
时间:2024-08-12 16:49:46 浏览量:0


Thin wafer have become a basic need for a wide variety of new microelectronic products. Wafers that have been thinned using wet etch  process on the backside have less stress compared with standard mechanical back grinding. Isotropic wet etching of silicon is typically  done with a mixture of nitric and hydrofluoric acids. As the silicon is etched and incorporated in the etching solution the etch rate will  decrease with time. This variation has been modeled. The focus of this paper is to compare the process control technique for maintaining  a consistent etch rate as a function of time and wafer processed.


Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) is an integration  of mechanical elements and electronic circuit on a common  substrate through the use of microfabrication technique to achieve  high performance devices with dimensions ranging from less  than a micron to several microns. Most of the MEMS devices  are currently based on silicon because of the available surface  machining technology. Silicon, a MEMS material, has been  chosen for investigation with particular emphasis in etching.  Etching technology in thin film process plays an important role  in the semiconductor industry. Isotopic/anisotropic etching of  silicon is used to obtain varied microstructures. Anisotropic  etching of silicon is extensively done by taking KOH solution as  etchant. In semiconductor processing because of their low cost,  high throughput, and excellent selectivity. Important progress in  the fabrication of microelectrical structure with integrated circuits  has been achieved by many researchers using KOH wet etching.  Fabrication of UMOS transistors on Si (111) wafers for high  power and high current densities has been achieved by applying  KOH anisotropic wet etching to the silicon substrate.  Other applications include the fabrication of VMOSFETs, radio  frequency amplifiers, power supplies and microcomputers.  Using its selective and anisotropic etching properties, KOH has  been applied to yield devices snel as field emission devices, optical  waveguides, pressure sensors and ink nozzles.

Experimental Procedure 

The development of method for the production of miniaturized  mechanical components and devices with Si is a natural outgrowth  of Si surface machining methods have been developed for the  production of microcircuits. Proceed towards this direction, we  prepare fresh KOH solution by weighing 1 part KOH pellets into a  plastic beaker and then add 2 parts of DI water. As an example, use  100 g KOH with 200 ml water. Mix on warm surface until KOH  has dissolved. Add 40 ml of isopropyl alcohol to the solution. The  isopropyl alcohol increases the anisotropy in etching. The KOH  etch requires a “hard mask” of silicon dioxide or silicon nitride  (nitride is preferred since oxide is slowly etched by KOH). The  details on making a hard mask can be found elsewhere. The  basic approach is as follows. Start with silicon (100) polished wafer.  Clean wafers and pattern with photoresist. Use the reactive ion  etches (RIE) system to etch the exposed oxide or nitride surface,  for oxides: CHF3  and O2 or CF4  and O2 . Etch until the silicon is  exposed (shiny); typically 5 minutes per 1000 Å film. Rinse the  wafer with acetone to remove the remaining photoresist. Rinse with  DI water, and then blow dry. Put KOH solution in glass container  and warm to 80° C on a hot plate. If desired, use a mixer to agitate  the solution. Place patterned wafer (with patterned hard mask) in  the KOH solution. The KOH will bubble at the exposed silicon  sites while etching occurs. The etch rate for 30% KOH at 80°C  should be about 1 micron/minute. Rinse all labware three times  in clean water. In very small amounts (less than 30 ml): Dilute the  KOH with cold water, then neutralize with a small amount of HCl.  If the pH is below 12.5, pour the solution down the drain, flushing  with plenty of cold water.

The wafer used in this study was thermally bonded silicon on  insulator (SOI) wafer with (100) orientation. The thickness of the  top Si, buried SiO2  layer and bottom Si. The wafers are of p-type.  Only the top Si layer was etched by the KOH solution. First of all,  the SOI wafers are prepared with standard RCA cleaning. A 450  Å layer of Si3N4 , which acts as a KOH etching mask, deposited on each wafer using low pressure chemical vapor deposition  (LPCVD). Oxide can be used as an etch mask for short periods in  the KOH solution. For long periods, nitride is a better etch mask  as it etches more slowly. The SOI wafer then cut into 5mm × 5mm  pieces. With the diced pieces, positive photoresist, will be used to  pattern the Si3 N4  for the KOH etching mask. The nitride etched  with the exposed portion of the top Si on each SOI wafer and  etched in KOH solutions of varying temperature. To assure the  samples free of particulate and other airborne contaminants, the  experiment was conduced in a clean room environment.

Results and Discussion

Silicon Etching

The chemistry most commonly used for isotropic wet etching of  silicon is a combination of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid. It is  very often referred to as the HNA system (HF:Nitric:Acetic) with  Acetic acid is added as a buffer for wet bench application. The  nitric acid acts as an oxidizer to convert the surface into silicon  dioxide and then the HF etches (dissolves) the oxide. The reaction  proceeds as shown below and has been well documented in the  literature.

As we have seen, HNO3  oxidizes Si, and HF etches the SiO2 hereby formed. High HF: HNO3  ratios promote rate-limited  etching (strong temperature dependency of the etch rate) of Si via  the oxidation 1-3, while low HF: HNO3  ratios promote diffusionlimited etching (lower temperature dependency of the etch rate)  via step (4). HNO3 free HF etches do not attack Si. The SiO2  etch  rate is determined by the HF-concentration, since the oxidation does not account. Compared to thermal oxide, deposited (e.  g. CVD) SiO2  has a higher etch rate due to its porosity; wet oxide  a slightly higher etch rate than dry oxide for the same reason. An  accurate control of the etch rate requires a temperature control  within ± 0.5°C. Dilution with acidic acid improves wetting of the  hydrophobic Si surface and thus increases and homogenizes the  etch rate. Doped (n- and p-type) silicon as well as phosphorusdoped SiO2  etches faster than undoped Si or SiO2.



Using this equation and comparing with the data we have obtained  from the experiment are looking to be consistent. It should be  noted that the above equation and resulting decrease in etch rate is  dependent upon the wafer size (area of silicon being etched). For  this investigation, wafer size was 150mm. For larger wafers the  decrease in etch rate will be greater. To eliminate the variation in etch  rate as wafers are processed we have two obvious options: increase  the etching time or spike/replenish the active chemicals. Using  the model and data we have acquired the following comparison.  The data and model indicates that our etch rate is decreasing by  2.5% every 10 wafers. This translates into a 1 second increase in  etch time after 4 wafers. The resulting etch rate is more consistent  however the etch time and therefore tool throughput decreases. For  a tool with an initial throughput of 25 wph, this would decrease to  15 wph after 16 hours (and 400 wafers) of processing.

While changeover from etch to rinse one should stop collecting the chemical in order to avoid the addition of water into the  chemistry. The amount of chemical lost during this time (less than  a second) is approximately 30ml at the flow rate we are using.  Therefore, after processing 400 wafers we would have depleted  the chemical supply by 12 liters and it would need to be refilled.  Also at some point the amount of silicon in solution will be at  a maximum and the chemistry will need to be replaced. Another  way to maintain a constant etch rate is to either spike the chemical  mixture with the active ingredient (HF) or to continuously remove  and replenish the chemical solution or some combination of these.  Our calculations are based on the 25 liter volume within our recirculating chemical system. The ratio for filling the system with  chemicals based on the chemical mix of 1:6:1:2 (Hydrofluoric,  Nitric, Sulfuric and Phosphoric). Option one is to replace (remove  and add) a percentage of the solution for every wafer. A second  option is to spike with HF based on 10% of the initial solution  volume and the 0.25% decrease in etch rate observed. However,  this could not be done indefinitely due to some minimal loss of  chemical during the switchover to water rinsing. The spiking with  HF can be combined with adding enough of the chemical mixture  to make up for the amount lost during changeover to the rinse  cycle. Although both techniques will maintain a more stable etch  rate, increasing the etch time will decrease the wafer throughput  and require periodic shutdown for chemical disposal and refill  resulting in lower system utilization. Chemical replenishment  will maintain the wafer throughput; provide continuous chemical  disposal and replenishment resulting in higher system utilization  and overall lower cost of ownership.


There are many wet-chemical etch recipes known for etching  silicon. These processes are used for a variety of applications  including micromachining, cleaning, and defect delineation.  The detailed behaviour and rate of the etchant will vary between  laboratory environments and exact processes. As silicon wafers  are etched a decrease in etch rate is observed. Spiking with HF  provides a means to replenish the active component. At the  same time, silicon is building up in the solution in the form of  hexafluorosilicic acid. The wafer size is determine the spiking,  removal and fresh make-up quantities for a stable equilibrium to  be reached where the solution is self-replacing. This is the lowest cost of ownership in terms of chemical costs and system down  time and will result in a constant etch rate with time.

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