
时间:2023-01-31 10:17:24 浏览量:0
The increasing aspect ratio of contact holes accompanying the rapid scaling down of device feature dimensions would pose considerable challenges not only in contact dry etching but also in the subsequent wet clean. After contact dry etching in CFx-based plasma, remaining fluorocarbon films, metal (from silicide) oxides and fluorides (1) must be removed by ashing and wet clean. Conventional methods of wet clean include the use
of sulfuric peroxide mixtures (SPM) or sulfuric ozone mixtures (SOM), ammonia peroxide mixtures (SC1), and dilute hydrofluoric acid (HF). More recently, chemical dry cleaning using NF3 has been reported to improve contact metallization to the underlyingNi silicide (2).

The objective of post etch wet clean is to effectively remove any post etch/ash residues from the wafer surface and inside the contact holes, in order to achieve low contact resistance. During wet clean, chemicals need to penetrate into the contact holes for reaction with any remaining post etch residues and these reaction by-products must be efficiently removed from the holes. The high aspect ratio of these holes would make it difficult for effective penetration and removal of residues, and could leave behind residues inside the holes, especially in a batch immersion system. This challenge could be further amplified when the wafers are processed at half pitch at 300mm. We have observed polymeric (CFx-based) residues extensively on wafers that are processed at half pitch during post etch wet clean with dilute SC1, which reveals the ineffectiveness of the cleaning process. This study aims to investigate the source of these residues and the mechanism behind their formation. It also reports the impact that drying  techniques during the cleaning process might have on the resultant formation of these polymeric residues.


Logic devices with complete FEOL structures including STI, poly gate and Salicide,were fabricated on 300mm p-type silicon wafers with (100) orientation. After CVD deposition of the interlayer dielectric (ILD) films – nitride etch stop liner followed by oxide – contacts were patterned with 193nm ArF lithography. Subsequent dry etching to open up the contacts to the underlying silicide comprised of an oxide main etch followed by a nitride breakthrough etch, with different gas chemistries utilized for each step. In-situ ash using O2 followed the C4F6/O2/Ar oxide main etch, but no post etch treatment (PET) was employed following the CF4/CH2F2/Ar nitride etch. Remaining post etch polymers or residues were removed with wet clean using warm dilute SC1. The post etch clean utilizes point-of-use (POU) SC1 in a batch immersion tool, with surface tension gradient (STG) drying. Conventional TiN barrier metal and CVD-W was used for contact metallization. Defect inspection was done using a KLA2800 brightfield inspector and SEM review was done in an Applied Materials SEMVision review station.

Results and Discussion
Polymeric Residues Formation
From defect inspection after post contact etch clean using dilute SC1, we have observed the presence of polymeric films (figure 1). These residues are found to contain Carbon and Fluorine from EDX. In figure 1(a), the polymeric film appears to be crumpled after subsequent barrier metal (TiN) deposition. These films cover a large area on the wafer surface and prevent the filling of contact holes during metallization.


Figure 1. Polymeric films on wafer surface, (a) after SC1 post contact etch cleaning and (b) after barrier metal deposition

This polymeric residue could also take on a bloated appearance, as seen in figure 2, whereby cross-section TEM showed the presence of a large void in between the polymeric film and the wafer surface. As illustrated in figure 3, it is believed that during TiN deposition, high vacuum and temperatures can cause moisture outgassing from the ILD film, hence lifting the polymer film from the wafer surface. And if the polymeric film is sufficiently thick and continuous, moisture becomes trapped between the detached polymer layer and the ILD surface, resulting in the bloated appearance of some defects after TiN liner deposition. If moisture is allowed to escape, the film may collapse onto the wafer surface, appearing crumpled.

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