
时间:2023-01-30 15:26:55 浏览量:0


 Semiconductors such as InGaP  and InGaAsSb are important for lightemitting devices as well as communications devices and electronics. Fabrication of these devices is achieved  by plasma etching in which an ionized gas mixture etches the substrate  by both chemical reaction and physical bombardment. In plasma etching for these purposes, indium products are not as volatile and are usually  more di# cult to remove than other  semiconductor materials. For this experiment, only wafers with an existing.

epitaxial GaAs cap layer grown over  an underlying InGaP layer were available. For the development of an Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) etch  process for the InGaP layer, the top  GaAs layer must "rst be etched o$ to  expose the underlying InGaP layer. A  common technique used to do this isnvolves a selective wet chemical etch  that will remove the GaAs layer without etching or damaging the InGaP  layer.1  Determining the selectivity and  etch rate for removing the GaAs layer  are the primary goals of chemical wet  etch development. Once this has been  accomplished, a “recipe” for removing the epitaxial GaAs layer can be created. Chemical wet etching selectively  removes the cap layer of the wafer  through a series of chemical reactions  in a liquid solution. For this etch process, H2SO4:H2O2:deionized water, a  common solution for removing GaAs,  was used in the proportions of 1:8:640.  ! e reaction occurs in a sequence of  steps involving an oxidation reaction  of the hydroxide ions when the semiconductor is immersed in an electrolyte system to produce Ga2O3 and  As2O3. !ese oxides dissolve in the  acid of the etchant solution and form  soluble salts.2 Wafer samples with a 750Å cap  layer of GaAs on top, middle layer of  InGaP and thick base layer of GaAs  were used. !e layer structure of these  wafers is shown below. Later etching  will use InGaAsSb wafers. However,  because indium is the most di# cult  layer to etch, InGaP is a good starting  point.


Results were inconclusive after  the "rst round of the etch process. It  appeared that the wet etch solution  did not selectively etch the wafers.  It was hypothesized that the wafers  could have been upside down, meaning that the thicker, bottom layer of  GaAs was being etched instead of the  750Å top layer. In the second round  of the etch process, care was taken to  mark the bottom sides of each sample using a scribe. A control wafer was  also used in the second round, which  was purposefully %ipped bottom side up for etching. In the second round, a  sample from each wafer type was also  used. Because the etch solution attacked  the photoresist, which can be seen in  the negative etch rates in Fig. 3 and in  etch depths greater than 750Å in Fig.  4, the wafers had to be stripped of the  PR to measure accurate etch depths.  ! is was done by agitating the wafers  in acetone for 2 minutes, rinsing with  methanol for 2 minutes, and blow dry-ing the wafers with nitrogen. !e process was repeated until all of the photoresist was removed. !e wafers were  then measured again with the pro- " lometer to determine the actual etch  rate and depth. Reproducible etch  rates were achieved as shown in Fig.  3. !e etch rate for samples stripped of  PR averaged 8.37Å/s with a standard  deviation of 0.92Å/s, which was near  the expected etch rate of 10Å/s.


Fig. 2 is an example of the results from the pro# lometer, which gives  a cross-sectional view of the wafer. !is sample was in the etchant  for 110 seconds and was stripped of photoresist. !e results show  that this particular sample was etched to a depth of 751Å. Because  measurements were taken in angstroms (1 x 10-10 m), some  experimental error is to be expected using the instruments available.  ! ere may also be slight variations in the thickness of the grown  layers.

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