
时间:2023-05-23 11:32:04 浏览量:0

In this work, the nanocrystalline porous silicon (PS) films is prepared by photoelectrochemical  etching of n-type silicon wafer with different currents density (20, 35 and 50 mA/cm2 ) and etching  time 15 min on the formation nano-sized pore array with a dimension of around few hundreds  nanometric. The films were characterized by the measurement of FTIR spectroscopy and atomic  force microscopy properties.Chemical fictionalization during the photoelectrochemical etching  show on surface chemical composition of PS. The etching possesses inhomogeneous  microstructures that contain a-Si clusters (Si3–Si–H) dispersed in amorphous silica matrix and  (O-SiO, C-SiO). It is observed from the FTIR analyses that the Si dangling bonds of the as-prepared  PS layer have large amount of Hydrogen to form weak (Si–H) bonds. The atomic force microscopy  investigation shows the rough silicon surface; with increasing etching process (current density)  porous structure nucleates which leads to an increase in the width (diameter) of surface pits.  Consequently, the surface roughness also increases. The electrical properties of prepared PS;  namely current density-voltage characteristics under dark, show that the pass current through the PS  layer decreased by increasing the current density and etching time, due to increase the resistivity of  PS layer. The PS layer shows a rectifying behaviour with different rectification ratio. C-V  measurements demonstrate that the behaviour of the resulting junction is more like to Schottky  junction. This study makes it clear that the charge carries depletion process occur in PS layer.  Moreover, the charge carries decrease and width of depletion layer increase by increasing the  current density.

Silicon is the main material of  microelectronics at present, but it is not widely  used in optoelectronics. The reason is due to  the inherent nature of the indirect transition in  the band-edge emission. When the visible  photoluminescence (PL) of electrochemically  etched porous silicon was reported by Canham  in 1990, the material has been extensively  studied to clarify luminescence mechanism  and to investigate its possible use as a new  material for the optical device application .  The early attempts to use porous silicon  in sensing applications were based on  variations of its electrical properties such as  capacitance and conductivity. In addition,  optical properties of porous silicon have been  exploited for chemical and biological sensing  due to their fast response time and relative  safety for operation in hazardous environments  such as flammable vapors or gases. The  most popular optical techniques are based on the change of optical reflectivity,  photoluminescence, birefringence, and the  properties of optical waveguides.

Porous silicon consists of a network of  nanoscale sized silicon wires and voids which  formed when crystalline silicon wafers are  etched electrochemically in hydrofluoric acid  based electrolyte solution under constant  anodization conditions. The precise control of  porosity and thickness allows the tailoring of  optical properties of porous silicon and has  opened the door to a multitude of applications  in optoelectronics technology.



The surface morphology of the PS  semiconductors is known to be very  complicated and strongly depends on  fabrication conditions. Therefore, the current  density and etching time can be used to control  the size and shape of the final structures. The  morphological properties of the PS samples  prepared with different current density values  (10, 20, 35 and 50 mA/cm2) and etching time  at 15 min are shown in Fig. (2). The pore  morphology was analyzed under conditions of  varying current densities. At low current  density, a highly branched, randomly directed  and highly interconnected meshwork of  pores was obtained. However, increasing in  current density orders the small pores  to exhibit cylindrical shapes giving rise to  larger pore diameter of surface pits.  Consequently, the surface roughness also  increases (see Table (2)).

It is clearly visible the porous layer  consisting of many void propagating in the  direction perpendicular to the surface, with  numerous side branches. This property is a  consequence of the formation mechanism,  which consists in a plane dissolution front  propagating in a direction perpendicular to the  surface. The average pore diameter appears in  good agreement with what expected for a  meso-porous layer.

The effect of the etching current density on  the C-V characteristics is studied. Results in  Fig.(6), shows that the increase of the etching  current density decreases the capacitance of  the PS layer. This behavior was attributed to  the increase of the depletion region width  which leading to the enhancement of built-in  potential.

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