
时间:2023-05-25 10:34:13 浏览量:0

Multilayer dielectric (MLD) diffraction gratings are essential  components for the OMEGA EP short-pulse, high-energy  laser system, so they must have both high optical-diffraction  efficiency and high laser-damage threshold. The cleanliness of  optical surfaces intended to be deployed in high-peak-power  laser systems is of paramount importance, and the fabrication  of these MLD gratings involves processes that utilize a wide  variety of both organic materials (photoresists, photoresist  solvents, and photoresist developers) and inorganic materials (metals and oxides of various cationic elements) that may  remain behind either on the surfaces or in the grooves of the  MLD structure after processing. Because a substantial number  of these materials can have significant optical absorbance, the  incomplete removal of these residues puts the MLD gratings  at an increased risk of experiencing catastrophic laser-induced  damage. Although there exists a certain amount of anecdotal  and empirical evidence as to the effectiveness of certain wet chemical cleaning processes, which appear to be effective in  removing trace residues from grating manufacturing, there does  not exist to date a truly systematic study that strives to relate the  chemical composition of contaminants introduced during the  fabrication process of “structured” optical components (such  as MLD gratings) with laser-induced damage. To this end, we  have investigated the effectiveness of a number of wet-chemical cleaning processes currently used by the semiconductor  industry for cleaning LLE-fabricated MLD gratings. The goal  of this investigation was to identify a process or processes  that were sufficiently aggressive in the removal of residual  processing contaminants but not so aggressive as to produce  physical/chemical damage to the MLD grating structure that  would reduce its high diffraction efficiency.

Hydrozone Process: Hydrozone+,4 developed as a replacement for Piranha clean, uses ozone gas dissolved in DI water.  An aqueous solution at elevated temperatures is sprayed across  a surface while dry ozone gas is admitted into the cleaning  chamber. The ozone diffuses through the thin boundary  layer of water, in which the water hydrolyzes the organic  bonds, making them susceptible to attack by O3. The elevated  water temperature maximizes the reaction rate. The reaction  by-products (CO2 and H2O) and resist fragments are carried  away in the boundary layer of water.

The Nanostrip process was evaluated at different immersion  times to see how this affected the laser-damage threshold. The  laser-damage threshold was found to decrease with increased  immersion time. This decrease in damage threshold could be  due to re-deposition of organics on the surface since this work  was performed in a static (un-agitated) lab-scale bath. Similarly.


Fig. 108.42

The species predominantly associated with the SiO2 grating  are indicated in Fig. 108.42. Samples that have high Si-related  ion peaks indicate that the surface is relatively clean since the top  grating surface is SiO2. The lack of Si-related ion peaks indicates  that there were other contaminants on the surface. As shown, the  Piranha and Hydrozone+ clean samples had a high signal for Si  and SixOy species, indicating that there is less contamination.  The MLD O2 ion-etch clean sample does not show any signal for  Si or SixOy species. This indicates that there was a layer of other  contamination on the SiO2 surface. The species associated with  the MLD O2 ion-etch clean sample are mainly metals, which could be originating from contamination within the etch and ash  chambers (shown in Fig. 108.43). Most of these metals, however,  were removed during the cleaning process.

Using 100-mm-diam MLD gratings fabricated at LLE, we  evaluated different cleaning methods designed to optimize  both optical diffraction efficiency and laser-damage threshold  of these gratings for the OMEGA EP Laser System. Pre- and  post-clean diffraction efficiency and laser-damage threshold  were measured for each of the samples. Scanning electron  microscopy (SEM) images were collected and analyzed to  understand if any visual surface contamination existed after  cleaning. Additionally, a baseline time-of-flight secondary  ion-mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) and shallow-depth profile  analysis was performed to understand the type of contamination remaining after the different process steps.

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