
时间:2023-05-17 14:17:47 浏览量:0

Mrofluorocarbons (CFCs) and  other halogenated solvents for precision cleaning of metals, plastics, composites, ceramics, electronic components, and other materials. In 1991, for  example, the Environmental Protection  Agency estimated that approximately  170 million pounds of CFC-113 and  methyl chloroform were used by US.  industries for vapor degreasing operations.' The use of these solvents is  being phased out because of their role  in stratospheric ozone depletion, and a  number of alternative cleaning technologies and solvents are in various stages  of development and use.

Many of these alternative technologies are limited in their application and  present new problems, including high  solvent and operating costs (e&, estimates for perfluorocarbon solvents are  as high as $15/lb); toxicity (e& VOCs  and HCFCs); flammability (e& hydrocarbons, alcohols, and ketones);  and the generation of wastewater  streams (aqueous and semiaqueous  systems). No single solvent alternative  or cleaning technology developed to  date has been found to have the  near-universal application of CFCs for  precision cleaning applications.

Many of these alternative technologies are limited in their application and  present new problems, including high  solvent and operating costs (e&, estimates for perfluorocarbon solvents are  as high as $15/lb); toxicity (e& VOCs  and HCFCs); flammability (e& hydrocarbons, alcohols, and ketones);  and the generation of wastewater  streams (aqueous and semiaqueous  systems). No single solvent alternative  or cleaning technology developed to  date has been found to have the  near-universal application of CFCs for  precision cleaning applications.

Supercritical carbon dioxide (CO,)  has been identified as a promising  solvent alternative to CFCs for a variety  of precision cleaning applications, primarily because of its low cost, low  toxicity, nonflammability, and environmental acceptability. This article presents recent experience working with  CO, as a cleaning solvent to reduce the  technology to commercial practice.

The use of supercritical fluids  (SCFs) in precision cleaning grew out  of previous developments in the technology over the last decade. The novel  solvent properties of SCFs, in particular CO,, have been exploited commercially in the food, pharmaceutical, and  petroleum industries. More recently,  SCF technology has been commercially applied to the extraction of  hazardous organic chemicals from industrial wastewater. At present, CO, is  being investigated for a number of  precision cleaning applications, and  the first commercial systems are in  operation.



Spica1 operating temperatures and  pressures range from ambient to 60°C  and 750--3,000 psi. Temperature- and  water-sensitive surfaces or substrates  are often good candidates for cleaning  with CO,, whereas pressure-sensitive  components may be damaged. Pressure  sensitivity can be controlled in some  applications by changing the rate of  pressurization and/or depressurization.

The process schematic in Figure 1  illustrates the hasic batch cleaning  operation. Materials to be cleaned are  loaded into the cleaning chamber using  an appropriate basket, container, or  fixturing device. The chamber is then  sealed using a quick-opening closure  mechanism designed for the operators  and working environment.

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