
时间:2023-04-07 08:55:09 浏览量:0

A very promising process flow for industrial-type PERC solar cells includes double sided texturing, double sided  POCl3 diffusion and single sided wet chemical polishing [1]. Energy conversion efficiencies of 20.2% for PERC  solar cells based on this process flow were recently reported [2]. However, these results were achieved using a  laboratory type RCA clean after polishing and prior to ALD-Al2O3 deposition, which is costly in industrial process  flows.

We evaluate four different cleaning sequences targeted for industrial application prior to AlOx/SiNy passivation:  1) pSC1, HF/HCl; 2) pSC1, HF/HCl, HF/O3; 3) HF/O3; 4) PSG-etch (1% HF) and compare the results to a  laboratory type RCA clean. The cleaning sequences 1 and 2 are designed as shortened versions of the RCA clean.  The pseudo-SC1 (pSC1) clean applies KOH/H2O2 chemistry and aims at removing organic contamination similar to  the SC1 in the RCA clean. The HF/HCl clean removes metallic contaminants similar as the SC2 clean in the RCA  clean sequence. Both, the pSC1 and HF/HCl clean, are well known as typical industrial cleans prior and post  texturing, respectively. In cleaning sequence 3, SiO2 formed by ozone is removed by HF chemistry. The resulting  etching of the silicon wafer surface might remove contaminants from the surface. The PSG-etch (clean 4) is chosen  because it is the typical clean of a standard full-area Al-BSF production process applied after phosphorus diffusion  and before Al screen-printing. To evaluate the impact of a cleaning sequence on the subsequent rear side passivation  only, we fabricate test wafers for measurement of the effective lifetime τeff as shown in Fig. 1a). Using 1.5 Ωcm float  zone (FZ) material these wafers are cleaned with the 5 cleaning sequences as described above. Then the ALDAl2O3/PECVD-SiNx passivation layer stack is deposited on both sides. After a firing step τeff is measured using a  Sinton lifetime tester.

Figure 2 shows, that highest lifetimes of 1-2 ms are achieved using the RCA clean or one of the HF/O3 based  cleaning sequences. Using Spass=W/2* τeff this corresponds to a surface recombination velocity (SRV) of 8-15 cm/s.  The two wafers cleaned with pSC1 + HF/HCl show lower lifetimes of 700 μs and 1200 μs yielding Spass values of  12-20 cm/s. The lowest lifetime of around 500 μs – corresponding to an Spass of 30 cm/s – is obtained for the PSG  etch, probably due to insufficient removal of metallic contaminants .



Measurements of the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) in the infrared regime as displayed in Fig. 5 show  comparable values for most cleaning sequences except for the PSG-etch, which exhibits significantly lower values.  Using our in-house developed silicon solar cell analysis software SCAN which is based on the analytical model for  the QE introduced in [7], we model the experimental reflectance and IQE data to obtain the effective SRVs at the  rear Srear. For the PSG-etch we extract 330 cm/s, whereas the other cleaning sequences show values <50 cm/s  indicating that the lower Voc and Jsc values of the cells cleaned with the PSG-etch primarily result from higher  recombination at the rear.

When moving from 3 μm to 12 μm polishing removal, the emitter saturation current densities decrease from  110-140 fA/cm² down to 70-95 fA/cm² for both cleaning sequences as shown in Fig. 6a). The improved J0e values  are very likely due to a reduced phosphorus concentration on the front surface caused by the longer gas phase etch  during polishing [9]. The low J0e values demonstrate, that both cleaning sequences sufficiently remove the porous  silicon to allow a good emitter surface passivation while maintaining emitter sheet resistances below 70 Ω/sq as  shown in Figure 6b), where both cleaning sequences only contribute about 2 Ω/sq sheet resistance increase as  measured on reference wafers. The QSSPC measurements show effective lifetimes τeff around 1 ms for all polishing  removals, where wafers cleaned with pSC1, HF/HCl, HF/O3 obtain 100-150 μs higher lifetimes compared to the  pSC1, HF/HCl, HF-Dip clean. Accordingly, both cleaning sequences allow an excellent rear surface passivation  quality with SRVs Spass < 15 cm/s when combined with an Al2O3/SiNx rear passivation.

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