
时间:2023-05-17 15:21:16 浏览量:0

Fabrication of semiconductor devices is a multi-step pro  cess of forming features on a semiconductor Substrate or  other Substrate. Steps can include material growth, pattern ing, doping, deposition, etching, metallization, planarization,  and so forth. Features formed on a substrate can include  various transistors. Transistors can be planar or non-planar, and can also have single gates or multiple gates. Non-planar  transistors (sometimes referred to as 3D transistors) include  the FinFET (fin field effect transistor), among others. Such  non-planar transistors typically include a vertically-oriented or raised fin that functions as a channel between the Source  and drain. The gate is also vertically-oriented or raised and is  positioned over the fin (on top of the fin and around fin  sidewalls). Such non-planar transistors can have multiple fins  and/or multiple gates. Planar transistors also have associated  heights, though relative heights of non-planar features are  usually greater than those of planar transistors. 

Fabrication of semiconductor devices often includes depo sition of spacer and/or dummy materials to assistin construct  ing a given feature design, including features on non-planar  transistors. Sidewall spacers are often specified on non-planar transistors for improved gate functionality. As the dimensions  of the transistor gate continue to shrink, the fringe capaci  tance between the gate and contact, as well as between the  gate and facet of the source/drain (S/D), has increased. To  counter this increase in fringe capacitance, low-k dielectric  materials have been implemented as the spacer material. The  Success of a spacer is affected by a spacer etch process, which  can affect both the dielectric constant of the spacer, as well as  Spacer coverage. 

During fabrication of a transistor gate, a spacer material is  conformally applied to the transistorgate and other structures  (such as by atomic layer deposition), and then partially  removed to form a sidewall spacer on a sidewall of the tran  sistor gate. This partial removal step specifies removing  spacer material from the other structures, while leaving  spacer material on the gate or on gate sidewalls. Such partial  removal is typically executed using one or more etching pro  cesses, but can be challenging because of the differing heights  of features being etched simultaneously as well as thick  nesses of spacer material.

Techniques herein include methods to increase etch selec  tivity among materials. Techniques herein include a cyclical  process of etching and oxidation of a silicon nitride (Sin)  spacer and silicon (such as polycrystalline silicon). This tech  nique can increase selectivity to the silicon so that silicon is  less likely to be etched or damaged while silicon nitride is  being etched from sidewalls. Techniques and chemistries as  disclosed herein can be more selective to silicon oxide and  silicon as compared to silicon nitride. An oxidizing step cre  ates an oxide protection film on silicon Surfaces that is com  paratively thicker to any oxide film formed on nitride sur  faces. As such, techniques herein enable better removal of  silicon nitride and silicon nitride spacer materials.



Techniques herein include methods to increase etching selectivity among materials. Techniques herein include a  cyclical process of etching and oxidation of a silicon nitride  (SiN) spacer and silicon (Such as polycrystalline silicon).  This technique can increase selectivity to the silicon so that  silicon is less likely to be etched or damaged while silicon  nitride is etched from sidewalls and other surfaces. Tech  niques and chemistries as disclosed herein can be more selec  tive to silicon oxide and silicon as compared to silicon nitride.  An oxidizing step creates an oxide protection film on silicon  Surfaces that is comparatively thicker to any oxide film  formed on nitride Surfaces. As such, techniques here enable  better removal of silicon nitride and silicon nitride spacer  materials.

Improved removal of silicon nitride is enabled in part based  on discoveries herein that silicon material (crystalline silicon)  oxidizes at a faster and/or thicker rate as compared to oxida  tion of silicon nitride. Thus, methods herein include a process ofetchingaportion of spacer material followed by a relatively  short oxidation step, and then returning to etching a Subse  quent portion of spacer material. This etching-oxidation cycle  can be repeated until meeting a design specification Such as  removing conformal spacer material from around a given  structure. In other words, periods of etch activity followed by periods of protection are cycled. The result of such methods  and discoveries herein can include better etch selectivity, as  well as uncovering fin structures with more fin material  remaining as compared to conventional processes.

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