability of a collision with a particle. Indeed, experimental results  show a higher robustness of SiC devices versus their Si counterparts.

Solid-state SiC power devices with breakdown voltages of up to 15  kV can be regularly demonstrated using the established design guidelines and technology procedures for active and edge termination zones.  High breakdown effectiveness is the main reason for the widespread use  of terminations that are based on guard rings or JTE with rings.  Certainly, the majority of commercial SiC devices are designed to  withstand avalanches. Single pulse avalanche current easily reaches the  nominal forward DC current ratings, while repetitive avalanche mode is  also possible with very low performance’s drift. These avalanche modes  capabilities are required in most modern power circuit applications  where inductive loads and parasitic interconnection inductances are  present. The measurement of avalanche capability directly on-wafer is  not straightforward, as misunderstandings are possible when analyzing  a static I–V curve. Then, either temperature-dependent measurement on  wafers or dynamic tests (UIS) on packaged devices are required. UIS test  results may be influenced by the transient dV/dt rates applied to the  device under test. UIS test standards have been developed for Si devices,  with operation frequencies in the 10th of kHz range. However, new  power semiconductors such as SiC and GaN operate at higher frequencies. Then, high frequency pulse tests may be necessary to emulate  the operating conditions of the novel power application.

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