
时间:2023-05-20 14:05:04 浏览量:0

A method for wireless, non-contact testing of  semiconductor wafers is presented. The technology  applies to chips with active electronics, including  standard integrated circuits (ICs), which require testing  at the wafer level. The technology relies on short-range,  near field communications to transfer data at gigabit per  second rates between the probe card and the device under  test (DUT) on a wafer. The probe consists of a CMOS  device with micro antenna structures and transceiver  circuits. Each antenna and transceiver circuit is capable  of probing one input/output (I/O) site on the DUT. Each  I/O site on the DUT is connected to a single antennae and  transceiver circuit, which is designed into the DUT. The  antennae and transceiver circuits can be incorporated  into the DUT without any impact on performance or real  estate. The main advantage of non-contact wafer probing  is higher reliability (less retest, no pad scrub marks),  added functionality (higher test frequencies at higher pin  densities), and increased throughput (higher parallelism,  reduced alignment tolerance, less maintenance, and less  downtime). The wireless probes interface to standard  automated test equipment (ATE) while all antenna  structures and electronics needed on the DUT are fully  CMOS compliant.

The testing of semiconductors is a significant and  growing problem in the very large scale integration  (VLSI) circuit manufacturing industry. With growing  complexity and density of devices per wafer area, the cost  of testing a microchip is growing faster than the cost of  manufacturing one; and in some cases, the testing cost  exceeds the manufacturing cost. Semiconductor testing  has become a multi-billion dollar industry, leading to  opportunities for the introduction of new testing  technologies, like the wireless testing methodology.  Issues such as smaller pad size, increased pad density,  increased signal input/output (I/O) frequencies, longer  test times, mechanical reliability of low-k dielectric  materials, and probe card contact and alignment are restricting the progress towards smaller, faster, and more  economical integrated circuits.

Wireless, non-contact testing alleviates all of these  constraints, allowing for significant improvements in both  the economics of integrated circuit manufacturing and the  functional performance of the devices. In addition to the  traditional testing performed at the end of the fabrication  process (wafer probing or sort testing), wireless testing  can also be implemented earlier in the manufacturing  value chain, providing important feedback during the  production process. This feedback relays information  regarding any global or local physical faults, and even  circuit-level faults, providing the process engineer the  ability to respond earlier, leading to an improvement in  yield. In addition, for mature processes, only a small  statistical representation of devices on a wafer is tested  prior to packaging (an expensive stage of manufacturing).  Wireless testing, being a much faster process and capable  of highly parallel testing, allows for increased test  coverage on a larger population of devices, while  maintaining throughput.



The performance of the antenna structures and transceiver  circuits have been modeled and simulated. For the  antennae, the simulations were performed using a  combination of four different simulation software packages. The first two packages, Totem (developed in  an academic environment) and AxFDTD use the Finite  Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method. The third and  fourth packages were, Advanced Design System (ADS)  and Sonnet, which use Method-of-Moments (MoM)  analysis. Different simulations were run on each of the  different packages to determine the optimum antenna  geometry, antenna pitch, antenna size, matching circuits,  and antenna termination. The results of the simulation  were used to select the types of antenna that were most  suitable for data and power transfer. Fig. 3 is the  simulation model.

The simulation results demonstrate that the performance  of the antenna is influenced by many factors. The  antenna pair is optimized for operation with a 5 GHz  carrier. The transmission coefficient (S21), for a pair of  data transfer antennae (Type 3) is approximately -32 dB  at 5 GHz and a separation distance of 60 µm. In Table 3,  the cross-talk between adjacent elements is much greater  than that the cross-talk between the elements in an  echelon. The difference between required transmission  efficiency (S21) and cross-talk (S31) is 18 dB when the  horizontal separation distance is 60µm. As the distance is  decreased to 30 µm, S31 increases 6 dB; however, S41  remains almost the same as for that of the greater channel  distance. Due to this result, S31 is the main contributor  of cross-talk. Some strategies for decreasing cross-talk  will be discussed on Section 4. Electromagnetic  simulation was used to determine the antenna type that  would work the best for data and power transmission.  Guided by the simulation results, the antenna pairs were  optimized to operate at 5 GHz..

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