
时间:2023-05-25 09:59:11 浏览量:0

This dissertation has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for  an advanced degree at the University of Arizona and is deposited in the University  Library to be made available to borrowers under rules of the Library.

Brief quotations from this dissertation are allowable without special permission,  provided that an accurate acknowledgement of the source is made. Requests for  permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in  part may be granted by the copyright holder.

Over the years, megasonic energy has been widely used in the semiconductor  industry for effective particle removal from surfaces after chemical mechanical  planarization (CMP) processes. As a sound wave propagates through a liquid medium, it  generates two effects, namely, acoustic streaming and acoustic cavitation. Acoustic  streaming refers to time independent motion of liquid due to viscous attenuation, while  cavitation arises from the bubble activity generated due to the difference in the pressure  field of the propagating wave. Cavitation can be classified into two categories, (1) stable  and (2) transient cavitation. When a bubble undergoes continuous oscillations over  repeated cycles it is known to exhibit stable cavitation, while a sudden collapse is referred  to as transient cavitation. Due to the rapid implosion of the transient cavity, drastic  conditions of temperature (5,000-10,000 K) and pressure (hundreds of bars) are generated  within and surrounding the bubble. If this phenomenon occurs close to the substrate, it  causes damage to the sub-micron features. In this study, emphasis has been laid on  understanding acoustic cavitation as it is critical to achieving high cleaning efficiency  without any feature damage.

In the last part of the dissertation, we investigate the effect of solution parameters  on cavitation characteristics using a bicarbonate based alkaline chemical cleaning  formulation that has been previously demonstrated to be beneficial in achieving effective  megasonic cleaning and low damage. The results of this study revealed that in the presence  of ammonia (NH3) or carbonate/bicarbonate ions at concentrations greater than 75 mM or  200 mM respectively, the measured rate of generation of hydroxyl radicals at 1 MHz and  2 W/cm2  was significantly reduced. The lower rate of OHx was attributed to scavenging of  radicals in these solutions and additionally due to reduced transient cavitation in ammonia  solutions. Hydroxyl radical measurements at higher power density of 8 W/cm2  showed that  carbonate ions were better scavengers of hydroxyl radicals than bicarbonate ions. The study on the effect of bulk solution temperature illustrated that the rate of generation of  OHx increased with increase in temperature from 10 to 30 qC suggesting enhanced transient  cavitation at higher temperatures (in the investigated range). The use of optimum  concentration of ammonia or carbonates ions in cleaning formulation and bulk solution  temperature would likely provide desired cleaning with minimum damage.

As the technology node keeps getting smaller, there arises a need to clean the submicron components of a chip with minimal damage. The presence of small particles  requires increased hydrodynamic flows to be able to lift the particles off the wafer surface.  With the current cleaning methodologies not capable of efficiently remove contaminants,  the use of acoustics (megasonics) has been adopted. The significance of this process is that  the boundary layer is several orders of magnitude lower than conventional technologies  and provides an advantage for particle removal. A considerable amount of work has been  performed in this field, and acoustic frequency and power density of 0.8-1 MHz and up to  7.75 W/cm2  have shown efficient particle removal. As with every technology, there is a  drawback in using megasonics in that it causes feature damage. The work presented in this  dissertation focuses on developing technologies and optimizing process parameters to  ensure damage-free cleaning.



Removal of particles from semiconductor surfaces could occur as a result of  streaming forces generated either by stable or transient cavitation. For achieving damagefree particle removal, it is critical to eliminate transient cavitation because of its extreme  conditions. In the sections to follow, more details are given with respect to the available  literature regarding the mechanisms involving particle removal and some preliminary  calculations to understand the process at megasonic frequencies.

Figure 3 shows the different stages involved in the evolution of bubbles in the  presence of a sonic field. The evolution process can be broken down into three phases,  namely, inception, activity and effects thereof. Inception refers to the process of initiating  the formation of cavities and as shown in Figure 3 depends on the solution chemistry  (viscosity, dissolved gases, impurities) and operating field parameters (frequency, power  density, duty cycle). There exists a threshold value of pressure beyond which discernible  cavitation activity is exhibited. For instance, in pure water containing no nuclei (like  dissolved gas), about 1300 atm of pressure would be required to overcome the surface  tension forces of water to initiate a bubble with a radius of 1 nm as shown from the equation  below.

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