
时间:2023-05-15 14:38:09 浏览量:0

The definition of a supercritical fluid  can be fully appreciated by examining  a phase diagram such as the one for  CO, in Fig. 2. The key property is that  above the critical temperature (T,)  condensation cannot occur at any  pressure. The region to the right of T,  and above P, defines the supercritical  state. A supercritical fluid can have  very high density.

Supercritical CO, was chosen as a  primary cleaning fluid for its low viscosity (0.05 centipoise), high diffusivity, and very low surface tension, as  well as other environmental, safety,  and cost considerations (Table I). For  CO,, the critical temperature, T,, is  31 "C and the critical pressure is also  in a practical range (Pc = 73 bar =  1050 psi).

Figure 3 shows density versus pressure for an isotherm just above the  critical temperature. Density changes  dramatically with pressure near the  critical point. At 31 "C, for example,  the density is only 0.002 g/cm3 at ambient pressure, compared to 0.468  g/cm3 at Pc (a 234-fold increase!).

CO, above Pc has a density and solvating capabilities comparable to organic liquids. The solvent strength of  CO, varies with pressure for a constant temperature. Physicochemical  properties can be exploited both  above and below Pc, i.e., supercritical  and subcritical properties are both important in a well-designed cleaning process. In such a process, the fluid is  cycled between two pressures as indicated in Fig. 3.

A wafer cleaning system that uses  CO, in the critical region has recently  been introduced. As shown in Fig. 4,  the wafer is loaded between the upper  and lower blocks of the cleaning  chamber. The chamber height is  about 5 mm during loading, and the  wafer is held therein by vacuum grips  in the top block. The lower block is  then raised until the chamber is  sealed, at which point the chamber height is only slightly larger than the  wafer thickness (- 1 mm). CO, pressurized at - 800 psi is then supplied  through centrally positioned orifices.

During the cleaning cycle, the supercritical fluid is pulsated by a hydraulic mechanism. The lower  chamber block is actually a thinwalled, stainless steel membrane, i.e.,  a diaphragm. The hydraulic fluid pressure changes the chamber height via  elastic deformation of the diaphragm,  i.e., the supercritical fluid pressure is  varied according to the volume of the  cleaning chamber. Pressure is typically cycled between 800 and 1200 psi at  a frequency of 25 to 50 Hz.



During the expansion stroke, the  CO, changes kom a supercritical fluid  to a subcritical gas. Density decreases  threefold, causing rapid mixing  actions and outflow of fluid from the  wafer surfaces. The fluid, moving at  high velocities, quickly relocates suspended particles and dissolved contaminants. These are flushed out of  the chamber by makeup cleaning fluid  during the expulsion step. Redeposition is prevented by the rapidity of fluid flow throughout the process.

The lower cleaning gap is very  small (< 30 pm) . As a result, the wafer  follows the reciprocating movement of  the lower chamber block. A hydraulically actuated pulsator in the central  section drives the lower chamber  block. This provides an optimal wafer  cleaning action in both the upper and  lower wafer clean gaps. The total fluid  volume surrounding all sides of the  wafer is only about 5 cm3 (= n r2 h = n  20 x 20 x 0.0125 cm3) in the uncoinpressed (800 psi) position. This low  cleaning fluid requirement simplifies  control of fluid purity.

The fluid properties and chamber  design are such that the pressure  varies little from the top to bottom surfaces of the wafers. At any given time,  even during the strokes, an essentially  uniform pressure distribution exists in  the chamber. The wafer is totally surrounded by the cleaning fluid during  the cleaning process. Thus the wafer  is not physically stressed by the  thrusts or pressure changes of the  cleaning fluid.  

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