
时间:2023-05-16 14:49:48 浏览量:0

Light emitting diodes (LEDs) not only significantly  reduce power consumption compared to incandescence, but  also with longer lifetime, fast response speed, compact size,  low maintenance cost and grater reliability. Therefore, they  have gained widespread use since their inception in the early  60’s. Moreover, special deposition techniques have made  possible LEDs with much higher brightness than traditional  devices. This opens up many new applications such as  backlighting for displays, automotive lighting and new  consumer products like flash for mobile camera or compact  projects .

Nevertheless these possibilities, there are some remain  problems like optical efficiency, thermal resistance, cost and  brightness to completely substitute the conventional solidstate lighting like a fluorescent light, incandescent lights.  Many researches are progressed to ameliorate the problems  stated above in various fields. But most of the previous  researchers on high brightness LEDs have focused on how to  improve the chip characteristics. Few of them discussed  the package point of view. Among them, optical efficiency,  multi chip package issue and cost are the representative  problems to be improved before everything for  commercializing. In LEDs, silicon based multi chip package  is produced to overcome the problems related to the optical  efficiency, thermal resistance, multi chip package issue and  cost using lead frame type conventional package. However  the conventional packages like lead frame type have the  limitation of accuracy, cost, thermal resistance and expansion to the multi chip packaging. Through suggested silicon  based multi chip LED packaging, wafer level fabrication &  packaging technology is realized. It can not only solve  problems of conventional packaging structures but also  tremendously improve the optical properties of LED  packaging like optical efficiency, reduce the manufacturing  cost of LED package using WLP (wafer level packaging) and  increase the expansion possibility module package using  silicon based platform.

In many research fields, MEMS (Micro Electro  Mechanical System) technology is used to accomplish silicon  based LED PKG structure which can be applied wafer level  fabrication and packaging. However the existing LED  package structures have critical problem which the color  mixing for white color is difficult because of its difficulty of  expansion limitation for discrete lead frame type package.  Multi chip package for high power LED application like  solid-state lighting are required that optimized chip distance  for color mixing, high performance of thermal resistance and  high optical extraction efficiency. Among various fabrication  methods for multi chip LED package, lead frame type  package and ceramic based package are generally used. In  case of lead frame type package, it has difficulty in expansion  possibility for arrayed package. Additionally, it has high  thermal resistance compared with another packaging  technology. Ceramic based package has difficulty for  expansion possibility for arrayed package because of its  warpage in firing process. However, due to a lot of research  in semiconductor fabrication process, silicon based LED  package has many advantage like expansion possibility for  arrayed package, thermal resistance, mass production, cost  and so on. In this study, the new silicon based multi chip  package is investigated. 9mm x 9mm with 0.65 thickness  package array is fabricated and optimized chip distance is  determined.



After optical and thermal analysis, as we mentioned  above, the silicon based multi chip LED package which has  9mm x 9mm with 0.7mm thickness is designed. This package  is composed 4 chips (1 red, 2 green, and 1 blue) in 1 cavity. 2  green chips are parallel connected on top surface. Total 5  masks are used for fabrication.

Base substrate fabrication starts with a <100> silicon  wafer. First step is dry etching for bottom pad, trench, and via  hole using ICP equipment. Etch depth is 20um, 150um, and  280um (a, b, c). The via hole diameter is 80um. Oxide is  coated on etched wafer using oxidation process. This step  makes insulation layer (d). The layer of Ti/Au is sputtered for  seed layer. After this deposition process, Cu is electro plating  for interconnection (e). After polishing process (f), Al layer is  deposited in top surface for increasing reflectivity (g). Next  step is Al, Au layer patterning process. Metal layer is  patterned using standard photolithography and wet-etched in  Al/Au etching solution (h). The last step in base substrate  process is Au/Sn patterning process. This process is  performed for eutectic bonding with base substrate and  reflector cup substrate.

Reflector cup process start with a <100> silicon wafer on  which has a 1500 A thickness silicon nitride film. First step is  anisotropic wet etching of silicon (Si) for reflector using  THAH (Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide) solution. Etch  depth is 350 µm (a, b). The layer of Ti/Au is evaporated for  eutectic bonding layer (c). The last step is metal deposition  process for increasing reflectivity. According to this  deposition process reflector which has reflectivity, over 70%  at all wave length is realized. This result shows in figure 13.  Finally, figure 14 shows the realized multi chip LED package.

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